Chapter 59

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I couldn't stop how excited I was, as we drove by more and more houses getting closer to ours. My home. "Did they tell you when Lloyd is getting out?" I ask looking forward at my parents in front of me.

"They are thinking in a week or so. His walking is fine, but they want to focus on speech some more. He's going to be going to therapy for a while- you best not give up on him" Minnie looks back at me and I nodded. "Of course now. He means so much to me" I smile a little embarrassed.

Brendon chuckles before flipping the blinker. "Here we are!" He cheers. "Ome! Ome!" "D! Ook! Ook" both start to yell, pointing at the house.

"Is that home?" I ask them and they both start to cheer. As soon as he puts the car in park he's turning it off. Both parents hurry to get out. They had made a trip this morning to get my stuff and had already unpacked it for me.

Minnie opened the side door and helped me out. I stood and waited as she started to unbuckle the toddlers. Once both were out they stood and held onto the seats in front of them.

"Don't you want to lay down for nap time?" She asked reaching for them. "Pway!?" Marie cried. Mom nodded scooping the girl up. "Dean is also tired he wants to nap before we play" she fibs trying to get the kids to sleep, but in all honesty I wanted to sleep as well.

"Me?" Zack asked putting his hands up which led to him falling to his knees. Mom moved Marie to her side and grabbed the other toddler as I closed the door.

Dad came over and took a toddler before looking at me. "Are you okay?" He asked me and I nodded. We slowly made our way into the house and Marie whined. Zack giggled playing with Brendon's shirt.

I had to walk slow my knees buckling every once in a while causing me to limp for a second. "Sweetie- let one of us help you" mom comes back over rubbing my back as I take a minute to myself.

"I'm okay- just tired" I admit and she nods. "Stop!" Marie tells Minnie and she gives her a look. "Sweepy!?" she asked her mom while Minnie nodded.  "Dean is sleepy as well" she tells her daughter as dad unlocks the door.

We all struggle in the house as Marie's eyes on me the whole time. "Sweep- wid me and ack!" She cheers throwing her arms up. "You want me to nap with you and Zack?" I ask. She nods reaching for me.

"Can I?" I ask looking at our parents who nod. "Why don't we all lay down- have a chill little movie time?" Dad suggests. I give in immediately. I'd never had family time like this and I would never turn it down. Who cares if I'm almost technically an adult now.

Our parents kept the kids because I couldn't walk with that much weight and I followed them to their room. Brendon and Minnie gently toss their kids on the bed receiving giggles. Zack rolls onto his stomach exhausted and I smile trying to lift myself onto the bed.

Dad hurries over and helps me up making me sigh. He pulls my shoes off and puts them by the door as well his own. Minnie does the same with her and the twins. The curtains get closed and I shift to the middle of the bed Zack crawling over and laying on my chest where he cuddles up.

"I ove oo" he giggle. Smiling, I rub his back kissing his blond curls. "I love you too Zack!" I hum and this gets Marie's attention. "Ove me!?" She asks standing up and holding my face to keep herself up. She kisses my cheek and smiles a toothy smile waiting for my answer. Her curls falling over her face.

"Of course I love you too" I explain and she nods letting me kiss her cheek as well. Flopping down she yawns and curls up into my side. I put an arm around her and continue to rub Zack's back. The boy was almost already passed out on me his head on my chest and his butt in the air which seemed to be a comfortable toddler position between both Marie and Zack. They slept like that all the time.

When I looked back up Minnie was either recording or taking pictures gushing over us. "That's going on the family facebook page!" She continues to coo. "I'm going on the facebook page?" I ask and she nods. "Gotta show my stuck up family that I'm fine without them" she smirks getting in bed.

With her help we pull the blanket out from under me and cover all of us up. Brendon got in next to Minnie and she smiled turning into him.

He turned the TV on and we start to go through movies for us to watch. "Dean. Have you seen Grown Ups?" He asked me and I shook my head no. "That's inappropriate- what about the twins?" Mom whispered.

He just shrugged. "Those two are passed out and Dean is already stuck watching enough cartoons" he vouches for me as I nod in agreement. She sighs but nods. "If they wake up and start to actually pay any attention to the movie we're changing it" she warns us both and we quickly nod wanting to keep the women happy.

Sitting up she pulls her thick and curly hair into a low bun before laying down again this time facing me. I watched the movie as she played with my hair her husband rubbing her side.

"Can I ask you a question?" I ask actually nervous about asking. "Of course sweetie" Minnie answers smiling. "Why aren't you close to your family? You don't have to tell me" I get really hesitant continuing to hold the snoring children as I try to focus on the movie playing in front of me.

"Well you deserve to know since you're in the family. It sucks that you aren't able to have grandparents" Brendon adds as Minnie nods.

"Well I grew up in a richer family. My parents were not happy that I started dating Brendon. Once they didn't show up to the wedding I cut them off completely" she states simply as I look over at her to listen better.

"Why didn't they like you. You guys are literally perfect together" I chuckle quietly as Brendon looks away embarrassed. "I was broke. My family was as poor as they come by" he admits and I nod feeling sorry.

"But I got through school and college and both Minnie and I have successful jobs. We don't need them or their money look how happy we are now" Dad keeps going kissing his wife's head.

"I invited them to meet my little babies and you, but they never showed. I've got no idea where my parents are. My sisters were on my parents side as well" Minnie sighs and I look over at her feeling bad I brought it up.

"I'm sorry" I apologize, but she shakes her head waving me off with her free hand. "It's okay really" she continues and I look over at Brendon who cuddled up to her.

"My parents were the same way. They hated Minnie because she was rich. They thought I was marrying for money and that she was using me or pranking me. You'd have to understand that Minnie and I started dating when we were 16... so they were really mad when we stayed together. Then I finally scraped enough money together to get a ring and proposed. That was the final straw that drove my parents away" he whispers as my heart breaks for them.

"Forbidden love in real life. That's so sad but so sweet at the same time" I whisper looking them over. "Dean" Minnie chuckles cupping my cheek. "Don't cry sweetie" she whispers and Brendon sits up moving my hair out of my face.

"I'm sorry I'm just emotional" I admit Minnie wiping more tears. "I don't like that they hurt you and left you. How could they leave you guys. You're so nice and fun too and- and the best family anybody could ask for" I rant silently trying not to wake the children.

"I would have given anything to meet you when I was younger. Have an actual childhood. Now I'm just tying to get as much time with you as I can before I have to go spend many years alone" I cry silently, scared for the future.

"Dean" Brendon says my name with a serious tone before he looks at Minnie, letting her take over. "You are apart of this family. You always will be. Even when you move out I expect you to come back for family dinners. Sleepovers with your siblings. Family vacations. We will always be together. For holidays! Just for fun... whenever" she smiles as I sniffle and cuddled into her as well.

"You'll always be welcomed and we'll never leave you"

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