Chapter 58

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"Look at you go!" Cameron cheers as the physical therapist helps me walks around the room some more. I smiled proud as I basically did it by myself. I was limping and the women had to hold my arm the whole time but it was still progress.

"I think we've done enough work today- don't want to overwork you" she smiles as I nod thankful. With her help I'm able to get back in the bed and I quickly cover my broken body grossed out by her pitiful look.

"Are you here for another checkup?" I ask Cameron watching the therapist write stuff down on her chart before hanging it to one of the poles connected to my machine.

"No I've brought you some visitors- also Lloyd told me to tell you that he had just started speech therapy and physical therapy. He's very proud of himself and thought you would be happy." He explains as I smile happy with the news.

"Can you tell him that I am indeed very proud of him and that he better not stress out because he'll do great" I think my message over in my head making sure it sounded right. "I love playing messenger with you two" he laughs coming over to check some things.

"Wait- who are my visitors!?" I ask hoping it's my family. "Four very smiley people- I think that should give it away" he smiles before going over to open the door. Walking out he signals for them and immediately there's my parents and siblings.

Mom and dad set the kids down and the two immediately wobble their way over also learning how to walk... just like me! "Hi Sweetie!" Mom cheers walking over to hug me. I receive a kiss on the head and cuddle into her warmth.

"Hi" I hum and dad joins us kissing my head as well. "Hi Dean. How are you feeling?" He asked as Minnie moved to put the twins on my bed. "I'm good. My walking has improved... nothing really hurts unless I pick heavy things up" I explain getting crawled on by the twins.

"That's good- that you're improving" Minnie smiles as Marie cuddles into my lap Zack on my side. I wrap my arm around him and Marie plays with my fingers. "We ran into Lloyd's parents on the way here- heard that he's improving" she continues as I nod. "Yeah doctor Cameron just told me" I smile getting nods.

"Abba! D! Back go! Go back!" Marie starts to talk looking back up at me. "Go back where?" I ask getting another beanie pulled over my ears. The doctors always end up having to take it for reasons but Minnie and Brendon always get it back and put it right back on my head.

"Go bak!" Zack yells trying to help his sister. "Where?" I ask again as they both go silent and look to each other. "Where do you want Dean to go babies?" Mom hums pulling a chair up so she could tickle Zack's tummy.

He opens his mouth, but then gives up and points at himself. "You want Dean to go back with you? Back home?" she solved the toddler language as they laughed and cheered. "Ome! Ome- Ome!" Both cheer holding me tightly.

"Home? Yeah I want to go home... the doctors need to make sure I'm okay first" I explain getting confused looks. "Ome- now?" Zack adds resting his head on my side.

"Soon... I think" I didn't really know. "Yeah they just want Dean to be able to walk properly on his own. Then he can play all the time with you guys" Minnie explains resting her arms on the bed as she gave her fingers to her kids who happily played with them.

"Owie?" Zack asked me and I nodded. "I'm mostly better now, but I had a little owie" I admit getting a whimper from him. "Is why oo go?" He asks making me furrow my eyebrows.

"Dean was gone because of reasons, but yes that's why he got hurt" dad sighs rubbing my shoulder. I shrunk back at the thought of what had happen. "It won't ever happen again" I think he aimed that comment more at me than at the twins.

"Why don't you give your brother a kiss" Mom brightens the mood pursing her lips at the kids. "Yay!" Marie shouts before turning and climbing up my torso with her hands. "Kissy?" She asked and I nodded smiling at her.

She purses her lips and I get a quick kiss from her. "Yay! Hoppy!" She yells before falling back. She kicked her body around and I smile tickling her stomach as her blonde curls covered her face. "Me? Me! Me!?" Zack yells crawling over to climb up me like his sister.

"Do I get a kiss from you as well?" I chuckle and he nods pursing his lips. He also puffs his cheeks out aa he leans forward to give me a kiss. Marie cheers as I get my kiss from him and he falls to his bottom clapping.

I smile and relax just wanting to be near them. Another knock on the door startles the three of us on the bed. I don't brother answering but sweet Minnie does.

"Come in?" She calls and the door opens revealing my favorite doctor once again. "We've got a surprise for you, but it involves walking" he looks at me as my eyes widened. "Like I can walk- out of the room?" I ask getting a nod.

"You up for it?" Dad asked and I nodded getting the toddlers taken off of me. Cameron comes over and lowers my bed before helping me up and out of it. That's when mom takes over and helps me walk out of the room. I look both ways excited and confused.

Cameron walked down the hall a a few rooms over and opens the door. Seconds later with the help of our physical therapist Lloyd stumbles out. I smile seeing him and he smiles back before she's saying something to him. He nods and slowly puts all of his weight on his own feet again.

My smile grew even wider as he started to slowly take a few steps forward by himself. I felt stupid knowing that we were like childern having to learn how to walk again, but we had been in this hospital for so long now.

Minnie slowly lets go of me and I wobble trying to stable myself before taking a few steps forward. My limp wasn't the worst, but it physically hurt to walk straight.

When we got close I reached for Lloyd and he grabbed my hand before both of us were desperately pulling each other into a hug. He fell to his knees and I let myself fall with him as our families cheered as well as the staff we had gotten close with.

"You did it!" I cheer burying my face into his neck. "You- too!" He takes as minute to respond as I just hug him. "Did... did... interupt- fuck. Did interrupt family time?" he struggles making me tear up.

"I'm sorry- I wan-wanted to show you." He quickly adds with an apology as I shake my head. "Don't be sorry. I'm so proud of you. So proud of you!" I repeat it cupping his cheeks.

"Don't you dare push yourself though... be careful and we'll get out of here soon. Together." I assure him as he nods hugging me tightly. "You did so good" I hum kissing his cheek.

"It... it sucks- not standing" he whispers as I nod. "We'll get better" I assure him before slowly pulling away. I was getting a little embarrassed sitting on the hallway floor and I didn't want to leave him, but I did anyways.

Lloyd's dad and mine helped us stand up as I kept my fingers on Lloyd the whole time. "Bye bye" I whisper getting a small wave. "Bye Dean" he said it clearly and it made me happy as Brendon practically dragged me back to my room.

Cameron helped me get situated on my bed positioning it correctly after he had helped Lloyd with his. "Thank you- for helping him" I thank Cameron again, as he smiles. "Of course can't let my favorite couple struggle" he jokes as Minnie lightly throws the twins onto my bed.

I was so ready to sleep on an actual bed. "Could we talk for a minute?" Brendon asked Cameron who gave him a worried look and nodded. "What's that about?" I ask mom as she sat next to me taking my beanie off to play with my hair.

"Jsut asking when we can take you home and when he recommends follow up appointments. Whether or not we should send you to school... that kind of stuff" she admits as the giggly toddlers settle down on my lap.

"I want to go back to school eventually... I hope Lloyd does too... is he going to be okay?" I ask scared I might have caused permanent damage.

"As long as you stay by his side he's going to be fine... he loves you so much"

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