Chapter 50 - 5 years later. [Part 2.] **FINALE**

Start from the beginning

"Do you want to see what you missed out on?" Adrianne asked.

"Sure." Her mother nodded in a saddened way.

Adrianne walked over to Jacob and his family, and excused herself as she grabbed the kids. Adrianne walked back over to her mother, and showed them her greatest gifts. Adrianne's mother smiled as she kneeled down to them, and said "Hi".

"What's their names?" Her mother asked.

"The oldest one is Lilyana, the second oldest is Gia, and my newest baby's name is Matthew." Adrianne growled. "Girls, this is my mother."

"Is this grandma?" Lilyana cheered.

"No, don't call her grandm-"

"Gaamaaaa! Gaaaama!" Gia cheered as she and Lilyana circled around their grandmother.

"Okay girls. It's time to go." Lilyana said as she grabbed their hands, and prepared to walk away.

"Why don't you want them to call me grandma?" Adrianne's mother asked in a hurt tone.

"You know why, mother. Don't play dumb." Adrianne snarled in a silent tone as she looked down at her mother, and started walking away. "I don't ever want to see you again."

"Wait, where's my sister?" Jaelyn's brother shouted as he stood up.

"And where's my son?" Craig's father barked.

Along with a great moment, came a saddened one. All of these families waiting to see their loved ones, were disappointed to find out that only 7 out of the 459 people in each of the planes were here. So many families were grieving and demanding that the helicopters go back out there and look some more. However, we were the proof. And even worse, is that there weren't even that many people on the island when we arrived, which suggested that the rest of those people died a long time ago.

"And that's how we survived Flight 89." I said as my speech cause the room to flood with an enormous amount of clapping.

I stepped off of the stage, and stood next to my collegues who survived with me on that journey. This banquet was roughly 2 days after we arrived back home. We were at the annual "welcome back" banquet for our ceremony. Even Caden was there with us, and I stood over next to Jacob, Adrianne, Nina, Rayan, Caden, and Janyra. Khamil, was cheering us on in the crowd as well. All of us were suited and dressed up, and this was the best that we'd looked in our whole entire lives. I had on a dark red dress with my hair curled, Nina had her long black hair in a clean and nice sock bun with a dark blue fitted dress, Rayan had on a dark blue suit with his hair brushed back and braided to the back, Caden had on a gray suit with his hair nice and cut, Janyra had on a short brown dress that matched her short and pretty hazel hair, and Adrianne had on a long black dress, with her backlength brown hair flat ironed down her back. Her black dress matched Jacob's black suit, and he had all of his curly hair slicked, smoothed, and brushed back.

Jacob stepped on the podium, and was rewarded with a large round of applause as he prepared to give the final speech, which would close the book to this long journey.

"Hello! I would like to dedicate this speech to my friends." Jacob smiled as he looked at us. "Adrianne, Rayan, Sierra, Janyra, and Nina, I love you all. We've been through so much together. We've fought through diseases, blizzards, animals, scars, and more just for our survival. If I were to do this with anyone, I wouldn't hesitate to do it with you guys. This trip only proves that we can get through any and everything together. Don't ever let anyone tell y'all can't do something cause if they do, tell them that you stayed on an island without any assistance for 5 years. 12 years for me and you, Rayan. I love you all, and that's all I wanted to tell you guys. Caden, I also wanted to thank you again for saving us. You are a true and brave hero. RIP to Cierra as well, and I know that she's doing good in heaven. We will take good care of CJ for her. Lets eat!"

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