Chapter 38

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"Dean? Do you want to talk about this stalker guy at all or do you find that not very stressful?" Dylan asked me as we drew closer together to the end of the session.

I stopped chasing Ellis and went back to my bean bag. "Um- it's a little frustrating that everybody is freaking out besides me because I can't find what's so scary about it... I don't know if that makes sense" I explain and he nods his face showing a look of understanding.

Prim came over and crawled into my lap and I smiled hugging her. "Well I'm so glad that you and Lloyd are finally together- and you really think you're in love with him?" He asked as my mood immediately changes.

"Yup! It's crazy how sure I am now!" I explain and he nods. "The dance was a success- school is good. Seems like you're going through a good patch of life. Is that right?" He asked and I nodded.

I told him everything that has been happening and I was so happy I could have talked about it forever. Plus he was the only one not pestering me about my stalker... which I knew nothing about.

"Is there anything else you want to tell me? Or ask me?" He questioned and I shrugged. "Oh wait- how are your husbands?" I smile at him and he smiles back. I felt so happy, it was weird.

"Let's see... Cameron is being cocky as ever, but I mean if I was him I would be too. Anton is working on some observatory south of here. He seems to like it and is having fun. It's actually by where one of his sister's lives- Penelope. So he's just staying with her. Then Luis. He's taking a hiatus from soccer staring next week. It'll be for two months just to let his body heal and he wants to spend more time with our family and his siblings." He explained and talked about them like they were the best things ever.

I wanted that.

His timer went off making the girl in my lap jump. She calms down and crosses her arms. "He can't go yet!" Prim yells and I chuckle starting to move out of my spot. She slides off with a huff as Ellis runs over hugging me.

"Goodbye friend!" He giggles and I nod waving. "Goodbye Ellis- goodbye Prim" I look down at her as she continues to pout and glare. "Prim. He said bye. Be polite and tell your friend goodbye" Dylan warns her.

She mumbles to herself but marches over hugging my leg. "Bye bye- come play more" she mumbles burying her head in my leg. "I'll try" I answer making her let me go.

Dylan leads me once again out of the room. "Don't be scared to text me if you need to rant, vent, or just want to tell me something about your day" he smiles opening the door to reveal my... family. Yeah. Family.

Minnie and Brendon had antsy looks on their faces. They were scared and paranoid. They were probably freaking out about my stalker getting their kids.

My smile dropped at the thought. They'll get rid of me to save their family. I sigh and look forward. Maybe it's for the best. I just won't hangout with them and the stalker will think I don't like them.

"How was it?" Minnie asked as Brendon pulled up my hood. I doubt they cared. "It was good- still a problem" I whisper the last part as the both of them nodded probably just wanting to get to their house.

I walked to the car happy my hood was up. I was sad. My mood changed so fast. I was letting thoughts get to me. If I was scared of what was going to happened... would it change anything?Would it be better?

Minnie buckled Marie up and I crawled into the back so Brendon could get Zackery. Sitting against the corner I buckled up and stared at the floor.

I don't want to deal with this. My names Darcy and I'm not afraid of anything, but emotionally I'm a freak. Problematic freak.

God... just send me back to therapy. After a silent drive the doors are thrown open and the adults are hurrying to pull their children out. Quickly running into the house. I close the car door and walk in the house. Once I'm in the door is shut and locked.

The police had been notified don't know if that really means anything. I walked to the room I was staying in and closed the door. Laying in bed I stared at the wall my back to the door.

"Fucked up piece of shit!" I silently yelled into my pillow. I hate this! I hate me! I hate life! Why did I let it happen! Why did I let myself be happy!

There's lots of yelling from the twins and I quiet myself to hear the front door open. Calming myself I go to my door to listen. "Is he okay?" That voice.

Morgan! I smile and quickly wipe my tears. Opening my door, I ran out and over to him. "Morgan!" I yell hugging him tightly. He hugs me back, but there wasn't an ounce of care in the hug and it hurt.

Maybe he was here to take me back. "Did I not warn you to tell me if somebody was texting you!?" He sighs as my eyes widened. "I forgot- I completely forgot" I mumble wiping my eyes irritated with myself.

"Dean! He's been too close for too long. All those messages! Oh my god why didn't you tell anyone. I've been trying to track him this whole time and he's been contacting you! How did he get your number!" He shouts. Minnie moved to rub my back assuringly.

"Who?" I ask a little irritated that they weren't telling me everything. "Dean can you sit down please?" Brendon asked as my eyes widened. "You know too!?" I shout making their faces soften.

"We found out before therapy" he admits as I go to sit down, Minnie following her hand on my shoulder at all times. I leaned into the warm touch my eyes watering. I was stressed. Causing danger for people I cared about and I'm not even scared. I feel so... guilty.

"Morgan- I haven't seen you in forever... why? What did I do!?" I ask watching his facial expressions. "I couldn't be seen close to you- because if your stalker- We knew he had been released and I was tracking him, but he had gone missing and I didn't want him finding you. He somehow did anyways" he throws some sort of clue out... I comprehend none of it.

"Please" I just wanted- no I needed to know. Morgan sucks in a deep breath before looking to them. "Dean... it's your father" He answers grimly. "What? Like him-" I look to Brendon not wanting to accept what I thought I was going to have to.

"No Dean your birth father" Morgan immediately straightens the facts out and I can physically feel my body shut down. "What?" I whisper honestly shocked. I knew I should be shaking- crying in fear. My abuser- my tormentor has been stalking me. Threatening me.

I was just sad. So sad. Even a little angry. "He got out of jail due to good behavior and overcrowding. We were suppose to keep tabs on him... keep him away from you but he disappeared the minute he stepped out" he explains I go to talk but stop, seeing him move to sit next to me.

His hand rubs my upper back as I stare at the table tears in my eyes. "We found a letter a few days later. The man is clinically insane. Obsessed with the idea of having a perfect warrior child" he explains as I shake my head.

"I can't though. I can't be perfect. I cry to much. I don't control it- he'll be so mad. I don't know how to fix me" I rub my temple, now stressing out. "Freak out! Cry! Run away! Hide" I was yelling at myself covering my head as I tried to scare myself.

I had no idea where the twins were and honestly I hope I wasn't scaring them. "Dean. Dean! Dean sweetie!" Minnie yells and I look up making her move in front of me. She squats down grabbing my hands.

"It's going to be okay" an empty promise really. Nobody can assure that and she should know that. She's smart. I close my eyes and the pain in my chest comes. With a gasp I clutch my heart, stumbling forward.

"Shit" Morgan curses pulling me into a hug. "Come back buddy- it's okay. It's okay. Don't you want to cry it out? You want to go punch a wall? Think if all the emotions you could be venting with right now" he was trying to stop it before it got to bad and honestly it was working.

"What's something that makes you mad" he asked rubbing his hands over my head. "You leaving me" I spit out through gritted teeth.

"Something that makes you sad?" Was the next one. "How much of a problem I'm being" I mumble.

"Sweetie- that's not true"

"Something that makes you happy?"

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