Chapter 31

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April 2019

As soon as Sebastian finished filming The Devil All the Time, he flew out to Los Angeles where he met up with the Downey's for the Avengers: Endgame premiere. Even though Willow was there as Sebastian's date, it was her father's last movie and they both wanted to make sure he was being celebrated. Instead of staying at a hotel, they rented a large house for all the Downey's and Sebastian to stay at together. After hours of getting ready, the seven of them, including Susan, Indio, Exton, and Avri, arrived in a limo at the Los Angeles Convention Center. Cheers and screams filled their ears as they began getting out of their car. Sebastian and Willow got out first, earning loud screams from the fans, followed by Robert and Susan, making the screams get even louder. While the Avengers: Infinity War premiere was big, nothing compared to this. The crowd was filled with excited and devoted fans that were so ready to see all of their favorite actors. Everyone knew this was Robert and Chris' last MCU movie so everyone was there to celebrate them.

The 'purple carpet' wasn't much different than most. Interviews, paparazzi, and fans all screaming to get the star's attention. At the last Avengers premiere, Willow was mainly asked questions about her relationship with Sebastian. This time, most questions were about her dad. "Willow what are your thoughts about this being your dad's last MCU movie?"

"Well I am incredibly proud of all the work he has done on these movies. I was 14 years old when he first got cast and I'm now 26 so I have really been able to see him grow as an actor. It's sad to know that he won't be a in these incredible movies anymore but he has been such a big part of them and he will always be remembered for his role in them. These movies have changed not only my family's life but the fans too and it's because of my dad. I know he is very excited to see where the future of the MCU will go and the legacy his character will leave behind."

After doing a few interviews together, Sebastian and Willow were separated so that she can go with her dad to do a few more. They had planned to just meet back in the theatre once they were done. Once they met up, they went to find their friends. "Chris!" Willow screamed when she saw Chris Evans already walking towards them. After the couple hugged him, Willow grabbed his hand, "Chris, I just want to tell you how proud I am of you. I've known you for eight years now and it has been a privilege to see you grow as an actor. Congrats on the movie and I look forward to seeing all the phenomenal roles you will take in the future. You're like a brother to me Chris and I love you so much."

Chris couldn't help the tears that rimmed his eyes, "Thanks Will, that truly means a lot. I love you too."

"Just because we're not doing these movies together anymore doesn't mean we don't want to see you around!" Sebastian joked.

"Of course not! I expect an invite to stay at your house soon," Chris smirked.

"Our door is always open for you," Willow smiled.

After greeting all their friends, they eventually made their way inside to finally watch the movie. It was beyond words. Everyone was fantastic and there was not a dry eye in the theatre. Willow was so proud of everyone, especially her dad. His final scene was heartbreaking and beautiful. After the movie ended, the whole cast was invited on stage and a couple of them shared a few words.

Once he was off the stage, Willow pulled Robert aside, "I'm so proud of you dad. Your final scene couldn't have been better. It was the perfect send off for you. I love you."

"Thanks Will. I wouldn't have been able to do any of this without you. I love you," he said as he pulled her into a tight hug and kissed her cheek. "Now let's go party!"

They really went all out for this celebration and it was well deserved. They all knew this was the last time they would all be together for a while, since no one really knew when the next Avengers movie would be. They all had side projects for Marvel they were working on but nothing where they'd all be together. It was already hard getting everyone together and now it would be even harder. They all were enjoying this time together, not knowing when this would happen again.

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