Chapter 30

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"We're so proud of you for asking for help" Minnie smiles pulling me into a gentle hug. I get a kiss on the head as well before she pulls away. Which could she had to pull my head down for.

"Yeah buddy, just text us if you need an out. We'll come up with an excuse" he chuckles ruffling my hair and messing up my beanie. "I think I can live through one therapy appointment" I manage to joke as he nods.

"Do you want us to come back and pick you up or stay here?" She asks looking back at the babies who were both asleep in their carriers.

"Nothing to be scared of just pick me up in an hour" I wave them off as the door opens. "Hey Dean, if you're ready to come back you can- I've got to get Ellis his food though" he explains motioning for me.

"See ya" I wave to my pare- I wave to them before following Dylan. He opens a door into a wide open room. Nice sayings plastered onto the wall and many different chair options.

"Go ahead and sit anywhere" he chuckles as I crutch my way over to a chair. Slowly lowering myself I set the curcthes down on the ground looking at him.

"Can I see Ellis again?" I asked, curious if he would remember me. "Oh for sure- today is all about getting comfortable... are you okay if Ellis eats in here?" He asks and I nod watching him go to the door. I stare at the cast on my arm happy it would be gone soon.

Until the blond returns with his little boy. The child sets his food down on the table before staring at me nervously. He uneasily looks up at me before waving.

I wave back and Dylan closes the door putting a hand on his son's shoulder. "Do you remember Dean?" He asked and the boy quickly nodded. "Whisper?" Ellis mumbles looking up at him.

He nods and leans over as his son goes to whisper in his ear. Dylan chuckles and stands as Ellis plays with his shirt. "Yes he remembers you too" Dylan attempts to push him forward a little, but the child immediately clings to his leg.

"Hi Ellis, find any new caterpillars?" I ask watching his eyes light up as he nodded. "You know my name!" He smiles and I nod. "That makes me happy!" he whispers and I give him a closed eyes smile.

"Now eat your food. You know where your coloring stuff is... have you fed Snake today?" He chuckles as I look between them confused. "It's a catepillar- don't ask me why he named it Snake?" Dylan laughed.

"Papaaaa he eats the leaves- I put the flower he likes in their yesterday!" Ellis giggles running over to a little enclosure.

Dylan nods and smiles before sitting in front of me. "Where's Prim?" I ask looking around for Ellis's actual opposite. "An appointment with daddy- which means I have to pick her up after this. Luis is with Anton at his construction site- a few hours away. We're all going down tomorrow for a little family vacay" he tells me with a smile getting an exited yay from Ellis.

"Don't forget to eat!" He calls back before looking at me. "How's your day been?" He starts simple and I know he's just trying to get me comfortable, but that's fine. Besides the whole shutting down-emotions thing I'm perfect... I think- okay except the whole broken body thing.

"Good- Marie managed to get out of her crib and I woke up with her trying to get in bed with me. So I ended up sleeping with her on my chest. It made me extra happy when I woke up again" I explain and he nods. "Is Marie your little sibling?" He asked and I wanted to say yes, but I didn't.

"Minnie and Brendon have twins. Marie and Zackery" I explain and he hums. "The names the way they go together. I love that!" he adds and I quickly add my agreement. Better than Darcy.

"Did you have a reason for Ellis and Primrose?" I ask now curious about the names. "Ellis was a vintage name that we all fell in love with when we were looking through books. Prim was because I call Luis Flower as a pet name. He was going through a rough time during my pregnancy for her- mentally it was just bad. Some things with his family. So the rest of us decided to name her after the flower he had fell in on our first date" he chuckles as I smile at that.

"That was really nice of you guys, I bet it really helped him" I look at my hands. Knowing that they would do that for each other made me so happy.

"Of course- it was a pretty and unique name anyways, so it was perfect" he chuckles. "How are you and Lloyd?" He asks a question that I'm glad he asked because I could rant about it forever.

"Good- we went on a date a few days ago" I admit and he raises his eyebrows a few times with a smirk as I chuckle. "Wanna talk about it?" He continued and I didn't hesitate to nod.

"Yes- I would like that... it was fun. A lot of fun really. At first I was excited because I don't really do dates. If somebody's hot- then somebody's hot and that leads to things" I explain getting a nod. It wasn't judgmental or anything so that was nice.

"It's weird how happy he makes me" I huff to myself. "Anyways because I'm crippled at the moment. We went to a park one of those cute little picnics under a tree type thing" I sum it up as he gushed at the gesture.

"We mostly just talked. Cuddled up to each other and stuff. He asked questions about me. Like he genuinely seems interested in me. The way I almost told him I loved him yesterday" I groan into my hands.

"Well do you love him?" Dylan asked leaning back in his chair. Ellis looks up from coloring and cheers. "I love you papa!" Dylan tries not to laugh at his sons misinterpretation. "I love you too Ellis" he responds watching the boy take a piece of apple snacking on it without even looking.

"I don't even know what love is. I don't process any of it properly. How am I suppose to know? He makes me happy, is that good enough? Like he does things that I only want him to do. He makes it so I don't want anybody else. Is that normal?" I ask now confusing myself.

"Perfectly normal." He assures me. "So is that love?" I ask unsure of how I felt. "It could be, I can't really tell you how you feel. Sounds like something I feel towards my family. It's really up to you and if you want to take that leap" he explains. I try to think it over before I realized I was getting way to into this conversation.

"So anything else happen on this date?" He questions me further as I look up to think. "Nothing much this random number keeps texting me which is a nuisance, but I blocked them so we wouldn't be interrupted any longer" I explain as he looks up with a look of concern.

"Random number? What were they saying if you don't mind me asking?" He questions. "They asked me why I wasn't home and stuff- so I'm assuming it's somebody from school. Maybe they are trying to prank me or wanted to hangout" I shrug as he stops to think for a few minutes.

"I see, that would make sense... I don't like the fact that somebody possibly was at your house though" he continues but I wave it off. "I'm sure it's fine- got nothing to be scared of" I assure him.

He sighs, and gives in letting the topic go. "Well how are your friends?" He puts the smile back on his face as I try to think. "Ivana the one that I didn't think liked me included me in lunch- like she actually brought me lunch and it was nice and tasted f- amazing" I catch myself when I hear Ellis talk to himself.

"That's wonderful- are Leo and Ivana progressing at all? Relationship wise?" He chuckles and I nod. "I sure hope so. They'll like hold hands under the table and she's always making him super flustered- it's so funny to me" I laugh.

We talked about my friends at school for what felt like ten minutes, but once he opened his mouth to say something the buzzer was already going off causing the two blondes in the room to jump.

I started for my crutches getting stopped. "Do you want to stay longer to talk? We can if you'd like?" He asks and I shake my head managing to stand up.

"You gotta pick Prim up from her appointment" I remind him as his eyes widen and he starts to get Ellis ready. "Thank you! Have a great rest of your day!" He calls as I crutch my way out of the room and down the hall.

Two smiley people were waiting anxiously for me. Both kids on Minnie's lap giggling as she bounced her knees.

"How'd it go!?"


"Hello Sweetie!"

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