Chapter 6

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January 2017

Just like planned, all the girls in the cast stayed at Scarlett's rented house in Atlanta for a sleepover, and of course Willow was invited. So in attendance would be Willow, Scarlett, Elizabeth, Zoe, Karen, Danai, Pom, and Leticia. Food just arrived, drinks were being made, and music was playing. They were having such a blast bonding together. Even though they were all a part of the MCU, a lot of them hadn't worked together, and most of them hadn't heard of Willow until filming started. But they had all taken a liking to the girl who spent time with them on set.

"So Willow tell us more about your life in Paris!" Zoe said before taking a sip of her drink.

"It was a hard adjustment at first. I knew very little French so I had to take most of my free time trying to learn the language. I am now fluent though so I am very proud of myself for learning a whole new language. Lucky for me, I am very extroverted so making friends was really easy for me. And work was great. I love living in Paris."

"Any boys?" Karen asked.

"There was one serious one but things didn't end too well and I'd rather not really get into that right now. Other than that I went on a few dates and had a few hookup but things never really worked out for me." Scarlett gave Willow a sympathetic smile at this. She was one of the few people who knew about her awful relationship.

"And who's that boy that's all over your instagram?" Pom asked curiously.

"Who Tyler?" Willow couldn't help but laugh. "Oh no. He's my absolute best friend and nothing more." Pom raised her eyebrows questioningly at that. "Trust me. He's gay."

"Oh well I guess that confirms that," Leticia laughed.

"Why don't we play a little game ladies?" Scarlett exclaimed. "How about truth or dare?" They all nodded in agreement.

They decided to play a spin the bottle version so it would be random. "Okay I'll spin first," Elizabeth said. "Danai! Truth or dare?"

"Umm I'll do truth."

"What's the last lie you told?"

"Oh man. Someone from the cast wanted to hang out with me a few days ago and I told them I was busy but I actually was just home binge watching a show," Danai chuckled.

"Oh my gosh who?" Leticia asked.

"I don't want to say," Danai hid in embarrassment.

They all laughed at what she said. "Okay, okay lets move on," Zoe laughed. "I'll spin next. Pom! Truth of dare?"


"I dare you to dance for a whole minute without any music playing."

"Easy!" They all couldn't help but crack up at Pom dancing like a complete maniac in front of them. She got really into it and took her dare seriously.

"Okay my turn!" Danai said as she spun the bottle. "Willow! Truth or dare?"

"Um I'll do truth."

"Do you currently have a crush?"

"Yes," Willow giggled as her cheeks began to blush. This caused all the girls to 'ooh' at her.

"My turn!" Leticia spun the bottle, it landing on Willow again. "Willow! Truth or dare?'

"I guess I'll do dare this time."

"I dare you to call your crush and put it on speaker!" All the girls clapped for Letitia's dare. All the girls were in on the plan of trying to get her and Sebastian together. This would help them make sure she was actually interested in him before they did anything.

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