Chapter 42

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"Wake up! It's vacation time!" Jules yells jumping onto me. I let out a noise from the sudden weight but chuckle managing to sit up. "Yay!" I let out a monotone cheer as Ivana comes back into the room.

Taylor was still passed out on the bed Leo knocked out on a beanbag. "The vans loaded up so you guys need to get ready then we're leaving" Ivana explains as I rub my eyes again. "Where's Lloyd?" I ask now looking.

"Bathroom." Jules answers. Mother hen goes to wake Leo. I watch her sit next to him in the bean bag her hand cupping his face. "Baby- wake up" she mumbles kisisng his cheek. His eyes flutter open and moves into her chest with a sigh.

"You couldn't have woken me up like that?" I joke to Jules who's eyes widened. "With a kiss on the cheek!?" She almost shouts it making me laugh. "No- nicely." I smile patting her back. Her face goes red and I stand to go get myself ready.

Jules went over to Taylor and quickly shook her as I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and stuff. The door was closed so I knocked first. "Lloyd" I mumble getting nothing at first.

"Yeah?" He finally calls back and I lean against the door still exhausted. "Are you going to the bathroom?" I ask just wanting to hurry up. "Nope" he answers quickly and I don't hesitate opening the door and closing it behind me.

His eyes were wide and surprised but he ultimately gave me a tired smile. "Somebody was excited to see me" he hums brushing his hair. "Don't flatter yourself- I just want to brush my teeth and my stuff was already in here" I explain getting a pout.

He sets the hair brush down and pulls me into him for a deep kiss. "Lloyd- I haven't brush my teeth! I have morning breath!" I groan trying to pull away. "Don't care" he huffs just continuing to kiss me.

"Are Jules parents still here?" I ask realizing I had been shouting. "No idea" he shrugs and I nod leaning over the counter to turn the water on. I used it to wash my face aka wake myself up.

When I looked up into the mirror I just found Lloyd staring at me. "You're being weird" I mumble drying my face with a towel. He looks at me in the mirror this time with a smile.

"I'm sorry I'm just so in love with you" he groans pulling me into a hug from behind. I get kisses on the neck and I hum enjoying the feeling. "It's so sad that you're driving" I huff putting my arm up to run my fingers through his recently brushed hair.

"It's only two hours" he whispers. I pout but continue my routine grabbing my toothbrush and toothpaste. He held me the whole time as I brushed my teeth. He was just staring at my tired self in the mirror. 

I spit into the sink and clean the toothbrush as well as the sink with the water. As soon as I had cleaned myself off I was being pulled into a passionate kiss. "Mmm" I hum into the kiss not wanting to stop. His hands run up and down my sides guiding my hips side to side. "Lover boy..." I mumble leaning into him more.

"Love birds! We're ready!" Ivana knocks on the door. Lloyd curses now flustered as I put away my toiletries attempting to quickly brush my hair. Taking my bag of shit I stay in my pajamas since I was just going to be in a car why not be comfortable.

Both of us ran to slide our shoes on and met the others outside as they put their last few things away. "Okay!" Ivana yells getting our attention. "Lloyd is driving his car so I'm assuming that Dean wants to sit next to him in the front. Taylor and Leo I assume are going to want to sleep so I'm suggesting the back for them. Me and Jules will sit in the middle" she crinkles up her sheet of names, since she had obviously planned this out.

I nodded and hopped into the front seat as well as everybody else who did what scary Ivana had said. Leo and Taylor both pulling blankets and pillows with them. I chuckled at the sight and pulled my phone out to take a picture.

A few minutes later and we were off. Jules had her phone connected giving us directions as we went. I looked out the window content with the view as we drove off. It was nice. Leo and Taylor were knocked out laying across the stretch of three seats, and Leo's girlfriend had her arm back rubbing Leo's shoulder as he slept.

"So what exactly is there to do there?" I ask looking back to Jules. "It was built in the middle of nowhere. My dad and some of his college buddies thought of the idea but he was the only one that stayed after the first year. There's trails, meadows, caves or caverns. Natural hot springs or they have the man made ones by the hotel if you're uncomfortable with the natural ones. It's all about nature. My mom is a wildlife biologist so she helps with that" Jules explains as I nodded along excited.

This was my first ever vacation. "Sounds awesome" I smile content, falling against the seat with my eyes closed. "Guys- let's prank Leo and Taylor" Lloyd suddenly speaks up.

"I'm in what are we doing" Jules piped up leaning forward her hands on my seat. "I don't know- Ivana you got something?" He asked as I turned back to look at them both.

"Let's all just scream on 3- scare the crap out of them" she suggest and I nod excited. Jules gets her phone out and Lloyd shakes his head laughing.

"1" "2" "3" we all scream our eyes on the two sleepy heads. Both wake up startled. Taylor soon starts screaming with us as Leo closest to the outside falls onto the floor obviously not being buckled.

I bent over from laughing so hard as Jules stopped recording to do the same. Lloyd looked back to the road trying to hold in his laughs. Ivana was biting her lip in a hope to do the same.

She inevitably dropped her head into her hands her shoulders rising and falling as she laughed. Her braids covered her face and she genuinely looked like she was having fun. Taylor sat up now relaxed but her face quickly changed to anger as she jumped forward and started to attack Jules who was strapped in with her buckle unable to escape.

With a groan Leo lifts himself off of the ground and glared at us all. "Aww did the baby get hurt?" Ivana taunts him and he looks to her with narrow eyes. "Shut up" he mutters immediately looking back at her worried and apologetic.

"I didn't mean it! I'm sorry!" He apologizes wiping his tired eyes as he sits himself up still on the floor. "You better watch that mouth of yours" she warns him and he nods submissively before moving back to his seat.

She contiunes to give him a look and he moved back to her giving her a small kiss before sitting back down now wide awake. They are so going to fuck later.

Taylor was now on the floor after being thrown off by a scared and traumatized Jules. "You're scary" she breathes out looking at Taylor who was definitely pouting.

Lloyd was laughing along to all of this and I watched him. The way his mouth opens slightly and how his jaw tightens as he smiled.

I moved my arm to his and he let go of the steering wheel with that hand giving it to me. Rubbing my thumb over it a few times I smiled before kisisng his hand ultimately giving it back to him.

Taylor sulked back onto the seat and curled her knees up to her chest not wanting to be awake. Ivana and Leo were having an intense conversation. I couldn't hear anything but I swear if Leo had a tail it would be thumping a mile a minute against the seat.

Jules looked to Taylor before smirking. "I'll get you out of this grumpy mood" she states and the music stops as Taylor watches her curiously. After some typing the next song starts to play.

Taylor does indeed start to smirk as Lloyd groans next to me. "Dear god no" Leo pulls away from Ivana as I look around confused. "It's for the good of the people" Jules explains. Ivana hurried to plug her ears.

What's wrong with this song. "SHAWTY HAD THEM APPLE BOTTOM JEANS! BOOTS WITH THE FUR... with the fur. THE WHOLE CLUB WAS LOOKING AT HER!" Taylor starts to scream the whole song putting her whole body into the dance all while still sitting down.

"Dear god is it almost over!" Leo cries falling to his side. "THEM BAGGY SWEATPANTS AND THE REEBOKS WITH THE STRAPS! with the straps!" She somehow gets louder drawing my attention.

I laughed shaking my head.

"Trust me after the fifth time you won't find it funny" Lloyd mumbles shaking his head.

How has she managed to traumatize them with a song.


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