Chapter 74

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January 2025

Athena was now two months old. None of Willow and Sebastian's friends had really met her. The only ones were Tyler and Sam since they came to their house to see her on her first day home and they of course spent Christmas with their family. Tom and Elizabeth had been the ones most wanting to come visit, they hadn't had the chance to meet their goddaughter yet. So Willow and Sebastian had planned for them to come stay with them for the weekend, along with Scarlett and Anthony so that they could visit their goddaughter as well.

Scarlett and Elizabeth were the first ones to arrive, both of them flying together from Los Angeles to New York. Willow ran to the door when she heard the door bell. "Babes! I've missed you girls so much!"

"So have we!"

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm good. Just tired."

"Well you look amazing!"

"I can't even tell you had a baby!"

They eventually went inside and Willow led them to where Sebastian sat with two girls in the living room. "Lia look who's here!" Willow said causing Aaliyah to turn around.

"Auntie Scar! Auntie Lizzie!" she said running to the two ladies who engulfed her in a group hug.

"Hi sweetie," Scarlett smiles.

"Hi Lia!" Elizabeth exclaimed.

While they were greeting Aaliyah, Sebastian picked up Athena from her bassinet and made his way towards them. As he got closer, all eyes were on him and the little girl he held in his arms. "Lizzie would you like to hold your goddaughter?" All Elizabeth could do was nod her head as tears started to form in her eyes.

Sebastian passed her the small baby and Elizabeth nearly melted at how adorable she was. "Oh my goodness," she whispered. "Hi Athena, I'm your godmother," she smiled. She looked up at Willow, Sebastian, and Scarlett who was carrying Aaliyah and they were all smiling at the scene. "She's perfect."

They were broken out of their daze by a knock on the door. "That must be Tom," Willow said.

"I got it," Sebastian said making his way towards the door. He walked back in with Tom trailing behind him.

When Tom walked into the living room he payed no attention to anyone else, his eyes going immediately to the little girl in Elizabeth's arms. His hand went to his mouth, covering his shocked face. "C-can um can I hold her?" he asked timidly. Willow nodded happily as she stood up and grabbed Athena from Elizabeth and passed her to him. Tears immediately fell from his eyes, falling absolutely in love with the little girl. He couldn't believe that he was this little girl's godfather. "She is beautiful." He looked up at Willow, who was fully crying, and Sebastian who had the sweetest smile on his face. "Thank you guys. I'll be here for her no matter what," he continued to hold her for a few more minutes until he felt a small tap on his leg. He looked down at a frowning Aaliyah who looked like she was on the verge of tears. He carefully handed Athena back to Elizabeth and crouched down to meet Aaliyah.

"You didn't say hi to me Uncle Tom," she said in between the small sobs that left her lips.

He quickly pulled her into a hug, "Oh my darling I am so sorry. I was just so excited to meet your sister but now you have all my attention," he smiled trying to cheer her up. He pulled apart from her and wiped the tears from her eyes. "I love you so much Lia, don't forget that."

"I love you too Uncle Tom," she sniffled before hugging him again. He stood up with her still in his arms and picked her up. He walked her to the couch and everyone smiled at how adorable the two were together. He sat down and she settled on his lap, curled into his chest. They put on a movie for her to watch as they all caught up.

About an hour into the movie, someone knocked on the door. Sebastian stood up to answer and soon a loud booming voice filled the room. "Where is my goddaughter?!"

Aaliyah shot up out of Tom's arms and ran to the man who walked into the living room. "Uncle Anthony!" she shouted as she jumped into his arms.

"Lia! I've missed you!"

"I missed you!" He set her down on her feet and she pulled him to the couch and had him sit next to Tom. She squeezed herself in between the two men and smiled happily.

They all got comfortable on the couch and finished the movie that was playing. Food was soon delivered and they all sat in the dining room for dinner. "Thank you guys so much for coming and spending time with us and the girls this weekend," Sebastian smiled.

"Thank you for making us the godparents to these two beautiful girls," Scarlett said.

"It is truly an honor," Tom said.

"Yeah thanks for trusting us so much," Elizabeth said.

"We promise to always be there," Anthony said.

"We love you all very much and you guys were all the perfect choice for us," Willow smiled. "Okay enough sappiness before I start crying," she giggled. They continued to talk through dinner and made plans for what they would do during the weekend. Most of the weekend was spent just taking Aaliyah to all her favorite places and playing with her at the house. They all were so good with Aaliyah and Athena, they obviously all loved them very much. It was clear that Willow and Sebastian made the right choice in choosing them.

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