Chapter 43

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Stepping out of the van I raise my arms over my head yawning. "Welcome guys!" Jules cheers as we all turn to see the front doors opening. Out comes a guy in a navy blue suit and another in more relaxed clothing.

We started to pull suitcases out of the van when the pair stops in front of us. "For those who haven't met my dad- this is him!" Jules throw her arms around the underdressed man. In khakis and a dark green shirt.

She hugs him tightly and he smiles kissing her head. He was blonde like her with brown eyes... now that I'm thinking about it they are literally the same person.

"So who's rooming with who?" He asked and that's when the person in the suit stepped up. "Me and Taylor. Leo and Ivana and then Lloyd and Dean!" She explains pointing each of us out.

"You heard the girl, Bentley" he nods to the guy who starts to take our suitcases from our hands putting them on this little trolley. "Dean- I know everyone but you. Well with how much Jules talks about you I feel like I do" he laughs coming over to hug me.

"Dad" she grumbled annoyed and he smiles patting my back. "Treat her right kid" he nods before turning back towards the hotel. I look to the group who gives me the same look of surprise. "Does he think- that... oh my god" Leo about doubles over laughing.

"Your mom stayed home, so Jules you can show them around!" He waved her off before disappearing in the hotel. I put my head on Lloyd's shoulder and was holding in my laugh. "What did you tell him?" Lloyd asked her snickering.

"Nothing I guess he just assumed" she answers quickly rubbing her face. "So what are we doing first?" Taylor was now wide awake and ready to party. "I suggest swimming" Ivana puts her hand up ready to give us a bunch of reasons why she thinks we should.

"Perfect- do you want the pool, man made springs, or natural springs?" Jules cuts her off. "Well how big is everything?" I ask leaning against the man behind me. "Everything can fit us all and lots of others they're big that's for sure. The pool is kind of boring compared to the springs though" Jules explains as we start to walk inside.

"Where are the springs?" Ivana wanted and needed to know everything. "Well the natural ones are down the trails some way- one of them is actually on the side of that rock formation over there" she points to a hugs rock form a few miles away.

"Then the man made ones are behind the hotel" she continues as we enter the doors. The inside was rustic in a way. Vines hung from the ceiling and flowers decorated the walls.

"I'm thinking man-made. For now? Everybody okay with that?" Ivana asked, receiving a chorus of yups and yeahs.

"Dad!" Jules shouts seeing her dad at the front desk. He looks up with a smile. "Rooms?" She asked and he shook his head with a laugh. "How dumb of me" walking over we are each handed a keycard.

"Damn" Ivana mutters looking over all the room numbers. "What?" I spoke up as we pressed the button in the elevator to take us to the seventh floor. "We're all right next to each other" she starts to explain getting weird stares from all of us.

"Easier to party!" Taylor shakes the girl who finds us idiots for not understanding. "We're going to be stuck hearing those two moaning all night" she explain pointing to us.

Lloyd covers his mouth embarrassed as I laugh, swinging an arm around Leo. "And I get to hear this guy crying mommy all night- is that right?" I ask making his face go red.

Ivana bites her lip knowing I was indeed right. I got them all to laugh except Leo who put his head against the wall, now very embarrassed. With a ding the door opens and we were all running for our rooms wild and free.

I beat Lloyd and opened the door closing it behind me. I watched through the peep hole as he sent me a knowing glare and used his key to open it. I decided to just let him in instead of holding the door shut.

Smiling I jump onto the bed turning my head to see our bags against the wall. "Alone time with you... I can't wait" he mumbles. Immediately his hands are going up my shirt and his lips are being pressed against my neck.

"Mmm" I hum in response feeling it already.  Turning I sat up which eventually led to me standing in front of him. "You having fun?" He asked and I nodded vigorously.

"Well get dressed and we can go have some more" he whispers comfortingly, kissing my forehead. I went to my bag grabbing some swim trunks out. Lloyd digging through his to find his own swim trunks.

We just changed in the room and I went to my phone when I was done. Not long after there's a knock on our door. Lloyd grabs some towels he had packed and the both of us went to the door.

Outside was everybody excited and ready. Jules lead the way and as soon as the wind hit us I wanted nothing more than to be in that spring. There's two springs separated by a rock barrier.

We go for the left one finding it's bigger. "Is it hot!?" Leo cries as we all watch the steam come from it. "No it's freezing" Taylor snorts puting one leg in.

I didn't hesitate and slid in. "Dean come here!" Ivana smiles sitting on the edge. Her legs in the water. I maneuvered myself to her as the others slipped in.

"Here" she turns me around putting her legs over my shoulders as she starts to play with my hair. "And what are you doing?" I ask getting my hair pulled. "Braiding your mop" she explains quickly pulling some of my hair up and out of my face.

Jules hurries to splash Lloyd who quickly gets back at her as everybody attempts to fight each other with it. "Okay all done!" Ivana finished tying the hair up. She got lazy and just did half up to get it out of my face.

"Thank you- you goddess" I compliment her and she laughs sinking into the water. Going over to Leo I jump onto his back and he laughs spinning us around.

There's a shout and Jules is shoved under water by Ivana. When she emerges from the water her blonde curls stick to her head. The soft girl is quick to flip Ivana off.

I let go of Leo only to be jumped by Taylor who uses me as a ride. Swimming around the outer ring of the spring Lloyd jumps on and then I'm dragging two people. The two people lead to three then four and then five. I wasn't making any progress so I just let myself sink.

Their arms released me and I came back up to find half of them choking and spitting on the water they had inhaled when they fell with me.

I laughed at them all getting hit on the head by Ivana. Rubbing my head I don't hesitate to shoot her a glare. She obviously didn't care so I got over myself and glided over to Lloyd.

I pushed the hair out of his face getting a pretty smile from in return. Putting my arms around his neck I jumped up wrapping my legs around his waist.

"If only nobody else was here" I whisper making his grip on me tighten. Smiling I just fall back letting myself float. I get pulled around this time. No work for me. Until Jules tries to drown me.

I come back up spitting water out of me mouth. Giggling cutely, She looks at me innocently. So I do the reasonable thing. I spit the rest of it on her. This causes her squeal and run away hiding behind Taylor.

I glare but don't follow pulling myself onto the rocks to give my body a break from the heat. "So what are we going to do after this?" Leo asked laying on Ivana.

"We could go on a walk? Or today could just be a chill day where we hangout inside- since we woke up so early and I'm quite literally exhausted" Taylor complains. "You sure like to sleep a lot" Lloyd jokes but she laughs with a nod.

"We could all hangout in my room and watch a movie?" Jules suggest playing with her hair. "I'm suggesting my room because dad got the TV set up so everything is unlocked" she continues and we all nod our agreements.

"So let's explore the hotel a bit- then movie. I suggest scary" Lloyd pops into the conversation rubbing his shoulder. Oh how I wanted to rub my hands over his bare body right now.

"You just want Dean to get scared and jump into your lap" Taylor laughs hugging onto Jules. I bit my lip to hold back anything that I wanted to say as Ivana gave me a look.

"That won't be needed he'll just start the movie in my lap" he adds with a smirk.

"Somebody's being confident"

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