"SO, is that the name you choose?" She asked, waiting.

"No, I think it's a middle name." I sigh. Silas, I wouldn't like to keep calling my son that. Lauren finally said something, after sipping from her drink.

"What about Lucifer? Or something like that .. Lucas..Luca..or actually..Blade?Lazarus?Ace? Those are different." She motioned towards the book, pointing to the back of it. I turned the book around. Unique Names for Your Baby Boy it read. I pursed my lips, glancing down the list until one popped up.


"Ryan." I said, breathless after. Ryan, it was different but at the same time my child wouldn't get bullied, or would hate me for it.

"I love it!" Lucy said, snatching the book from my hands.

"Irish Gaelic, means little king." She read aloud, handing me back the book. Ryan, I loved it.

"I think that's the one." I said quietly, smoothing my hand over my grown belly. Ryan.

After gathering my things, i said good bye to the girls. They promised they would be over soon, so I just smiled. Having Harry gone would suck, absolutely. Once I got home, I noticed the air smelt extremely good, like fresh bread and something I can't quite describe.

"Harry?" I said, setting my coat on the hanger.

"Shoot, you're home early." I heard him mutter from the kitchen. My eyebrows scrunched up, and I followed the smell to the kitchen, and was amazed at what I saw.

On our dining table, two plates full of spaghetti lied, fresh steam rising from them. Two candles were in the middle, and the lights were set low. Harry saw me from the kitchen as he took something out from the oven, two loaves of white bread resting on them.

"H-Harry.." I said, lost for words. It might not be described well from me, but it looked so elegant. The candles flickered against the slight darkness, illuminating our dinner. Harry did this, for me. He walked up to me, wearing his classic black jeans and a white dress shirt. He quickly entangled me into one of his comfortable hugs, loving hugs. I smiled against him, rising on my tip toes and kissing him lightly. I don't deserve Harry, I don't. Harry could have any girl, yet he chooses me.

"I would absolutely love to carry this on," He began, unlocking his lips from mine. ".. but we have a dinner to attend." He chuckled, kissing my forehead. I blushed, and looked at my clothes.

"I'm not dressed for a dinner." I answered simply, gesturing to Harry's clothes.

"You look amazing, as always." He said, twirling me around in his arms. I grinned, and Harry put his hands on the small of my back. Every time he touched me, a tingle reached it's way onto me.

"Here you go," He said, a cheeky grin on his face as he pulled out my chair for me, pushing me in.

"You're such a gentleman." I replied, licking my lips at the meal before us.

"I try." He laughed, sitting down. We started our dinner, which turned out to be really delicious. I scarfed down more than my usual, probably because of the baby. Or maybe because I missed lunch. Harry made a joke towards it, and I just shook my head at him.

Once we finished, Harry took mine and his plates to the dish washer. I loved Harry, he was being so kind and acting like a real gentleman. That was until he through a meatball at me.

"What the-" I began, but a spaghetti noodle was thrown at me again. Harry snickered, and I laughed throwing some spaghetti at him as well, which evidently turned into a food fight. I dodged many of Harry's, but he poorly dodged them. Now how white shirt was covered in food.

"Well, look at me." He said, chuckling. He smirked at me, pulling me into a bear hug. I yelled, laughing afterwards as I looked at the stains on my shirt.

"Now we both look alike." He continued, kissing me passionately. As I've said before, all of this..it's just so perfect. Being with Harry is like being in heaven, only better. I know I'm being selfish maybe, but I never want to leave him. This fairy tale has really gotten to me.

I pulled back, and Harry picked me up bridal style as I giggled. He pressed his forehead to mine, looking into my eyes.

"Sophia Jane Walters, I love you more than anything. More than, er, cats." He confessed, which earned him another laugh from me.

"Harry Edward Styles, I love you more than a cat loves you." His face showed playful shock, and he chuckled afterwards.

"Kitten?" He asked after a few seconds, kissing me on my nose.

"Handsome?" I said quietly, looking into his emerald eyes.

"Did I make good spaghetti?" He said, a serious look on his face. I just nodded, smiling as my heart raced a thousand a second. He started to walk upstairs, kissing me every now and then.

"Where are we going?" I asked, while he made his way up the stairs. He raised an eyebrow, giving me a funny expression.

"Hm, the love dungeon." He answered, a serious look on his face. I blushed deeply, but he just kissed my cheeks before entering our room.


The sheets were cold when I woke up, my eyes hazily looking around. Harry was no where to be seen, and a wave of sadness washed onto me. He left already.

A note lied in his half of the bed, and I picked it up reading every word.


I hate leaving you like this, but I didn't want to wake your peaceful state. You look adorable when you sleep. My flight was 6:30, and knowing you it's probably 7 or 8 now. No words can ever express how much I hate leaving you period, or how much I love you. I left some pancakes downstairs, because I know their your favorite. Don't fret while I'm gone, Liam will show up around 10, he'll be watching you. God, I hate leaving you. I'll phone every. day. I promise. Not even management could make me not call you. When I call, tell me everything. What you do everyday, what happens, and if the baby kicks. Tell me what you wear, too. I will absolutely promise to make up for all of this when I get back. I solemnly swear, I love you.


 This is dedicated to @curlyhazza! She has absolutely amazing skill in writing, especially with her book "A Bit of Love and Hate" ! It's a Harry Styles lovestory, and I absolutely adore it :) Please, check it out! And again, thank you to everyone who has voted and read, and added this story to their library! You all are the reason I continue to write these stories.



Unexpected // Harryحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن