Chapter 57

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The door opens and I sit up some surprised to see Morgan. He hurries over and hugs me as I quickly hug back. "Hey buddy" he whispers playing with my hair. "Is Lloyd okay?" I ask having been stuck in this hospital for two weeks. I haven't seen him once. Cameron has been updating me as much as he can though.

At least he's still alive. "I've heard that's all you've been asking" he chuckles and I nod starting to cry again. "I just want him to be okay. I feel so bad" I cry rubbing my eyes. "So is it true... you got it back?" He asked and I nodded. "It's terrifying... I'm scared of everything. The doctors- being left alone. The needles. The meds." Everything I cry sitting back against the bed again.

"Oh you poor thing" he whispers looking me over. "Yeah I made Brendon and Minnie go home- turns out they have no close family so they couldn't find people to babysit the twins. I couldn't keep them here the whole time switching between the twins" I explain getting an understanding nod.

"Are you happy with your family then?" He asked and I nodded. "I'm glad I finally found the right people for you" he smiles rubbing my arm. "Did you ever think about adopting me?" I ask hesitant about his answer.

"All the time. I was put on your case but I was also ordered to watch your dad. I had to makes plans for when he got out and I also had to watch your mom but she chose to just not associate with you. I had a contract saying I couldn't adopt you becasue I was protecting you and your birth parents knew that. Now that your father is back in jail for life it could have worked but you're happy now... you'll still be my favorite little Dean" he smiles tears in his eyes.

"You're not going to leave again... right? You'll still come see me. Visit me. You're still family to me. These last few months of you just walking in and out of my life have hurt me so bad" I cry wiping my tears.

"Of course not Dean. You can alway come to me. I'm always going to be here for you. I've been through way to many late night marathons with a cute little 12 year old Dean to suddenly give up on him" he laughs making me chuckle.

There's a knock on the door and Morgan looks to me. "Don't bother they'll come in anyways" I was used to this hospital system by now. He laughs and the door opens revealing my favorite doctor.

"Are we ready for the surprise?" He asked. Morgan stood ruffling my messy hair. "What surprise?" I ask timidly when he lifts the break and starts to move my machines and bed over to one side of the room.

"Morgan what's going on" I whisper making him grab my hand. "It's okay- a good surprise you're going to love it" he assures me before going to open the door. "Hurry up- before we get caught" Morgan laughs as Cameron starts to wheel another bed in.

"They won't care- I'll get a slap on the wrist but they should expect it from me by now" Cameron laughs as my eyes widened. I grabbed my bed sheets and squeezed them looking at Lloyd. He was laid back against his bed. Lloyd seemed even paler than usual. He just seemed frail and weak.

When he saw me he smiled but I couldn't stop myself from crying. "We're going to leave you guys here for a bit... press the buttons if you need us" Cameron explains setting Lloyd's bed against mine. I slowly scoot over to the side closest to Lloyd while Morgan puts the barrier between us down before leaving us as well.

I hesitantly grab Lloyd's hand examining his bruised and scarred face. I flinched at the the touch of his hand for some reason and turned to sobbed into my other. "I'm so sorry" I apologize looking at him again to see the tubes still feeding air into his nose.

"I'm... I'm glad... okay" he smiles as I shake my head. "Don't you dare make this about me.... I've been so scared for you- what if I didn't stop him in time?! What if I couldn't have saved you!? What if I couldn't find help in time?! I dragged you into this. I love you Lloyd I've fallen in complete love with you and I almost lost you" I start to rant refusing to look at him.

I didn't let go of his hand once not wanting to lose his touch. "De... I- I love you. I want... pro...protect- y-you" he stutters out. Slipping out of bed I use the wall to help me over to the little fridge with my water bottles. I had to take my little machine with me.

"Dean- s-sit" he groans as I grab one of the water bottle. Going back over to the bed I set the water down and use all my strength to pull myself back on.  "Are- are allowed t-to walk?" I shake my head no and struggle to open the water bottle and shakily lift it up to Lloyd's mouth.

He takes a small drink and takes a deep breath after swallowing as I screw the lid on. "I will do... anything for you" I remind him as he takes a deep breath and I grab his hand again.

"Does anything still hurt?" I ask moving my other hand which was bandaged at the wrist since the asshole had broke it. Using it I rubbed his arm and he shook his head.

"I feel- weak. I'm sore. E-everything is s-sensitive... all bad- damage he did... m-mostly to face" he explains. "Your ribs?" I ask getting a sigh. "F-fractures" he mutters.

"I'm sorry" I apologize again wiping my tears real quickly. "Do you still want to be with me?" I pry hesitantly because for once I was scared for the answer. "Dean... of c-course." He attempts to laugh quickly getting choked up.

I help him and give him another drink before cupping his face. "Are you okay?" I ask ready to get help. "Why s-so worried?" He jokes before his face dropped. "S-Scared... for me!?" He asked surprised and I nodded.

"When he knocked you out- it all came back I was a mess. I am a mess. I screamed and cried and I was begging you to stay with me. I had to drag you up the stairs and out of the house and I was scared to leave you- and I was scared if I went to the neighbors they would be on his side" I start to cry again. I was so sick of crying.

"You... i-it back" he smiles as I just nod again. "Do you... cuddle?" He asked and I quickly nodded. "It's weird- you n-not cuddling. I always a-asking now?" He teases before taking a second to breathe.

"I'm scared I'll hurt you- or annoy you. What if you don't want to be with me anymore. I've hurt you" I whisper while his shaky arms reach for me.

Ignoring the pain I slide off of my bed and onto his. "My d-doll... love s-so much" he mumbles his arm wrapped around me as I hesitantly rested my head on his chest.

My hand grabbed the top of his gown and I squeezed it in my hand. Carefully intertwining our legs with all of the casts and braces. "Hurt?" I sit up more cringing as I look at him worried.

"Did I hurt you?" I whisper ready to move. "No... h-hurt you?" He repeats and I shake my head. I don't even know why but I just cried on Lloyd. He shakily moved his hand to my head running his fingers through my hair.

"You are the hurt one I should be babying you" I sniffle trying to get up, but my body just felt weak and being so close to him I couldn't pull away. I had missed his warmth so much. It didn't help he was holding me down.

"I want- to feel... feel I p-protect you" he explains dropping his head back against the pillow. "I love you" I smile squeezing him lightly. Moving my hand I massage his shoulder before moving my hand to his neck.

He sucks in another breath and look down at me. "I l-look horr... horrible" he sighs putting a hand over my eyes making me laugh. "You look like someone I want to spend the rest of my life with" I smile. He drops his head back before looking back at me with teary eyes.

"I'm going to give you a kiss now... I'll be gentle" I assure him. He nods putting his hand on my cheek. I slowly press my lips onto his. It was a feeling I missed so much. Pulling away ever so slowly I lay back down onto his chest. His arms wrap around me again as I hold his arm.

"Are you comfortable?" I ask getting a small hum.

"Can we sleep?" I continue to ask questions.

"I'd... I'd like that"

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