Chapter 5

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As soon as the bell rings I am standing up. Lloyd follows me out, but Jules was there immediately linking arms with me. I look back at Lloyd and he looks me up and down before following after us.

"How was class?" She asks while I stare ahead. "Just talked to Lloyd the whole time- probably distracted him from catching up on work" I explain and she laughs.

Leading me over to this table. I'm pulled down into the seat next to her. Taylor I believe joins us and sits on my other side. Lloyd sat across from me and then Leo is on his side.

"My names Dean" I say quickly knowing they wanted to know. They introduce themselves even though I already knew. "Why'd you move schools?" Taylor asks the question I didn't want to answer because then they get sympathetic or think I'm like weird, which I am but still.

"I was online but I got adopted again, and they wanted me to be in person" I explain getting the same sympathetic looks. "Adopted again?" Ivana asks raising an eyebrow.

"It was my fault they couldn't handle my problems" I say simply and this makes them even more curious. "Problems? Like?" I shake my hand and stand.

"I really don't feel like talking about how much I hate my life with some people I just met today, maybe we can try again tomorrow" I attempt to say as nicely as possible before turning to walk away.

I'm grabbed by the arm and don't react at all. "I'm sorry Dean, we'll stop asking questions" Jules blinks innocently at me and It was kinda irritating but at them same time... I wanted to fuck her. Shit no.

"Yeah that was insensitive of us" Taylor apologizes but Ivana continues to stare at me as if I was going to hurt her friend group in some way. I put my face on my hand smushing my cheek. I didn't want to be here.

Ivana continue with her glaring. Making eye contact with her only made the stares harsher. I wasn't scared. I'm sure any other kid would be shaking in their boots but I just shrug and went back to looking forward. 

I forgot to actually bring a lunch so I'd just eat when I got home and pack for tomorrow while I'm at it. Jules seems to be getting cozy with me though. She would constantly brush up against my arm and giggle. I'd eye her and turn to see Lloyd staring at her and then me.

I felt like I was in some fucking love triangle. It's my first day guys. I really need to stop flirting if this is how it turns out. Actually I don't think I fllirted with Jules she just threw herself onto me.

Now Lloyd? Man if he told me to get on my knees I would. Even this Leo guy. Ivana is just pissing me off. Then Taylor. I turn to look at her a bit and quickly decide she just isn't really my type.

Today is going swell. Absolutely swell. I like that word. Swell. Maybe I should start using it more. "What are you thinking about?" Jules interrupts my English lesson with myself.

"The word swell" I answer simply. I didn't feel like making up some lie that I would ultimately get caught up in. "You're so weird" Leo laughs and I give him an amused look. He isn't wrong.

"What's your next class?" Taylor looks over as my phone lights up. I take it and look. "AP English- damn your school must think I'm a genius" I grumble.

"For real!" Leo leans over to look at my schedule with me. "Ivana you're in that class, right?" He looks up at the girl who gives us an annoyed look. "Yeah" she mutters and they all start to tell me what class they have next.

Which then leads to us figuring out what classes we share with eachother. I only had publications with Lloyd, seniors have a free hour after 3rd hour and then I have class with Jules and Taylor it's an art class.

I'm so going to fail that class. At least I'll have two hot chicks. I went back to my phone noticing it had lit up with a text. I open it to find Minnie's name at the top.

'How's it going?'

I kinda enjoyed her checking in on me. It was nice, but it would eventually lead to even more pain when she wants to get rid of me.

'Going good, in lunch now. I've seem to have found a friend group. It was definitely against my will'

I admit knowing that kind of text would make her laugh.

'Oh my lord! That's so funny! As long as they treat you well!'

I could practically see her smiling.

'Yeah, are you picking me up or Brendon? Or like where and what vehicle?'

I ask now wanting to be able to leave as soon as possible.

'I am, same car we came in'

You know how sometimes you can tell someone's bubbly even though you can't see them. I could just feel it. Like I knew she was smiling so much her cheeks probably hurt.

'Cool, thank you. Will you have Zackery and Marie?'

I ask because they were my favorite at the moment. I am obsessed with them for some reason. Like I actually want them to like me and I want to like them. It is strange.

'Of course! I bet they can't wait to see see you!'

I smile and send her a smiley face.

'See you soon, have a good rest of your day!'

I left her on open not wanting to get too close and gushy with her. I forgot how old the twins are. I should ask. I wonder if I could hold one later, or both.

"Who are you texting?" Jules rests her head on my arm and I put my phone down. "Minnie" I answer simply and all eyes go to me. "Is that your girlfriend!?" Taylor asks making me chuckle. "Nah, adopted mother number four" I hold up four fingers and Ivana's glare hardens again.

Darn... probably shouldn't have said that. Eh whatever. "Number four!? Damn!" Leo laughs and I nod chuckling. "They'll probably get sick of me sooner or later, I like them so far, so I'd be fine staying with them for my last year" I admit easily.

"Oh well I'm sure they'll love you, you seem super chill and nice" Taylor pats my arm and I nod. Yeah most people say that, then they really get to know me and it all goes to hell.

"So do you have a partner?" Jules asks and my eyes flicker over everybody wanting to take in their reactions. It's always fun seeing how people think of you. Ivana rolls her eyes, and Leo just kept at his food. Taylor looks over but she seems more curious- like she doesn't personally care. I think she is definitely the type to like gossip.

Lloyd, he sat up and stares at me waiting for my answer. "Nope, remember our conversation earlier" I nudge her with a smirk. This gets a giggle from her and she nods. "I forgot for a second" she continues giggling.

Taylor sits up even more and shoves me lightly. "Dude you're like the hot emo twig. I heard you guys are pretty good in bed- you could so easily get a partner here!" She cheers me on and I laugh shaking my head in my hands.

"When people get to know me they just stop liking me, the longest relationship I've been in was like 6 months... broke my heart too" I laugh as Jules runs her hand up my arm with a sympathetic look.

"I could never do that to anyone" she shakes her head. Ivana rolls her eyes again with a scoff. I couldn't help but laugh at this. She caught on and smiled but quickly frowns and looks the other way.

Some kids beg to make friends at a new school, I beg to not make friends. Fuck my luck. "This school seems pretty open with the whole gay thing, I've just noticed you all keep saying partner instead of girlfriend" I start a conversation even though I didn't want to.

"Yeah apparently it use to be really bad like around 10 years ago. Then the whole soccer team basically came out, and the school did a whole flip around. Now we are all sparkle, love, equality... and woohoo!" Leo explains making me laugh as he did jazz hands at the end.

"Sick. I would have probably got my ass beat a whole ton if I came here ten years ago then" I chuckle fidgeting with my earrings. "Is that your way of saying you're gay?" Ivana actually asks me.

Lloyd holds in a laugh probably remembering what I said earlier.

"Nah I'll fu-date anything"

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