Chapter 20

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December 2017

Christmas was approaching and the Downey's decided to spend it together in Atlanta. Susan, Indio, Exton, and Avri all flew out to spend the Holidays with Robert and Willow. The plan was for them to all stay until filming was completed in mid January and they would all just fly back out to New York together.

"So what are your plans for the Holidays?" Scarlett asked as she sat with Sebastian and Chris Evans.

"Going back home to Boston to be with my family," Chris said.

"Willow and Robert invited me to spend it with them since their family is flying down here," Sebastian smiled.

"Wow you're first holiday with her. That's a big deal. Things must be getting serious," Scarlett grinned.

"Yeah they are. I love her very much."

"I'm happy for you man, she's a great girl," Chris patted Sebastian's back causing his to smile.

"So what are you planning on getting her?" Scarlett asked.

"There's something she's been wanting for a long time, but that's a surprise," he grinned.

"Alright lover boy," Scarlett teased.

The days passed and it was now Christmas Eve. The Downey's along with Sebastian were watching a movie at Robert and Willow's Atlanta home. Exton and Avri were laying in between Willow and Sebastian. They had fallen asleep during the movie. Once the movie was over, Willow turned to her parents, "We're gonna go put them to sleep and then go to bed. We'll see you guys in the morning. Goodnight!" Willow and Sebastian stood up slowly to not wake up the kids. Sebastian picked up Exton while Willow picked up Avri. Sebastian helped Willow change the half asleep children into their pajamas and tuck them into bed. Willow couldn't help but smile when he placed kisses on each of her sibling's heads as he whispered goodnight to them.

They made their way to Willow's room and got ready for bed. Sebastian was already in bed when Willow walked out and laid next to Sebastian. He put his arm around her and pulled her in closer. Her hand went to his cheek and she took a moment to just admire the beautiful man laying next to her. "What?" he chuckled.

"I just love you so much," she smiled before leaning in to kiss him.

"I love you too," he smiled before connecting their lips again and deepening it. The continued to hold each other until sleep overtook them.

The next morning, they were woken up by the sounds of children screaming and jumping on their bed. "Will! Seb! Wake up! It's Christmas!" they shouted. Willow and Sebastian were pulled out of bed by the two small children and lead to the living room. They were greeted by the rest of the family, setting the table for breakfast.

"Sorry guys, we tried to tell them to let you sleep in but they insisted," Susan said.

"It's okay," Willow said still trying to wake up. "Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas," everyone replied. They sat and ate breakfast together and Willow couldn't be happier at how welcoming her family was to Sebastian. They asked him questions about his work, his family, and really showed that they wanted to get to know him better.

"Well it's time for presents!" Robert exclaimed as he stood from the table.

"Why don't you guys go get everything ready while Willow and I clear the table," Sebastian suggested.

"Thank you Sebastian, that's very considerate of you," Susan smiled before walking to the living room. Willow and Sebastian worked quickly to clear the table and wash the dishes before making their way to join the rest of the family.

Exton and Avri were given all their gifts first and opened them in record time, getting a mix of toys, books, clothes, and shoes. The adults then took turns opening their gifts until there were no gifts left under the tree. Before anyone could say anything, Sebastian stood up and silently left the room and after a minute or so came back with a large box. He sat down next to Willow and placed the box on the floor in front of her. "Merry Christmas love."

She excitedly opened the box and her hands quickly covered her mouth as tears left her eyes. "Oh my god," she said as she reached in a pulled out the small golden poodle out of the box. She held him close to her chest as she looked up to a smiling Sebastian. "I can't believe you got me a puppy! I've always wanted a dog!" she said. "This is the best gift I've ever gotten! Thank you so much!"

"Anything to see you this happy draga," he said placing a quick kiss on her lips. "So what are you going to name him?"

Willow took a few seconds to think before she started giggling. She looked to her dad, who was chuckling, already knew what she was thinking. "His name is Bucky," she smiled.

Sebastian playfully rolled his eyes, not even surprised at her choice. "Of course you would choose that," he laughed.


Sebastian Stan posted a photo

imsebastianstan she hasn't stopped crying since she laid eyes on him

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imsebastianstan she hasn't stopped crying since she laid eyes on him. Merry Christmas draga!
tagged: @willowdowney

scarlettjohansson so this was the big surprise! what did she name him?
imsebastianstan bucky 🙄


chrisevans you did good pal, she's been wanting a dog since before I met her

username he got her a dog! I'm dead!

robertdowneyjr I love my grandson but if he chews up another one of my nice throw blankets, I'm sending you a bill


Willow Downey posted a photo

willowdowney we're parents! everyone say hello to Bucky!tagged: @imsebastianstan

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willowdowney we're parents! everyone say hello to Bucky!
tagged: @imsebastianstan

elizabetholsen HE'S ADORABLE

username BUCKY

twhiddleston a new friend for Bobby!

username they're parents 😭

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