Chapter 26

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There's a knock on the door and I don't even bother saying anything because they don't listen anyway. Hospitals kind of suck, but I've been having lunch with Cameron's family on Saturdays now so... that was nice.

They said I could join them even when I'm out of the hospital which really made me feel special. The door opens revealing Cameron and I stop my pouting because I may hate hospitals, but not him.

"You in the mood for visitors because you've got a guest" he asked and I sat up a bit less pain now. "Yeah- sure. Who is it?" I ask not getting an answer.

He opens the door more and there he is. Gorgeous man of my dreams. Lloyd. Soft ass hair. Perfect skin. Pink kissable lips. His little freckle. Ugh. "Hey Dean" he gives me a nervous wave and I nod at him. "Hi" I mumble looking to Cameron. Sending him a look, he nods.

"I'll come check on you later- for now I'll put the do not disturb thing on the door... press the button if you need me" he shoves Lloyd in the room before closing the door.

He looks at the closed door before moving to a chair and pulling it up against the bed. "I'm so happy you're okay" he whispers tears flooding his eyes. "Why are you crying?" I chuckle as he lays his head on my lap.

Putting my hand on his head I rub my fingers through his hair as he cried. "Don't you understand I would have been the reason you died!? I would have killed you" he cries as my eyes widen. I hadn't even realized that. The guilt he must have felt.

"It's okay, I'm fine. I just slipped and fell" I assure him moving my other hand to massage his shoulder. I let him cry for a minute before starting the conversation.

"How has football been?" I ask knowing it's what he's best at. "Awful I couldn't concentrate. Last time I visited you, you were still knocked out and it was just awful seeing you like that" he groans.

"Lover boy I'm okay" I chuckle and he sits up a bit sniffling at me. "Lover boy... you still like me. After I almost killed you!?" He about yells. I quickly quiet him down.

"Of course- hell I've been nonstop talking to my doctor about you" I chuckle wiping his tears. "I'm so happy you're doing better now" he shakes his head in disbelief.

I nod putting my hands on his cheeks. "I missed you" I whispered getting an aggressive nod. "I missed you too, so much" he chuckles wiping his tears quickly.

"I'm so sorry I'll never say that name ever again. Dean I was being stupid. I was being so stupid. I just thought you were joking in a way and I was trying to- I don't even know. I'm stupid. I'm so stupid" he repeats is over and over again.

"Yes you're an idiot but not because of that. It's okay I'm over it and I don't care" I sigh wanting him to stop crying. It was making me sad. "You shouldn't just forgive me that easily though" he mumbles.

I just silently play with his hair as he stares at me confused and concerned. "I'm okay. Aren't I? So what's there to worry about?" I ask watching him look to the ground.

"Lover... I missed you so much- can't I have one kiss?" I ask watching his eyes as he looked up at me. He immediately gives in, wiping his eyes.

Putting my hands on his cheeks I pull him into a quick peck. "I don't like when you're sad" I admit watching him continue to pout in my hands.

"You're so cute" I huff watching his cheeks turn red. "how's everything healing?" He avoids my compliment taking his hands to cup my face instead. "Ribs are broken so I need to be nice to them, a concussion but it seems to be good. I had some sort of internal bleed. They stopped it though. Both my legs are obviously fractured. I just can't put lots of pressure on them so the chips and cracks don't worsen. I'll eventually be able to walk again. And then my elbow. Was dislocated, but doing better" I explain as he looks me over.

Every injury I listed freaked him out more and more. "I caused this" he groans into his hands. "Lloyd! No you didn't" I laugh before scooting away from him on the bed.

"You like cuddles, cuddle with me" I suggest patting the bed next to me. He nods and I pull the blanket up for him. Carefully he gets in next to me. I lay the blanket over the both of us before turning to him. I kissed his cheek getting a small smile in return.

"You seem like you need to be the little spoon right now" I joke. He nods. Using my free, but bruised arm I pull him against me his head hesitantly resting against my shoulder.

"Please tell me if I'm hurting you" he whispers and I nod even though I probably wouldn't.  His arm swept across my chest and rested on my other shoulder. I used my messed up arm to press one of the buttons which dimmed the lights for us.

I looked down to watch him as he closed his eyes and nuzzled into me more. What a little baby. Adorable. "Are you tired?" I mumble rubbing his side.

"Yeah... but let's talk. Since I'll eventually have to leave" he huffs looking up. I lean down to kiss him watching the smile on his face come back. "You're so cute it's killing me" I groan putting my head back against the pillow before sitting up with a thought that had suddenly popped into to my head.

"I think I've decided what you are!" I cheer and he looks at me confused. "What I am?" He asked confused and I nod excited. "Well what am I?" He trails off probably not sure he wants to hear it.

"You're a soft dom." This makes him sit up as he covers his mouth his face flustered and red. "You don't just say that- you're not scared of anything... oh my god" he groans still flustered as ever. I laugh at his reaction but pull him into more cuddles anyway.

"Is that really all that races through your mind" he groans resting on me again. "Mmm nope" I answer honestly. He shakes his head moving the hand from his mouth back to my shoulder.

"You're crazy, brave but crazy" he chuckles and I agree hugging onto him. "Anything else you want to tell me?" He sighs which leads to him laughing quietly to himself while he thought it over in his head.

"Technically I've got lots of secrets about my health and ya know emotional stuff. I feel like I eventually want to tell you though" I mumble looking at the wall in front of me.

"Well I'm here ready. Whenever you want to tell me. I know I came on super strong that one night at the football game, but it was because I was just so jealous. I care about you a lot" he admits and I nod going back to playing with his hair.

"It's weird I've always been so good at keeping my secrets because I find it so annoying when people find out and bug me about it. They all try to prove if it's real and it ends with me in trouble" I explain. Shockingly I get a hand over my mouth.

"Don't tell me anything else... you're not ready and I understand that now. I just want to be near you at the moment. So I'm not going to let myself push you away with how idiotic I am." He explains the hand dropping over my shoulder to rub my side.

"I want to go on a date- with you. Obviously." I tell him as he about knocks me out by how fast his head whipped up. "Really!?" He asks and I nod. "Just waiting for you to ask me on a date" I look the other way still waiting. "Oh yeah of course- do you want to go on a date with me!?" He cheers and I nod leaning over to give him another kiss.

He puts his hand against the back of my neck and pulls me back in. The quick kiss becoming more passionate by his terms and not mine. When I pull away he's breathing down my neck leaving soft kisses.

"You know these hospital gowns are very easy to get in and out of" I chuckles kissing him again. "Dean- no. You practically have a broken back already" he laughs rubbing my sides.

"I was just kidding anyway... I still want to get cuddles from you" I mumble getting pulled into another kiss. "Soft dom" I tease. He doesn't care giving me another nice kiss.

Lloyd rests his head back on my chest and I lay my head back against my pillow. "Will you be able to fall asleep?" I ask getting a nod.

"Minnie is probably out shopping for me so expect her or Brendon to take pictures if they find us like this" I warn him getting a shrug.

"That's fine... so you said yes to the date... right?"

"Yes- you idiot. Yes!"

Fearless ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें