Chapter 3

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"Do you need me to walk you in?" Minnie asked stopping me from staring at the two babies in their seats. Here we were parked in front of the school. WayWard Central? Seems okay. Not to big to suffocate yourself in people, but big enough that nobody will even notice I'm here.

"I'm okay- thank you Minnie" I smile at her before turning back to look at the babies. "Bye bye Zackery, goodbye Marie" I wave to them and they giggle kicking their feet around.

Taking my bag that was full of school supplies I slide out and wave to her. "See you later" I nod getting a smile. "Text me if you need anything!" She shouts as I make my way to the door.

I followed the hoard of kids walking up the steps and through the doors. Hate it. I don't want to be here. I think I'm pretty smart when I try. I just don't feel like trying.

I stare at my phone and glance over the schedule I had taken a picture of. Locker number 1387. I look down a hall and see the number 867 meaning I was the other way. Turning I walk down the hall plugging my earbuds in as I played one of my playlists.

The numbers grew higher and I stopped in front of my locker before putting in the combination. It opens and I hang my bag up staring at my schedule trying to figure it out. I think I have my calculus class first. I grab a green folder and the notebook to match as well as a pencil. Shutting my locker I once again look at my lock screen which was temporarily my schedule. Room 210.

Searching around I walk to the closest person. "Hey, do you know where room 210 is?" I ask the guy now seeing the whole group with him. "Well you're a brave one" the girl next to him chuckles and I shrug. "Yup- do you know where the room is?" I ask again.

He was only a little taller than me. Shaggy brown hair and green eyes. I look back over to one of the girls. She has black hair neatly put into two braids and dark skin, but her eyes stood out, they were a dark blue.

My eyes swept over the rest of the group. Two blonde girls both with brown eyes but one was a little fluffier her face soft and heart shaped and the other with a more menacing look. Then a guy with faded black hair and blue eyes.

"I can show you! The softer looking blonde steps forward. She is short and has half her hair up the rest going to her shoulders. She wore a white blouse and pink skirt that went to her knees. Very adorable. No Dean- no friends- no partners.

"Thank you" I answer and she nods. "I'll be back guys!" She smiles at them before walking forward I stay behind her a bit and couldn't stop myself from looking her up and down. She is a thick girl and I love it.

"My name is Jules! What's yours?" She introduces herself looking back. Her eyes lingering on her friend group as I assume they are staring at me. 

"Dean" I answer anyway. No friends. Okay but she's so cute, maybe I could just like get sorta close with her in a certain way... no I don't think I could ever really use someone like that. I don't know maybe I could.

"So I'm assuming you're new" she stops waiting for me to catch up. I roll my eyes and join her. She smiles up at me and I nod. "You assumed correctly" I reply eyeing the school some more.

"It was really brave of you to just come up to our group- we don't look the nicest. Well I mean besides me. Everybody says I don't belong with them." She laughs before turning down another hall. "Anyway I wish I was as brave as you- how can you just walk up to new people?" She asks causing me to groan internally... they're getting nosy already.

"Don't get scared" I answer simply. "you've got to be scare of something!" She giggles, I shrug. "Not that I know of" I respond making her stop smiling.

"Here's your class-" she stops and narrows her eyes. "I'm going to scare you! I will I'll find what scares you!" She laughs. Such a cheery person. "Please do" I chuckle sadly and she nods. "Bye bye Dean!" She waves before turning the other way.

I just turn and walk into class. "We got assigned seats?" I ask the teacher who was at his desk. He looks surprised at my bluntness but I just stand and wait.

"Uh no. Let me show you the free desks" he stands and I wait for him to point them out. I end up taking one against the wall in the back so I could rest against it.

Dropping my stuff off I step out into the hallway and spot the bathroom making my way over there. Checking myself out in the mirror. People walk in but I don't care. I readjusted my beanie. It was gray and my bangs are curling out of it for some reason- I am digging it though.

Some black joggers and a gray shirt with some holes in the shoulder. I had my many bracelets and hair ties on my wrist. My nails badly needed to be painted again.

I played with the chain around my neck and checked my earrings. I am a man who loves my jewelry. I think the only thing I liked about not being scared of anything was the confidence to wear what I wanted when I wanted.

Adjusting the belt on my joggers I left the bathroom with some energy. On my way back to the class I passed one of the guys from earlier. He looks me up and down but my expression doesn't change a bit. I walk right by and go straight to my seat once I get to class.

Keeping one earbud in I watch the teacher as he moves things around. Students file in and I assume the warning bell went off. I made eye contact with people not backing off as they stared at me.

I got bored of watching them freak out when our eyes met so I went to pick at my nails. Did I pack my polish. Oh god do I have to buy more. Or maybe I could call Morgan and ask him to buy me some, or just drop mine off. Then I can beg him to adopt me. Do the whole fluttering eyelids, and begging.

God I'm tired. "Okay it's only the second week of school everybody quiet for attendance" he calls and the laughing settles down as the last kid runs in. The door is shut behind him and the teacher goes to his paper looking over all of us. I zone out and wait for him to get to my letter. He says a name then- "Dean?" It sounds like a question. It probably said Darcy first.

"Here" I answer loudly and everybody whips around to look at me. "Welcome Dean" the teacher nods towards me and I nod as well. He continues with attendance and I stare at the wall. I wonder what we'll learn in this class.

I go to my phone and click Morgan's contact.

'Morgan! It's an emergency!'

I wait a second for his reply, which came almost immediately.

'You're not going to trick me- what do you want?'

He answers making me smile. I have used that excuse so many times that he made me memorize a code word if I really was in trouble.

'Is there any possible way you could drop off my black nail polish- it's my favorite brand' I make sure to add that last part so he'll definitely feel the need to bring it.

'Really? Can't you just buy some more. It's like two bucks'

I could feel him sighing.

'Morgannn please. I miss you! Bring it to school! Get me out of class for a split second'

I'll admit it. I am begging at this point. I did miss him and I was honestly a little affected by his choice of not adopting me. I wanted to be mad or sad. I do think I am a little sad. I just couldn't stay sad. If I was sad I got flashbacks of my old family and then I freeze up and stop working correctly and fear isn't the only thing I lose.

'Fine, where is it?'

'Should be in my old dresser, thank you!'

'Okay got it- I'm on my way!'

My eyes widened and I smiled.

'Thank you!'

Content with this I put my phone down and look to the teacher who was writing on the board. After a few minutes he steps away proud of his work. "This is your warmup, let's see who can get it?" He smiles. I watch for a second, noting the kids who just flat out don't even try.

I open my notebook and start on the first sheet of lined paper. Now do I want to try or no?

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