Chapter 64 (last chapter)

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"I now present you Mr. and Mr. Tanner" the man announces as the people in the crowd cheer for us. I smile wide basically bouncing out of my suit. "You may kiss your husband" he quickly adds and I'm pulled into a passionate kiss by the man of my dreams. The crowd erupts into even more cheers and I smile into the kiss before finally pulling away.

We were now 23 and well... married! My name had officially been changed. I wasn't Darcy Aspern and I wasn't Darcy Moyer. I am officially Dean Tanner. Some told us it was too soon, but we had gone through so much shit together neither of us cared. Dated for 4 years, engaged for a little less than one. Now... now we're married. Bound for life. I kiss him again so happy it was true.

He takes my hand and we walk down the steps of our outdoor ceremony where we are quickly bombarded by friends and family. I was proud of myself. I wasn't living alone in an aprtment.

Lloyd and I had just moved into an actual house together last year. We had been in apartment for a but, but I wasn't alone! I managed to get a job helping Morgan at the foster care company and Lloyd is the new and very much improved football coach.

I got the dog I wanted. She's a border collie, a cute fluffy dog. We named her bear. "D! D!" I look around hearing my siblings and I smile seeing the now six year old twins run over to me.

Squatting down I put my arms out. "Hi guys!" I smile seeing their cute little outfits. "Our ring bearer and our flower girl" I chuckle pinching Marie's cheek. She giggles her curly blonde hair now past her shoulders. Zackery had his cut short but besides that you could still hardly tell them apart. "Where's our other flower girl!? Did you leave Remy?!" I ask looking around for our other sister.

"Oh... I be back!" Marie yells and hurries away, coming back with a stumbling 3 year old. "D!" She yells giving me a toothy grin. I smile and kiss her head. "My favorite siblings" I coo looking between them all.

Remy had blond hair as well, curly like the rest of the family. Her eyes were all dads. "There's all my children!" Mom yells and smushes me in a hug, getting jumped by her many smaller children.

"You look stunning- just like I knew you would" mom hums looking me over some more. "So proud of your many choices that led you up to this" dad adds coming out of nowhere. I hug him as mom picks up Remy, the three year old overwhelmed by all the people. She was smiley just like her parents but was more shy like dad.

"We'll talk to you more later, but we know your friends want to see you" mom gets motions to  my friends waiting behind her. "Zackery, Marie! Let's give your brother some room" dad calls for the twins who wave to me and follow their emotional mother and chuckling father away.

An arm goes around my waist and I smile as we are bombarded by our friends. "You did it!" "The first people in the group to get married!" Leo and Jules shouts at us as Lloyd and I are hugged by them all.
"You all did so good!" I cheer to the bridesmaids and best man. Jules and Taylor wore knee length gray dresses and Leo and Ivana wore gray suits. Both looking dashing.

"Don't compliment us this is your day!" Ivana lectures me, of course. Soon after I'm getting my hair messed up from behind. I turned to find Cameron my favorite doctor and I chuckle getting  a hug from him and a quick congratulations before he leaves us be.

"So... you can finally tell us! Where's the honeymoon!" Taylor was dying to know. I looked to Lloyd who smiled and rubbed a hand over my shoulder. "Does Taylor really deserve to know. The trip we have been saving up for?" I ask Lloyd, who rolls his eyes and looks her over.

"Pleaseeeeee!" She whines making my husband chuckle. "We're going to Australia for two weeks. Taking Bear with us so don't you dare try taking her Leo" Lloyd looks over at him and he huffs leaning against Ivana who was sufficiently taller than him with her heels.

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