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Recap - Revealation of truth by aryaman and Nandhini decided to leave manik..


Nandhini and aryaman decided to move out of the room when they stood shocked seeing the person infront of them.

Nandhini " appa"

She whispered to herself and the next moment her legs dragged their  way towards him. She ran towards him and hugged him, cried her heart out. She missed him, she missed her Appa so much.

Raman also hugged her dearly and let her cry, that's the only way to lessen her pain now. He was afraid of this, he was afraid to see her in this condition when she said Manik loves Nandhini.. Raman already knows that malhotra misunderstood him in that whole scenario,but never in his dreams he thought that malhotra will seek revenge this way. He was scared this might happen but prayed that it shouldnt, but it did happen. He consoled nandhini and moved forward. He gave her hand to aryaman and stood infront of manik.

Manik had lowered his head down and tears were rolling his cheeks too. He is responsible for her this condition, he felt ashamed of himself. He loved her ,at the same time he did injustice to her. He was expecting a slap, or may be Raman will punch him to death but the thing happened shocked him and he was more in guilt now.

Raman hugged him and patted his back " U r just the way ur brother said about u "

Manik looked shocked at him and looked at him with his teary eyes.

Manik " Bhai ? "

Raman " he is like a son to me Manik. We spend quite a less time but he become so close to me. He is like aryaman to me, the day he went away from us, I was also broken like all of u.."

Manik " I m sorry, I know sry cant be enough "

Raman " sorry for what Manik, for treating my daughter as a slave, or thinking that I killed my son, or using ur love as a bit to seek my revenge ,what for "

Manik " I m sorry, I m just too collapsed, I didn't know the bond u share with my brother, I didn't wanted to do this to nandhini, trust me it did hurt me too "

Raman " I know, I have seen love in ur eyes for her. That's the reason I didn't stop this marraige when she choosed u. I trusted u with my daughter but u broke it "

Manik couldn't frame any words, the more he stand there , he wanted to die. Yes he wanted to die for the things he did to his love. He doesn't deserve to live.

Raman " I know u were bounded to do that, but couldn't u just confront me once Manik,  I would have told u everything. This  wouldn't have gone this far, I am so angry and hurt by ur actions Manik, if I am just Raman Murthy, father of nandhini Murthy, I would have just killed u. But I m standing here a father figure to my Viven, he loved his brother so much, he trusted him alot, he wanted to see his brother achieve everything, he wanted me to guide him, he wanted me to accept this manik malhotra as my son. For all these reasons, I m quiet, standing calm infront of u ,Did u know I was ready to give my Nandhini hand to u, me and ur brother talked about it,  I was so happy that she is gng to be urs, the man with passion and skills, hard working, endearing to me ,but suddenly everything happened and I was framed as a culprit. I tried contacting ur family after that but u all refused to meet me. I was shocked to see u with Nandhini, but never for once I thought that was for revenge, u love her manik, u do I know "

Manik just fell on his knees and held his legs " I m sorry sir, I m really sry, I know my sry wont change the deeds I did, I can't face u, I can't face nandhini..i m sorry sir, pls forgive me, I disappointed  nandhini, I disappointed u,  I disappointed my brother. I m a sin, I m ashamed of myself. Pls forgive me sir "

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