Chapter 49

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I hop into the front seat buckle up leaning over to kiss Lloyd. "I don't wanna go back to school" Leo groans as our usual loud Taylor was quiet. "Hey blondie, you okay?" Ivana asked and both whip their heads over to look at her.

"Jules you're giggles- Taylor what are you looking at?" She asked again as Lloyd started up the mom van. "Umm... it's stupid. The black truck it just started. It feels weird. It hasn't moved once" she explains as I don't really care since it doesn't bother me at all.

"Let's just get out of here and we'll never see it again" Leo suggest putting a hand on her shoulder. She nods and buckled up while Lloyd hurried out of the parking lot his eyes checking the rear view mirror frequently.

"It's following" he whispers to me knowing it won't freak me out unlike them. "I'll watch" I whisper back focusing on the truck in the mirror. When we left the parking lot turning right it went straight.

"Okay- we're good" I assure him and he nods happy. We continued to go straight and I watched Lloyd with a smile even though I could tell everybody in the van was uneasy.

We drove silently for a bit Lloyd being super cautious when it came to side roads. I didn't know what to do, but I felt bad. I couldn't freak out about it. They're probably just being paranoid. Ohhhh wait... I have a stalker. My birth dad. My god I fucking forgot about that. You dense idiot- they are probably freaking out about it.

Lloyd's nightmare!!! He literally reminded me!! Idiot. "Guys- somebody start a conversation please" Taylor mumbles very anxious as Jules looked around.

"Guys the truck went the other way... we should be good" I try to help but it doesn't seem to work. "I took pictures of it anyways. License plate and all" Ivana chuckles making us all laugh.

"Well I hope that person never crosses her- she'll shut them down real quick" Leo laughs getting the rest of us to laugh. You could tell our driver was loosening up as he drove by roads and it made the mood a bit better and less tense.

"So what should we talk about?" Jules asked trying to keep the conversation going. "How loud Lloyd and Dean are" Ivana suggest. "How loud Ivana and Leo are" I shoot back.

"Yeah- I was about to fuck Jules just to cancel out all of your guy's moans" Taylor admits as we all go silent except Jules who was choking on her spit. "You're gay!?" I finally spoke up having not seen that coming. "I think I'm bi but I lean more towards men" she says coming out of nowhere.

"I... woah. I'm totally surprised" Lloyd mutters as I nod in agreement. They didn't even know- Damn. "Somebody stop Jules from dying" Ivans mutters trying to reach the flustered girl.

"Okay I'm all good now" Jules tried to breathe in slowly doing little motions to calm her down. "All calm-" she gets cut off with Leo shouting. "Lloydlookout!" The words were slurred and loud followed by the others yelling and screaming as I whipped my head to Lloyd.

A big truck had blew the stop sign- it was close so close. I didn't know how to react. I wasn't scared. I wanted everyone to be okay though- how can I help.

As the truck made contact I just watched. It was loud. I was whipped to the side hitting the window and then I don't remember.


There's crying and my eyes flutter open. My head hurt and my nose was filled with the smell of smoke and burnt rubber. Lifting my head I squinted as a door quickly opened only to immediately fall right off the hinges with a clatter. Is there help? What happen?

"Dean!" Jules- she yells. I struggle to look back and see her bleeding and sobbing as she struggled to remove her buckle. "Lloyd- help him!" She cried trying to do it herself.

Hazy I look back to him. That's when I see the man. A big man with black hair and a beard. "He's your weakness I'll fix you. I'll make you perfect. You'll be my perfect warrior" he makes eye contact with me. As I try to get my buckle off but it was jammed in. I ripped at it. Be scared! He's taking him. He's taking him!

"Lloyd!" I screamed trying to reach for him anyways. He's leaving. He can't. The man drags Lloyd's limp body with him into the side of the truck with a now noticeable dent in the front.

Within minutes he's driving off. I search for a phone dizzy. Fumbling with it I call 911 sobbing. I didn't know what to do and I was so mad at myself that I wasn't comprehending that the man- was that my dad... he took him from me. Do I not care-

"911 what's your emergency?" A woman's voice asked as I breathed into the phone. "Uh- I. This man ran into our van with his truck... he... he took Lloyd. They're gone now- but there's still five of us in the van" I try to explain. I wasn't scared- but I was in pain. Stressed?

I just cried. I couldn't help it anymroe. I was so mad at myself for not freaking out. I quickly gave the address of the hotel and the street we were on my breathing becoming heavier.

"Are any of your friends awake?" I looked back to see Jules stills hanging in her seat but barely conscious. Ivana was knocked out as Leo's eyes fluttered open just to close them again he was laying against her. Taylor was bloody and knocked out completely.

"Two of them- but they are barely awake" I explain. I think the fact that I wasn't scared was keeping myself from passing out. I groan in pain after shifting only a little.

"You said the man took your friend? What's his name?" She asked as I grabbed my head. "Lloyd Tanner" I say to quick, but I can hear her writing it down.

"The police are on their way do you have a description of the man or the vehicle?" She asked another question. "A black truck- one of my friend's has pictures since he had been suspicious-" I admit taking a deep breath. She waits for me to continue.

"I think it was my dad- he's been stalking me... I don't live with... I don't know I haven't seen him since..." I just cry into my hands at this point. I couldn't think. It's my fault. I'm the screw up. Me!

"Oh... stay on the phone with me until the ambulance or police get there" she seems surprised as I try to comphrend it all. She probably thinks I'm crazy. I think it's my dad, but I don't know. I don't even know what my psychotic dad looks like.

Lloyd- I feel so bad. He's going to get hurt. "You said your friend has pictures?" She asked and I laid back some more holding my leg. "Yeah- of the truck... my adoptive mom and dad know more about my dad... you- you should call them" I mumble getting very tired.

"Okay we need to get all of your phones then..." she mumbles probably writing stuff down. "Why don't you talk to your friends- try to keep them up" she sounds a little desperate making me huff, but I turn anyways.

"Leo" I call for him  and his eyes flutter open. He groans in pain and grabs onto Ivana's arm. "Is... is she okay" I could feel myself getting weaker as I gripped the seat tightly the phone now where Lloyd had been and on speaker.

He cries out and forces himself up to look at her. "Ivana" he coughs out, but the girl stays still. He cries dropping his head onto her chest. "I'm shaking to much- I-I can't tell if she's breathing" he starts to hyperventilate. I reach back to help just for my body to drop.

"Jules" I mumble and she lets her body fall over grabbing my hand. "Taylor- check... check her" I mutter and she nods trying to get over to the blonde.

"Wake up... please" Jules whispers trying to shake her a bit. Taylor didn't budge and Jules started to violently cry, hugging onto her tightly. I went to say something but stayed quiet as the sounds of sirens were heard.

I smiled for a second, but it disappeared when I realized Lloyd is missing. He's gone. "Are the police there?" The operator asked and I open my mouth to say something. Struggling to make words form.

"Soon-" I finally choked out my eyes fluttering shut. "Just gotta stay up a bit longer" I mumble to myself gripping my shirt.

It didn't work. Police cars and the ambulance come to an abrupt stop and as soon as I knew I had at least helped someone my body gives up.

I just close my eyes and let my body fall.

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