Chapter 40

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March 2021

Robert and Susan spent the next month planning Sebastian and Willow's baby shower. Willow was adamant about keeping the party small, only inviting their closest friends and family. But just because the guest list was small didn't mean the party itself was going to be small. Robert wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to spoil his oldest child and first grandchild.

The party was being held at The Downey's Hamptons mansion. The guest list included the Downey's, Sebastian's family, Tyler and Sam, and the Marvel cast. Because the party was planned so last minute, not everyone was going to be able to make it but most of them had already sent their gifts for the new baby. The only ones from the cast who were actually going to be there were Scarlett, Elizabeth, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Tom Holland, Anthony, Mark, Jeremy, Jon, Gwyneth, Don, and of course all their significant others and children.

Everyone arrived before Willow and Sebastian. They knew about the party but Robert wanted them to be fully surprised by what they prepared for them. When they arrived, Willow was brought to tears. Not only by all the people that came to show their love but for how beautiful her parents truly made their baby shower.

The boho chic theme was filled with beautiful greens, pinks, purples, oranges, and yellows. Two photo backdrops were at the two ends of the party. One with a Welcome Baby sign surrounded by balloon bouquets. The other was a beautiful flower wall framed with balloons, underneath it was a gorgeous suede green couch with lavender throw pillows. The tables were beautifully decorated with flowers and there was so much food and drinks. It was more than they could've ever dreamed of.

"Robert, Susan this is beautiful. Thank you so much for doing this for us," Sebastian said as he hugged the couple.

"It was our pleasure," Susan smiled, placing a motherly kiss on his cheek. Willow was still crying but made sure to thank her parents and tell them how much she loved them.

"Oh my god Will you look beautiful!" Scarlett said as she brought her friend into a hug.

"Yeah Will you look absolutely stunning," Elizabeth said.

"Thanks ladies. I really needed to hear that right now cause I don't feel very beautiful. I'm five months pregnant and feel like I'm the size of a house," Willow sighed.

"Oh stop it," Elizabeth chuckled.

"I'm so glad you guys are here!" Willow's mood quickly changed as she hugged two of her best friends.

"We wouldn't miss it Will," Scarlet smiled.

"Darling!" Willow turned around to find that Tom Hiddleston was behind her. He brought her into a great big hug and kissed her forehead. "You are glowing!"

"Thanks Tom. I can't believe you flew all the way from London to be here."

"Will you're like a sister to me, of course I would be here."

"Aww I love you Tom," she hugged him once more before Sebastian came over to say hi to him.

"Hey Tom! Thanks for coming! Congrats on the new show by the way. I can't wait to watch it!"

"Thanks Sebastian. Congrats to you too! The first few episodes have already been incredible! And of course congrats on the baby! I have no doubts that you two will be incredible parents," Tom smiled.

"Thanks man, that means a lot," Sebastian hugged him.

The party continued with everyone mingling and giving their congratulations to the couple. Everyone was always so happy when someone in the group had a baby but this was two of their closest friends so everyone was beyond excited.

Before opening the gifts, Robert stood up to get everyone's attention. "Hello everyone, I wanted to thank all of you for being here today. I know a lot of you travelled from far so I greatly appreciate you all for coming to celebrate my baby girl and her baby," he chuckled. "I just wanted to say how incredibly happy I am for you both. When I first got cast as Iron Man, no one was as excited for me as Willow. When I would take her to set with me, never did I imagine that it would lead to her finding the love of her life. I couldn't have dreamed of someone more perfect for her than Sebastian. So thank you for making my baby so happy. I also want to take this opportunity to thank Georgie for taking her into their family. I am so grateful for you and I am glad that I also get to call you my family. I can't wait to meet my grandchild and for all of us to go through this journey together. So here's to Sebastian, Willow, and the newest member of our family. I love you all very much."

Willow and Sebastian both approached Robert with tears running down their faces. "We love you," they both sobbed.

They were both very overwhelmed by the amounts of gift they got from everyone. They were surprised to even see gifts from people that weren't even at the party. They both didn't want people to be spending their money on them when they had plenty of their own but they were very grateful for all the love they were getting from their friends. They knew they all just wanted to spoil their future niece or nephew.

"So who are the godparents?" Anthony asked loudly.

Willow and Sebastian just looked at each other. They hadn't had that conversation yet and knew there needed to be thought put into it. "We haven't decided yet. We probably won't tell you guys until the baby is born." They both had people in mind but didn't just want to make an impulse decision.

Willow spent most of the day crying over everyone's kind words to her and Sebastian. She occasionally had small doubts that she'd be a good mother but with everyone's words of encouragement she finally started to believe she could do it. That her and Sebastian would make great parents. They already loved their baby so much and knew that once they were born that they would do anything possible to give that baby all the love and support it deserved.


Sebastian Stan posted a story

Sebastian Stan posted a story

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Willow Downey posted a story

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