Chapter 45

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"Wakey Wakey" a low voice whispers in my ear. I cringe away until he's kissing my jaw. Smiling I did the opposite and nuzzle my way closer. "They want to go on the trails today- since you and Leo should be able to walk better" Lloyd jokes making me groan.

Yesterday I didn't even want to get out of bed. When we all walked to breakfast everybody laughed at me and Leo as we limped like we would never walk again.

"Do you feel better?" He asked rubbing my face with his thumb. "Yeah" I answer opening my eyes. He chuckles leaning over to give me a peck. I sit up and realized I had lied. I indeed did not feel better.

I groan and flop onto my stomach my hand going to my tailbone as I tried to rub it better. "Awww my poor doll" he mumbles leaning over until my shirt is lifted. I stay quite smiling as he kisses my lower back. His hands massage into the same spot and I groan in pleasure.

"That feels so good" I huff getting a smile from him. "Let's go eat at least. If we have to stay here while they walk we can" he smiles kissing my back again.

"I guess I shouldn't have fucked you so hard knowing we were going to walk a lot" he sighs as I smile just thinking of it. "Please- it was wonderful" I mutter not sure what I was saying. All I know is that it was hot and I didn't want it any other way.

With a groan I push myself up. I stand from the bed looking over the morning person in front of me. "How are you already dressed" I grunt seeing him presentable as always.

"I've been up and walking around for an hour" he pats my shoudler walking by me for the bathroom. "How the fuck didn't I wake up" I huff going to my suitcase.

"Don't know- I wasn't exactly quiet. I did get lots of cute pictures though" he makes sure to tease me as he left the bathroom a hair bush in his hands.

I stripped from my clothes and put on a new set of boxers before pulling on some sweats. I search for a shirt before stopping to look out the window. "Do you think it's warm out?" I ask arms reaching around me for a hug. "Looks like it" he mumbles.

I hurried to finish getting dressed as Lloyd brushed my hair. Already late we hurried to eat getting laughs from the rest of them as I cringed sitting down.

"Is everyone ready!?" Ivana starts to chorale us wanting to get a move on. I flung my last potato wedge at Taylor before hurrying to stand with Ivana. "Of course my favorite person" I hum throwing my arm over her shoulder.

I got an eye roll in return as Taylor stood up with a gasp. "You did not!" She whisper-shouts. "Didn't what?" I ask watching her push in her chair... still appearing calm.

It was short lived as she angrily stepped towards me. I laughed and ran for the door ignoring the slight pain in my lower half. I wasn't going to let it stop me from having fun. My first ever get away.

I ran right out the doors knowing we had to go there anyways and Taylor followed. Us leaving the group behind laughing. I realized we shouldn't run that far ahead and wait for Jules to actually pick the correct path so I stopped.

Putting my arms out I accept my fate and I'm soon tackled to the ground. Such an aggressive friend. "How dare you not eat your last potato! Those were good!" She yells sitting up and shaking my shoulders.

"Yeah I'm regretting it now" I mumble grabbing my head once she finally let go of me. The girl dressed in sweats and a loose crop top pulls her straight blonde hair into a high ponytail.

Helping me up with a smile she quickly hugs me. "I'm so happy! Being on vacation with all of you. We're having so much fun!" She cheers lifting me off of the ground.

"I'm glad you're so happy. Makes me happy. It's hard to be sad around you" I laugh making her smile wider as the front door opens and our group finally files out.

She pulls out her phone and pulls me in again the camera on us. "Smile Dean!" She laughs and I give the camera an awkward smile as she gives a naturally beautiful closed eyes smile. So bubbly.

Snapping a picture she pulls away and looks at it. "Aww you're adorable! Lloyd look at your boyfriend!" She shouts running to them. I walk as she excitedly shows Lloyd the picture.

He chuckles looking at it longer than he needed to. "Send that to me" he tells her as I finally make it to the group. "Okie!" She cheers. Jules walking over to me. "So I say the best trail is over here. The best view- like the cliffs... flowers. The springs and stuff make it so you have a better chance at seeing more wildlife." She explains walking over towards it.

We follow Leo holding onto Ivana's hand with a groggy smile. Jules steps back to be side by side with me. An innocent smile on her face. "Did you sleep well!?" She asked and I nodded looking down at her.

"Yeah I have a nice cuddle buddy" I chuckle looking back at the idiot who flicked Taylor in the head getting a laugh from her as she stumbled into the other two.

"We should have another movie night but like all cuddle together! It would be so fun!!" She suggests and I nodded. "Cuddles? I'm down. I'm over my whole no friends relationship thing" I laugh as we turn down another way.

"Yeah... um Dean I know it's stupid but I-" she's cut off as Taylor basically throws herself onto Jules. "Guys it's so nice out!" She was so hyper today. I'm surprised since it's so early... somebody gave her coffee.

I look up over through all the trees breathing in the fresh air. It was such an amazing feeling. Off in the distance through a few trees was a big rock. More like a boulder. I didn't think twice and went off the trail with a smile.

"Dean! Be careful!" One of them yells and I give them a thumbs up before staring up at the massive thing. Walking around it once I find a spot that looked like I could stand on it- pull myself up and climb.

Without a second thought I jumped for it and quickly began my climb. It was just a huge rock in the middle of nowhere. I look around trying to estimate. I'd say 15ish feet up.

When I made it to the top I ran to the other side and sat down hanging my legs off the sides. "Dean" Leo shouts laughing afterwards. They all had gone off the trail, but looked up at me when Leo said something.

Taylor takes out her phone and started to record me as Lloyd shook his head with a smile. "Dean that's a liability!" Ivana calls and I smile laying back. "I'm a liability" this made them laugh.

"Ooo look at the pretty flower" and just like that Leo and Taylor were distracted. Lloyd and Ivana stood underneath me as I sat up to smile at them. "And how do you plan on getting down?" Ivana remarks as I slowly inch my way over to the edge.

"Jump!" I lunge forward scaring them as they both shout "no!" And reach for me.  Sitting back I laugh my ass off as the two worry-warts calm their breathing.

"Don't you dare come down because once you do I'm killing you!" Ivana shouts making me laugh three times harder.

I hugged my aching ribs and calmed myself before going back to the other side. Sliding down onto a ledge I was able to climb down a bit before just jumping down the last three feet.

"Deannnn!" Leo whines and I run to the other side of  the rock to find them. I'm greeted with a yellow flower. It's quickly styled into my hair, and only then does he run to put another yellow flower in Lloyd's. My boyfriend smiles and looks to me as Leo and Taylor continue to put different color flowers in everyone's hair.

Laughing we all return to the path his arm wrapping around me. "Guys look at this!" Ivana shouts jogging forward trying to see better.

She disappears around some trees and Leo goes running after her followed by Jules. Taylor suddenly tired yawns walking with Lloyd and I. When we made it to the trees Ivana' and Leo were sitting at the edge of a ledge their feet hanging off.

Leo clung onto his girlfriend tightly as Jules sat next to them. Taylor smiles and joins Jules and I pull Lloyd with me. He helps me sit and then follows sitting himself. Resting my head on his shoulder I smile at the warmth of the sun.

"Let's just stay here for a few hours"

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