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Recap - Manik and nandhini moments in malhotra mansion


Nandhini and Chris reached Yash school and she moved towards the head master cabin. She knocked the door and Mr. Steve, who is the head master of the school stood up and welcomed her.

Steve " Welcome Mrs Malhotra "

Nandhini "Thank you Mr. Steve, I m glad  that u know me "

Steve "ofc we know Mam, Mr Malhotra is one of the trustee of the school and he always mentioned about you when it comes to yash Malhotra and you are the second trustee of the school in the absence of Mr. Malhotra."

Nandhini " oh that's a new info to me, thank you. Since u already know me, I wanted to know about my son Yash Malhotra and I wanted to see his all teachers. I hope you won't mind it "

Steve " Ofc Mrs. Malhotra, I will arrange. "

He called someone and asked them to bring yash and pass the word to the teachers as well.

Evryone came, the moment yash saw Nandhini, he ran to her and hugged her. She picked him up and kissed his face.
The teachers were looking at her confused, they couldn't recognize her.

Nandhini " how is my boy "

Yash " All good mumma "

" Mumma" word was a blown up for the teachers there. They weren't expecting Mrs.Malhotra here,  everyone taught she left him and no longer lives with him, but here she is standing infront of them.

Nandhini " Good afternoon everyone, I m Mrs. Nandhini Manik Malhotra "

" Pleasure to meet u mam " one of the teacher said and she passed a smile

Nandhini " Thank you, please take ur seats. since u all have been taking care of my son and other children in this school, I want have a conversation with you being a trustee of this school. Let's start with my naughty boy, how is he at school ?"

Yash pouted at her enquiry abt him and snuggled into her arms.

But the teachers gave a positive reply about him. One was extremely sweet and one was too wierd. She taunted him indirectly infront of his mother.

Mrs. Lina, 29 yrs, Class teacher for yash, she is a very mature and sweet person. Every student like her so much ,she is very positive.

Mrs. Martin, 33 yrs old,  a cunning person, she is a money minded person who just know to seduce man and take advantage of it. She even tried seducing manik,  but we know how he is , yash hate her so much. She is the one who supported that other person, who was talking shit against yash.

Yash glared at Mrs. Martin but passed a smile at Mrs. Lina. Nandhu noticed this and nudged him.

Yash looked at her and whispered " That lady is a witch, she always speaks nice to dada and be rude to me. She always says that u don't love me, that's y u left me n all. She supported the guy who said  shit abt me "

Nandhu knows this incident, she glared at Mrs. Martin, ' How dare she hit on my husband ' she smirked evilly.

Nandhu " Mrs. Martin, I heard u want to know abt my whereabouts,  u said I don't want to be with my husband, isnt it? "

Mrs. Martin was gulping hard.

Mrs. Martin " I m sorry Mrs. Malhotra, I didn't mean that, I just asked where were you since yash was telling tat u don't leave wit them "

Nandhini " You r here to teach them good manners and to make them a responsible citizen of the country. U r not here to ask anything that would make them uncomfortable. And u don't have any rights to comment on our personal life. Me and Manik are together forever, u better stay away from my husband, I have my eyes on u, do u understand that"

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