Chapter 50

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I woke up with a gasp immediately cursing afterwards at the sudden pain I felt. Where am I? What happen!? The accident! Are the others okay?! Lloyd!? Have they found Lloyd!?

A loud alarm went off and I sat back trying to cover my ears form noise. It finally turns off when my door flies open.

"Cameron?" I say the doctor's name and he rushes over to my side looking me over. "Welcome back, I guess?" he smiles as I just look him over. "Are my friends okay?" I ask hopping for the best.

"Yes- your last friend just woke up a few hours ago" he smiles as the nurses start to mess with the things in my arms.

"Lloyd?" I ask and his eyebrows furrowed. "That's your boyfriend right? He wasn't brought in?" He must not know. I sit back with wide eyes. He's probably scared. All alone. I'm so sorry.

"Was Lloyd in the vehicle?" Cameron asked his eyes full of worry. I nodded tears in my eyes. I was sad. So sad that I messed it up. I shouldn't have gone with them.

"He took him- but if you don't have him that means he wasn't found" I groan trying to rub my eyes but my hands are kept in place by the nurses.

"Who took him?" Is this why the police are questioning you?" He asked curious. Grabbing me some water Dr. Scout gives me small sips before asking again. "Sorry I'll let you rest, but police will want to question you" he checks my temp with his hand even thought the nurse were already checking my vitals.

"Everything looks good Doc." one nurse speaks up and he nods. "Great. Head back and I'll be right out" he shoos them and I watch as they do what he said.

"My dad... the one stalking me. He took Lloyd" I whisper biting my lips. I didn't- I don't know what to think. "I want so badly to be scared- to be freaking out that he took Lloyd. He's hurting my boyfriend scaring him, but I can't. I'm just sad he's gone but my brain is just telling me that's it's alright and it doesn't really matter nothing will happen." I had just woken up and I was already full of a sarcastic positive attitude.

"I'll let your family in before I tell the police you're up. That way you can see them before the police pester you" he explains double checking everything.

"Okay- thank you" I nod watching him disappear out the door. He closes it right behind him giving no one room to look in. I waited a few minutes checking my arms and my legs. I once again had a cast on my arm, but everything else looked fine.

I did have a killer headache, but it seemed to be fading. Which is probably because of whatever that one nurse had pumped into me from the IV bag.

A few minutes later the door opens and both my parents sneak in each holding a baby. "I can give you ten minutes at most" he explains quickly leaving and shutting the door.

My eyes go to the adults who to my surprise ran over to me tears in their eyes. Minnie sets the boy in her arms down and he immediately starts trying to crawl back up her. "D!" They soon start to tell for me pointing in my direction.

"Shhh" Brendon hurries to quiet the kids as Minnie cups mg face. I cringe at the feeling so I'm assuming my face is bruised and cut up. "I'm sorry" she whispers immediately taking her hands away.

"It's okay" I whisper back. She lays her head on my chest and cries for a solid minute before sitting up and playing with my hair. "I missed you- you scared the crap out of us" she chuckles continuing to touch me in any comforting way she could think of:

"I'm sorry" I apologize quickly getting my involuntary tears wiped by Brendon who had set the other twin down. "No don't apologize" he whispers as Minnie leaned over to kiss my forehead.

I look between them both unsure how to respond. "None of this is your fault. I hope you know that" Brendon whispers playing with my hair as Minnie continues to lightly touch my face looking me over.

"But-" I try to remind them why it was getting cut off. "No sweetie. It's not your fault nothing will change it. We'll get him back and you're gonna heal up and soon everything will go back to how it was" Minnie coos over me kissing my head some more.

I don't know. "You guys might as well get rid of me" I admit the cold hard truth. I've caused more problems than good. "Dean- I love you. You're part of our family we aren't just going to get rid of our family" Minnie chuckles tears in her eyes.

"We both love you and I know for a fact Marie and Zackery do as well" Brendon adds as I just cry. "You guys love me?" I ask repeating the words I don't believe to be true.

"Of course we love you. You're our son" Brendon chuckles and I immediately try to sit up some more. "Yup you're our baby... our big baby" Minnie adds looking down at the twins who just wanted to get up.

I leaned forward ignoring the ache as I hugged them both tears streaming down my face. "I love you guys too" I cry wanting everything to be normal.

"It's okay. It's all going to be okay" Minnie coos petting my hair. Brendon leans over me some more giving me one kiss on the forehead. "Do you want the twins?" He asked a question I wanted to hear so bad.

"Yes please" I answer sitting up some more. I wiped my tears as best as I could as the two picked up their children quieting them a bit before giving the babies kisses on their cheeks. "Be gentle with your brother" Brendon warns them, but they were to excited to care.

As soon as they were set down both were crawling onto me giggling and hugging. Their chubby cheeks being smushed against mine. "Hi guys" I whisper hugging them each with an arm one a more awkward hug with my cast.

"D!" "Why go!?" Marie asked as I ran my fingers through her hair "I was on a vacation with my friends but we got hurt" I admit as she hugs me tighter just resting herself on me.

"Hi!" He giggles staring into my eyes his curly blonde hair recahing his ears. Both lay onto me their bodies warm and cuddly. I just wanted to cuddle them and sleep.

Sadly it didn't last long as the door opened. Brendon stood next to me his hand going over me and the twins as Minnie held onto my shoulder.

Cameron walks in with some police officers giving us a sympathetic look. When an officer looks at him he straightens up immediately. "If you could please leave with me the officers have some questions for Dean" both seem hesitant, but nod.

"We'll be right out the door.... We love you" Brendon assures me grabbing both twins who fuss and cry not wanting to leave. The sight of it makes me sad.

"Are they aware of his condition?" Minnie asked the doctor while looking back at me with worry. "Yes I told them" he assures her. The door closes again and I'm left in here with the officers.

"Hello my name is Ryan and this is Charlotte. We were told beforehand that you go by Dean? Is that correct" I nodded already feeling better about them respecting that.

"You took your new parents last name... so Dean Moyer?" Charlotte double checks reading off of some paper. "Yeah" I mumble getting more nods. "What was your relationship with Lloyd?" I sit up some more already dreading this.

"He's my boyfriend" I answer confidently as they continue to write things down. "Your birth fathers name is Kaleb Aspern? Is that correct." Charlotte continued as Ryan began to flip through something.

"Yeah... I haven't seen him since I was in his custody. So I don't know for sure if it was him" I admit. "This was the last picture of your father before he got out does this look anything like the man you saw" Ryan came closer and I honestly hoped it wasn't going to be him.

He showed me the picture and I sighed. "Yeah it's him" I recognized the face... and the man immediately. The messy black hair and the short beard.

"Then your father is the one that took Lloyd-" I cut them off remembering. "Ivana did you get Ivana's phone she has pictures of the license plate and the truck!" I explain trying to help.

"Yes- the vehicle was stolen so all we can do is put something out, so people will stay on the look out for the truck." Ryan explain as Charlotte nods along to what he says.

"Is there any place that you remember him having a certain liking to. Somewhere he would have taken Mr. Tanner?"

"We lived three states away- I don't even think he knows where he is"

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