Chapter 69

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July 2024

The next month consisted mainly of packing up their apartment, shopping for things for their new house, and planning out the new baby's nursery. Their family, Tyler, Sam, Scarlett and Colin were the only ones who were able to help them pack up their house. Most of their friends didn't live in New York so it was harder for them to just come by. A few of them did agree to fly out when they were moving in so they could help.

It was finally the day for them to move into their new home. They had a good group helping them: Robert, Susan, Tyler, Sam, Chris, Anthony, Scarlett, and Elizabeth. They hired a moving company to help them take everything to their new house but they were going to need help unpacking everything. They sent their friends their new address so that they could all meet at the new house.

When everyone arrived, Willow already had a game plan for what everyone would be doing. Their house consisted of six bedrooms (one would be an office), eight bathrooms, three living rooms, a kitchen, a dining room, laundry room, a theatre, a gym, and the backyard which had a pool and hot tub. She assigned everyone different parts of the house to work on.

"Okay guys. So mom and dad, you guys will work on the living rooms. Ty and Sam, you guys can do the kitchen and dining room. Scar and Lizzie, you can do the kid's rooms. Chris and Anthony, you guys can do the backyard. Seb and I will do the master and guest rooms. Whoever finishes first can move onto the office, bathrooms, and laundry room. We'll work on the gym later since we're gonna have Sebastian's trainer help us pick stuff out. And we still need to buy seating for the theatre so we'll work on that later." Everyone made there way over to the assigned areas and got to work.

Being five months pregnant, Willow knew that Sebastian wasn't going to let her help much so she decided to start off by going to check on everyone before going to try to help Sebastian.

She started off in the backyard with Chris and Anthony. They had already had someone come and clean the pool and work on some gardening the week before. So all they needed to do was fix the patio furniture, set up the grill, clean the bar, and organize all the pool toys. "Hey guys how's it going out here?"

"Well we just got started but it's going well," Anthony said.

"I love this space by the way. The outdoor bar is awesome," Chris said.

"Well you know we love to throw parties, especially pool parties so it was a must," Willow laughed.

Willow explained to them how she wanted everything to be set up and they got to work. Since she would be working upstairs with Sebastian they told her they'd just call her on the phone if they had any questions so that she didn't have to be going up and down the stairs.

Her parents were working on the living room. The rug, couches, and TV were already set up by the movers. They were really just working on all the decorating. Everything was going to be pretty much the same as their apartment except for a few new additions since they now had a bigger space.

"Sweetheart are you going to leave some of Lia's toys down here?" Susan asked.

"Yeah but they're all packed up with the stuff in her room so I'll bring them down later. Just leave a space for the basket we got for them. Same for Bucky's toys."

"Are you going to have a basinet down here too?" Robert asked.

"Yeah we are but we'll put it up a little later but I guess leave some space for that too."

There wasn't much to do in the dining room, all that really needed to be done was to put up some of the decorations and put away the 'fancy' dinnerware in the cabinet. The kitchen is where the real hard work was. They had to set up all the appliances, organize the refrigerator, and fill all the cabinets.

"Do you have a specific way you want us to organize the fridge and cabinets?" Tyler asked.

"Well I've seen how yours is at your apartment and I assume Sam did that," she said looking over at Sam, "So Sam, I trust you that you'll make it perfect. As long as all my baking stuff is in one place, I don't really care how the rest is."

"Don't worry Will, I already have an idea of how to do it," Sam smiled.

Willow finally made her way upstairs to where the majority of the bedrooms were. These were probably going to be the rooms that took the longest to put together. Aaliyah was now three years old so they had gotten her a new bed along with some new furniture since she didn't need the same things she did as a baby. For the nursery, they were going to keep a few of Aaliyah's things to put in the baby's new room but there was also a few new additions so that the rooms didn't look exactly the same. Aaliyah also had a ton of toys, books, clothes, shoes, and accessories from their friends and family to unpack.

"How's it going in here?" Willow asked.

"Lia has an endless amount of clothes!" Scarlett joked.

"Well that's all thanks to you guys," Willow chuckled. "Sebastian and I have barely bought her anything since all of you bring her new things every time you guys come visit."

"She deserves all the gifts in the world!" Elizabeth exclaimed.

Willow helped them unpacked some of her clothes as they continued chatting for a while. They did say they'd to hold off on putting together the bed and crib since Sebastian was using the tools to put the others beds together.

Sebastian had already finished putting together their bed and rearranging the dressers so all that was really left was making the bed, putting up decorations, their bathroom, and closet.

"Scar and Lizzie need the tools to put the bed and crib together," Willow said.

"Do they need help doing it?" Sebastian asked.

"No they said they can do it so they just need the tools."

"Alright I'll take them over right now," he said as he started to collect all the tools from the floor.

"Anything I can help with in here?" she asked hopefully.

"Well I already did most of the harder things so maybe you can work on our closet and I'll work on the bathroom?"

Sebastian finished fairly quickly in the bathroom, only really having to put up their towels, some decorations, and to set out all their hair and skin care supplies. Once he finished he went into the closet to help Willow. They had a lot of clothes, shoes, and accessories so this room would take them a while to fix up. They started off with Sebastian's things since he had less than Willow did. His things took up about a third of the closet. Willow had an endless amount of clothes, shoes, and purses but they managed to fit all of it in the closet. Her favorite part of their closet was the vanity that stored all her makeup. It was the perfect spot for her to get ready for the day.

Chris and Anthony were the first ones done. They went to work on the laundry room first which didn't take long since all they needed to do was make it look nice with all the containers Willow insisted they needed to make it look cute. Next they moved on to the bathrooms; there was two downstairs and there were five upstairs, Willow and Sebastian took care of the one in their room.

The next ones done were Robert and Susan so they moved on to the office. There was one guest room downstairs so that they were turning into an office. Willow and Sebastian liked to work together when they were home so they each had a desk on either side of the room. Setting up their desks didn't take long, but they did have a huge bookshelf lined wall and boxes and boxes of books to go through so organizing it was going to take a long time.

The rooms that took the longest were all the bedrooms, so when everyone downstairs was done they all went up to help. It was a very long tiring day but they got everything done. Willow and Sebastian were incredibly thankful for their friends and couldn't stop thanking them for all their help. They were absolutely blown away by all the hard work they did. Their new house was amazing and they couldn't wait until the new member of their family arrived to make it perfect.


A/N: What I imagine their new house might look like.

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