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Recap - Nandhi along with muyat reached Perth, they met yash n rushed to hospital to see Manik.


" Mrs.Malhotra, is that you? " a voice boomed with question from behind. The trio along with yash turned to see the person.

They don't know him, Nandhini moved forward and the person step towards nandhini

" Good mrng Mrs. Malhotra " He wished

" Its Nandhini,  may I know who you are?"

The person chuckled at her way of correction, well he expected this though.

" I m Dr. Abhimanyu Thakar, I m handling Mr. Malhotra case " He introduced himself and they nodded..

" How is he now " Murat questioned him

Abhi " Mrs. Murat can u take our champ to the park nearby, Chris will guide you "

Hayat looked at Murat and he nodded his head. She picked yash n moved outside..

Murat " how did u know us doctor "

Abhi " I know each and everyone of ur family,  I m not just a doctor to Manik, he is my friend too. He already discussed about u all to me, hmm he kind of informed me to handover yash to you if something happen to him "

Murat " Dr. Abhi, What is wrong with him, I need to know everything about him "

Abhi " I will tell u everything Mr. Murat, u can call me abhi,  let's move to the cabin "

The trio moved to his cabin and Abhi took Manik records. Nandhini was silent and Murat was eager to know about Manik.

Abhi " Murat,  I won't lie, to be very honest, manik is in a very critical condition. He left the treatment in between and now we r trying our best to pull him back "

Murat " what happened to him "

Abhi " He has a subdural hematoma, it's basically a traumatic brain injury. Sometime it would be acute and severe immediately and sometimes the patient doesn't know that he has this condition for a period of time. In Manik case, it's the second one. He didn't know this for a while till he was admitted in our hospital that day. Nandhini,  I hope u remember when ur father brought him to the hospital bcoz he went unconscious. "

Nandhini nodded and he continued " when we found the condition it was pretty late but we started the treatment immediately. The initials days were tough for us, bcoz this condition get worse when the intracranial blood pressure increase, and Manik always think about Nandhini and blame himself, we tried to make him understand that it's not good for his health but he didn't understand"

Murat " What is the main cause of this condition, as far as I know he didn't met with any accident then how come this happened "

Abhi " Nandhini, do u remember any incident in which Manik was injured  and had a blow on his head ? "

Nandhini " No I don't remember "

Murat " Yes, when he was in London nothing like that happened "

Abhi " okay so let me tell u then. It happened before he came to London. When he came to know about you being Mr. Raman Murthy daughter, he was shattered, he was not okay with the fact that his mother wants him to do such thing with you. He know it's not fair but yet he decided to do. A week before, he was leaving for London, he was drunk thinking about you and was doing rash driving. His car hit the tree on highway and by God grace nothing happened to him. He was admitted in the hospital and the doctors adviced him to take rest. But he didn't listen to them and wantedly got discharged. He had headache few times but he thought that was impact of blow and took pain killers. He was not thinking straight, and after meeting you he didnt concentrate on his health "

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