Chapter 45

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December 2021

Willow and Sebastian were going to be hosting Christmas at their house this year. The Downey's, Georgetta, Tyler, and Sam were all going to be joining them. It was Aaliyah's first Christmas so they wanted to make sure that the most important people in their lives were there to celebrate with them.

Willow woke up on Christmas morning and turned her body to wrap her arms around Sebastian, instead she was met with a cold sheet. She slowly got out of bed and walked to Aaliyah's crib that was in their room and saw that she wasn't there either. Willow assumed that she probably woke up and Sebastian took her out of the room. She went to the bathroom and did her business before walking out towards Aaliyah's nursery, where she assumed they'd be.

When Willow walked in, her heart swelled at the sight. Sebastian sat in front of Aaliyah's bassinet, the five month old staring up wide eyed at her father as he read to her. Willow leaned against the door frame as Sebastian read to his daughter. "We'll climb the highest mountaintops - hold tight and you won't fall." Sebastian moved to flip the page and finally noticed Willow was watching them and called her over.

She walked into the room and towards Sebastian, leaning down to give him a kiss. She then went to Aaliyah's bassinet, "Good morning my angel," she said as she picked her up and placed a gentle kiss on her head.

Once Willow sat on the floor with Aaliyah on her lap, Sebastian continued. "I love to share the magic of the shining skies above. And think of all the different ways that we can show our love. Like when we're touching noses, playing chase, or seeing friends. Our love is always with us, and it never, ever ends. So snuggle safely in my arms; our day is nearly done. I love you to the moon and stars, my precious little one." Sebastian smiled as he closed the book and put it down.

Willow stood up, still holding Aaliyah in her arms, and sat on Sebastian's lap. He wrapped his arms around his girls, "Merry Christmas my loves."

"Merry Christmas sweetheart," she kissed Sebastian gently and then turned to Aaliyah and pressed a kiss to her head, "And Merry Christmas to you my angel." They sat their holding each other for a few more minutes before they got up and got ready for the day ahead.


Willow Downey posted a photo

willowdowney greatest start to Christmas evertagged: @imsebastianstan

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willowdowney greatest start to Christmas ever
tagged: @imsebastianstan

tylerjones next time post a video so we can all swoon together
samneal I second this
willowdowney of course I recorded it and I will be sending it to you later

username DILF
willowdowney 😏
username Willow thirsting over Sebastian is my favorite thing

username Willow continues to feed us


Tyler and Sam had arrived early to help Willow and Sebastian prepare dinner. They spent most of the day working on cooking and baking all the dishes for their Christmas dinner.

Soon a knock sounded the door and Willow ran to open it. She was met by Georgetta, Robert, Susan, Indio, Exton, and Avri. Willow was quick to greet the family before Robert stepped back outside and pulled in two large luggage carts filled with gifts. "Oh god, please don't tell me that all those gifts are from you," Willow laughed.

"While that is definitely something I would do, no they're not all from me. You didn't really expect all our friends to not send gifts for Aaliyah, did you?" Robert chuckled. "These were all waiting at the front desk so we brought them up for you."

The boys all started to unload the gifts from the carts and set them under the tree. There were at least one hundred gifts on the carts, about seventy-five percent of them being just for Aaliyah. "Wow they really outdid themselves," Sebastian said.

"Well what do you expect. She's our first grandchild," Susan said pointing between her, Robert, and Georgetta. "Your siblings first niece and this is the first time two friends from the group have a kid together. Aaliyah is a pretty big deal."

"I guess I just didn't think of it that way," Willow chuckled.

Dinner was fantastic. Once they were all done eating and the table was cleaned up, everyone moved to the living room to enjoy dessert. They all mingled for a little while before Robert stood up and suggested they start opening gifts. They knew Aaliyah's would take the longest to get through so they decided to open her's last. They ended up starting with Exton and Avri since they were the most excited, and they got pretty much everything they had asked for. The adults all went next and got a variety of clothes, shoes, bags, and jewelry.

When it came to Aaliyah's gifts, Willow and Sebastian couldn't believe all the wonderful things she got. She got beautiful clothes, cute little shoes, toys and various books. They made sure to send a message to all their friends, thanking them for all the amazing gifts. Aaliyah's first Christmas was a success and they couldn't wait for more to come.


Sebastian Stan posted a photo

imsebastianstan Christmas with my beautiful girlstagged: @willowdowney

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imsebastianstan Christmas with my beautiful girls
tagged: @willowdowney

robertdowneyjr still can't believe how many gifts Aaliyah got
username how many did she get?
imsebastianstan two carts full. it was at least a hundred gifts on those things
willowdowney special thanks to our marvel fam 😭
username the idea of the marvel cast all spoiling Aaliyah makes me soft

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