Chapter 24

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"Hello Dean. How are you feeling?" The doctor asked me as he closed the door behind him. I've been stuck in this hospital for two weeks now. "No pain, just bored" I mumble.

I had broken a few ribs dislocated my left elbow and fractured both my legs. Just cracks in the bones. "Anything I can get for you?" He asks sitting on the chair.

He wheels himself over to me like a child. I've learned that my doctor was a literal child, but it was fine because he was fun. "No, are you busy or can we talk some more?" I ask hoping he'd stay to have conversation with me. It was so boring with no phone... being all alone.

"Unless my buzzer goes off I'm all yours" he smiles wide and I nod thankful. "What's your first name?" I ask feeling like I just had to know.

He knew about me, so why not. He knew about my no fear. My problem with my emotions. How I went by Dean. My past. Everything so why shouldn't I get to know his first name.

"Cameron... Cameron Scout" he answers proud as ever. I nodded looking over at the wall. "How's your school work going do you need me to write anything for you?" he asked looking at my pile of work.

"No I'm getting through it" I mumble. "Why don't you tell me about your school life or life in general. What's made you sad, angry, happy... stresssed. I want to hear it all" he leans forward some more smiling at me.

"You sound like a therapist" I chuckle getting a shrug. "My husband- he is a therapist" he replies and I smile. "You're gay!?" I almost shout cringing because it hurt my ribs.

"Yes sir" he laughs. "Problem with that?" He asked eyeing me still a smile on his face. "Nope I just like you even more now!" I smile excited.

"That's good?" It comes out as more of a question and I smile. "We're having lunch together tomorrow you're more than welcome to come. They usually meet me here once a week for all of us to eat together" he invites me. I give him a weird look in return.

"Isn't that a bit strange?" I ask watching him wave it off. "Nope you are in need of a fun family lunch so that's what I'm giving you- plus we bring better food than what the hospital gives you... which you've been eating for two weeks" I laugh at the last remark but quickly agree.

"Just for the food" I give in. "Back to you though, tell me about it all, if you're comfortable of course" he smile at me and I nod.

"Obviously I've only been in this new house for a few months now... I like it which is weird. I'm usually out of a house in less than a year. People get sick of my problems and 'diease'" I use my fingers to make quotation marks.

His eyes narrow at the word but he nods listening. It was nice. "I've been abused all my life. Mentally and physically. It's why I have this problem I was forced to be fearless. Some see it as a blessing, but it sucks... Anyways this is the first family that's hasn't tried to get rid of me immediately they've been nice to me and it feels awesome" I smile thinking about them.

"Minnie and Brendon their kids Marie and Zackery! I like them a lot they're adorable and they call me D which I think is adorable. All of them make me happy. I've almost slipped up and called them mom and dad like 800 times. I haven't called someone mom or dad since I was like 8 and when I did I got beat." I sigh as his face flickers from one of sadness to anger.

"People are so fucked up" he grumbles and I nod. Me. I'm fucked up. Don't say that out loud. It's not funny.

"School- I'm smart it's easy. There is this group of people I'm semi-friends with. I was trying to do the whole no friends no relationship thing, but I suck at it and failed immediately. Anyway there is Taylor, Jules, Leo, Ivana, and Lloyd." I list them off and he nods along.

"Ivana hates my guys. Quite literally punched me in the face and is always yelling at me. Her and Leo like each other though. It's funny Leo is definitely submissive to her" I cackle as the doctor about chokes on his spit.

"I shouldn't laugh that's so unprofessional but so fucking funny" he puts a hand over his mouth trying to compose himself. "Jules likes me but I snapped and had no sympathy. She admitted she like me so I rejected her in a not very nice way. I think she's attractive and nice, but for some weird reason I'm very attracted to Lloyd. He also likes me as well but I keep rejecting him even though I've come to terms that I have a crush on him." I groan into my hands.

"So you can probably tell how stressful it's going to be once Jules finds out I like Lloyd and I rejected her for him." I sigh moving my working arm to mess with my hair.

"Sound like you're scared?" He asks in a way and I scoff. "Scared? I wish. I'm just annoyed and bothered that I'm going to be in the center of a shit ton of drama" I continue with my huffing.

"I think what really set me off was Lloyd though. I said I don't want to do the relationship thing but I stupidly fell for the idiot. It's not just me being horny as fuck like he genuinely makes me happy. My idiot self was blushing? I don't know... I don't blush!" I grumble into my hands as he laughs at me.

I feel like I should have been offended but I wasn't. I liked this doctor and I know he was trying really hard to keep me included since none of the other nurses wanted to deal with me. I heard them talking amongst themselves. They thought I had fallen asleep, but I hadn't yet.

"Got off topic, but he found out about my birth name and he thought it was funny and didn't understand why I hated it so he kept being an idiotic boy calling me Darcy over and over again. I hate that fucking name" I grow angry so quickly, but Cameron just watches me calmly not getting scared or anything.

"Yeah I think I like Dean better, did you pick it?" He asked and I nodded. "There was this show I watched with Morgan. He was the agent who finds me homes. One of the main characters was named Dean and I remember telling him that I wish that was my name. In the series Dean was so cool. He was cocky. Scared but he wouldn't admit it. A complete badass that's for sure... The next day Morgan started calling me by Dean" I chuckle looking at my hands.

"Well that's a sweet memory- I'm sure that Lloyd boy... he was just trying to have a funny conversation because it sounds like he likes you a lot. He definitely wanted your attention. Probably trying to start a conversation with you..." he tries to explain and I nod sorta getting it.

"You know I wasn't trying to kill myself" I say bluntly and he nods. "I know. You told me before" he chuckles. "Yeah but the nurses are determined. They keep telling my- Minnie and Brendon that I was trying to... well... die. It's irritating" I mumble.

"Are you serious?" He asked. It wasn't a shout though he still seemed so calm about it. "Yeah. The doors aren't as soundproof as you guys think" I laugh as he chews on his cheek.

"Do you happen to know their names?" He asked and I nodded attempting to sit up some more. He comes over and helps me lessening the pain for me. "Yeah Lily and Sarah" I grumble trying to just breathe through the pain.

"Makes sense" he huffs sitting back down next to me. "Can you tell me some more gross stories now?" I ask watching his smile widen. "Do you feel better?" He asks and I nod. "Maybe you should be a therapist as well" I joke and he shakes his head.

"Learned it all from Dylan, my husband" he explains again. "But yes. I'll tell you stories now" he chuckles and I immediately get excited. I know he's probably not suppose to tell me this stuff but he does anyways. It's what got me to talk to him in the first place.

"Did I tell you about the surgery I had to do when this guy swallowed a small lizard?" He asks so casually as my eyes widen. "No!? How did he swallow a lizard!" I almost shout. Excited like some little kid in a candy shop. I really did feel like a kid. Getting told stories... something I never had.

"Well he put it on his face and then it crawled in his mouth and down his throat. He came in right after it happened so this all happened in the span of four hours" he started to explain as I listen intently.

"Miraculously the lizard survived"

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