Chapter 2

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There's a knock and I slowly sit up. "Yes?" I ask yawning and standing from the bed. "Hey Dean, I just finished breakfast- just wanted to tell you it's ready" Brendon calls through the door.

"Okay thank you- I'm coming" I call back. Grabbing my phone I rub my eyes and ruffle my hair a bit. Cursing when I pull at a knot. I need to buy a hair brush. I wonder if they'd be cool with me getting a job.

I opened the door assuming they would be fine with me still being in pajamas. I've been in lots of very strict households before. Walking down the stairs I fine both parents bustling around still in their pajamas as well.

The babies are laying back in these little chair things. I didn't really know what to call them. Both still sleepy but throwing their arms around for attention. I kind of just stood in front of them staring intently.

I like them. They are cute. Little blonde curls. I'm surprised by how much hair they have, but their mother has lots of hair so it makes sense. "Good morning Dean" Minnie smiles walking over before pulling her hair into a bun.

"They are very cute" I whisper and she nods squatting down to rub their stomachs. "They were a handful carrying" she laughs. I chuckle a little before looking over to Brendon who was moving things from a pan to a plate.

"Well go ahead and sit at the island" she ushers me over. I sit down awkwardly in front of an empty plate. Brendon sat at the end and Minnie joins us soon after.

"So we weren't sure what you liked- we attempt to have breakfast together but both of us have uunexpected shifts so we never know" Brendon explains getting another nod from me.

"I'll eat anything" I assure them. "Except brussel sprouts" Minnie smiles. "Well go ahead and eat whenever" he continues to nod. Thanking him I grab a few spoonful of eggs.

I grab a few strips of bacon as well and ate watching the couple. Minnie was eating her own eggs smiling at Brendon who was smiling even wider.

"So Dean we were wondering schooling wise. There's a few schools that are connected to our district." Minnie starts and I remember that I actually had to go to school.

My schooling started a week ago. I've just been home schooled in a way at the agency. "I guess I better start as soon as possible so I don't get behind" I answer truthfully and she nods. "Whatever you are most comfortable with- we just wanted to see if you wanted to situate yourself here more" Brendon jumps in, but I shrug.

"I'm good I'll go anywhere" I say again. "Well we know how scary highschool can be" Minnie says and both look at eachother with a look of sympathy. "It doesn't scare me. I'm fine anywhere" I say again trying to hide my irritation.

Stop it Dean. They are trying to be nice. I just don't act like a normal teen. If they would have adopted any other kid- they would have loved this couple. I'm going to hurt them.

"Oh- um. Would you like to tour the schools? Or just pick a random one?" Minnie suggests again and I look at my food before looking up at them. "Just pick the closest one" I answer.

"Okay we can start that process later" she puts her hand on the table lightly and I nod. "Okay thank you" I answer. We all sat silently for a bit until a baby started to cry.

I slowly looked over to them and Minnie sprang up going to her crying baby followed by Brendon. "I promise mommy is going to feed you- I just wanted to wait for you to be completely awake" she coos to her son as I watch from the table. Marie was being lifted by her dad and she made a cute gurgling noise as he cradled her.

"Would you like to hold her?" He asked walking over. "Yes, that would be nice" I answer. Brendon walks over instructing me with how to hold my arms. The little girl is set in my arms her head resting against one. Her eyes widen when she sees me and I give her a little wave.

"You are very cute" I tell her getting a smile in return. I just stare at the baby in my arms for a bit pacing around the room while her parents go to care for Zackery who I assumed was getting fed.

"I'm sure they'll feed you after" I tell her and she just continues to open and close her mouth making adorable little noises. "I wish you were my real sister" I whisper getting my finger grabbed. She holds it tightly as I look back to see Brendon and Minnie staring at me.

They seemed a little shocked and I wish I could comprehend what made them like that. I just smiled watching Zackery hungrily chug the bottle of formula.

"Is Marie getting fed soon" I ask walking over to them with the girl. "Yes- Brendon just got her formula out" Minnie smiles and I hand the baby over to him.

I watch the two babies being fed for a bit before deciding to cut the tension. "So the schooling- do I need to be here... like do I need to tell them things? Grab or get ids and stuff" I ask and I'm shut down.

"Oh don't you worry we were given everything. You should be close by though just incase they ask about certain classes you may want since you're going to be a senior." Minnie explains now burping her son. 

"Understandable" I nod standing from my spot. "Where would you like me to wash my plate?" I ask no longer hungry and done with the food I did have. "Just set it by the sink" Brendon answers. I do what he said putting it next to the sink.

Sitting back down I watched them burp the two kids not sure what I wanted to do. "Where can I shower?" I finally think of something that would be somewhat good for my health.

"Right across from your room" Minnie points up the few stairs and I nod. "Can you hold Maria for a second?" She continues and I nod holding my hands out for the baby.

Putting her on my chest I rub her back as she giggles and fists my shirt. My messy stuck up hair matched hers. It was okay for her though because she was a baby. I just had bed head.

I smiled at her and just continued to rub her back wishing I could just kiss her tiny cheeks or her head. It would be weird if I did that though. She's just so cute.

"Here's some towels!" Minnie cheers handing me some in exchange for the girl. "So that is strictly your bathroom. We have our own. There is stuff for you hair or whatever you need" Brendon joined in the conversation and I nodded.

"Thanks see ya in a bit..." I trail off as they watch me go. "Uh thank you!" I try again happier. I really wish I was better at handling it all. I understand the no fear thing but I know its cut off others too making it harder to express things.

"You're welcome!" "Of course" both say and I nod not looking back before I hurried up the stairs. Going for the bathroom I closed the door behind me and stared at myself in the mirror.

Red flannel pants, gray t-shirt. Long black messy hair, pale skin, and killer eye bags. I'm a god damn emo. It took me a minute but I got the shower warm and ready for me. Setting the towels down I strip from my clothes setting my phone on the sink before pulling the curtains back and stepping in.

The warm water instantly relaxed me. It was like warm rain. I loved the rain. Getting my hair wet I ran my fingers through it until it was somewhat smooth.

Turning I about choke on the water that was streaming down my face. I found some of the men's hair products they had and start to wash and condition my lovely locks. Humming to myself I imagined all the new fun thing I might possibly be able to do.

Like... sleep. Listen to music. Wait there's more buildings I can climb... new buildings! I get soap in my eyes and immediately sigh trying to wipe it out.

"Fuck... okay. Hey, what's up my name is Dean and I don't get scared. Yeah it's wonderful. My emotions are all screwed up and sometimes I don't process things... so don't get butt hurt and be my friend" I practice my speech of gaining fri-

I'll be here for a year. No friends. No crushes. No nothing. Because once the year is up I'm leaving. I'll get a dog and live by myself in an apartment.

No anything- I'd hate to deal with drama and shit. They all get upset that I don't sympathize with them but I can't. I don't even get scared of losing people so it's a lose lose situation.

"Can I drop out already?"

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