Chapter 51

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"Are you excited to be back home?" Minnie asked reaching back to touch my leg. I nodded looking out the window. I wasn't in any pain. Besides a dislocated arm and concussion I had gotten lucky.

We were all concussed. Taylor suffered from a fractured skull and the rest of us a range of broken bones. When we pulled up to the familiar house I sat up some more surprised by the amount of police cars.

"What's going on?" I whisper almost mad that I was causing this. "There's going to be police officers watching 24/7 now. Just to be safe" Minnie explains making me nod embarrassed.

When we pulled into the driveway the adults are immediately pestered by the officers informing them of whatever happened while they were away.

I reach back and unbuckle both babies their arms grabbing me. I struggled to hold both of them in one arm. Using my casted arm to keep them held up against me.

I managed to get out of the car and just left the side door open as I walked into the house with the toddlers. Gently tossing them onto the couch they giggle and turn both sitting up and reaching for me.

"I'll be back" I explain going back out the door. I grab my belongings from the van and close the door walking past everybody else. My eyes look back to Minnie and Brendon and once I know they're okay I step into the house closing the door. Laying onto the couch my siblings soon crawl all over me.

"I miss him- my brains not even processing that he's gone. I feel like I can just text him any minute and he'll respond immediately" I tell the twins who continue to climb over my stomach.

"D!" "Here! Yay!!" "D!" They continue to yell flowed by an officer coming from down the hall. "What were you doing?" I ask seeing that there was no one else in here.

I seemed to have caught him by surprise because he jumps back. Sitting up I held the twins to my lap. They get fussy and start to flops prism, so I let them go holding their hands as they crawled and started to walk around the couch.

"I was examining rooms for any evidence that Mr. Aspren might have been in the house at any point" he explains while I bit my cheek. So no personal space for me them.

"Could you have done that when we were gone? I've been in the hospital for almost two weeks now" I remind the guy who looks away nervous.

"I was just double checking" he mumbles and I chuckle shaking my head majorly annoyed. He seemed young maybe newer. "And how many cases have you been on?" I ask watching his eyes glance from the floor to me.

"This is my first major one- you can tell they don't want me in the way so they keep sending me in here to check around for things" he admits making me almost feel bad for him.

I gave up on the kids and let them on the ground both immediately scramble over to some toys that were in a corner. "Do I get to sleep by myself or do I need one of you in my bed as well?" I ask cocking my head of the side. I smirked seeing how flustered he got over it.

"Well I mean- I don't know- I think you can sleep by yourself... unless if you want somebody to sleep with you- not in that way! But like-" I cut him off laughing.

"The whole reason you're here is because my dad kidnapped my boyfriend I don't think I want another man in my bed" I stand patting his shoulder. He nods his face red. "I think I'm going to go outside now..." he trails off as I nod.

"You do that" I chuckle and he quickly leaves heading out the door. I sigh and slide to the floor just wanting to be by the twins. They show me their toys and I hold one in my hand playing with them.

The door opens again a few minutes later and I don't bother looking until worried parents come over to me. "Hello?" I ask and both immediately smile seeing we were okay.

"Just saw an officer leave here wanted to make sure you guys were okay" Brendon admits. I nodded and went back to playing, only to be interrupted by another knock on the door.

Brendon hurried over opening it up. "Morgan" he says the man's name but I don't bother going to him. "Where is he?" His voice was filled with worried and it made me angry. Now he's worried?!

I sit up leaving the twins as the man came into view. Standing up to face him, he pulls me into a hug rocking us back and forth. "I'm so glad you're okay" he murmurs.

"I was working so hard to stop him and I failed, I just couldn't-" he sighs continuing to squeeze the life out of me.  Standing back he looks me over with teary eyes.

"We'll get him back for you" he whispers and I nod before going to stare at the the ground. The door opens again and we all look over to the officer walking in. He was joined by the flustered cop from earlier.

"We need to talk to Dean" the older officer states with a very rude tone, and I try not to roll my eyes. I hate the police... most of the time. They always act so high and mighty. The two from the hospital were nice. Flustered boy was nice too. You can tell he just wanted to do good.

"Sure" I say not having a choice. Minnie rubs my back as the officer comes closer. "That phone you use. The one your father has been texting you on- you need to keep it- and we need you to tell us when he texts you." He starts to go on and on as I just listen.

"Then what?" I ask making Morgan groan quietly. He knows how I can be. Like really knows. He experienced my unhappy attitude for the longest time.

"Excuse me?" The officer asked. Flustered cop look between me and him with scared eyes. "What happens when he texts me? Then I tell you and what do we get out of it? I doubt you can track it or you would be doing that with the old messages" I ask dumbing it down for the rude cop.

"Well- w bargain with him. Maybe we can bargain with him or get some knowledge make him slip up" he explains as I lean back against my dad. "Maybe? Sounds positive" I repeat the unsure words.

"Dean... come on sweetie it's gonna be okay" Minnie smiles her short self coming over to hug me. The officer looked me over and I gave him the same snobby expression. He was really pissing me off.

The boy next to him was just scared and intrigued at this point. "It sounds like I just have to wait for this man to text me and hope he'll just give Lloyd back... yeah I'm kinda doubting that's gonna happen. He wants me- can't we just do a little switcheroo?" I suggest getting grabbed by Morgan.

"You will in no way go anywhere near your father. He is crazy and psychotic and wants nothing but to hurt you. We both know this- so it's not happening" he warns me as I roll my eyes again.

Leaving the adults I go back to the kids Zack crawling over to me. Marie continues to play so I picked him up and held him close to me as he giggled and held on.

"And we are still standing... why?" I ask turning to see all the adults just awkwardly waiting for something.

"I'll go make us dinner" Minnie mumbles kissing her husbands cheek. "Morgan will you be staying?" She asked and he looked over at me. "I really should be heading back and focusing on the case?" He sighs. I didn't react and continued to bounce my brother.

"Well we'll be outside" the one officer nods to us before going for the door. Flustered boy still following. When the door shuts Minnie sighs in relief and comes and takes Marie just rubbing her head keeping the girl curled up to her chest.

"This is all stressing me out. I just want one day with my babies nobody else" she sighs coming over and grabbing my head. She forces me to look at her before kissing my forehead and then leaning over to kiss Zack's head as well.

"Contact me if anything happens I'll be around- goodbye Dean. Stay safe" I get one last hug before watching Morgan leave as well.

"Alright everybody I'm making dinner-" Minnie goes to cut Brendon off but he shushes her. "No go lay down. Dean go with. We're going to have dinner in bed" he cheers and I smile as Minnie puts an arm around my waist taking us to her room. The twins still in our arms.

Taking our shoes off she lays down and I do as well both twins crawling back and forth in between us as Minnie yawns and attempts to stay up.

"It'll be normal soon enough"

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