Chapter 28

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Lloyd had left to talk to some other teacher so I swung my backpack onto my back. Going for my crutches, I start to wobble my way out of class making a straight shot for my locker. "Darcy, what happened with you?" Somebody asked the same question for the 30th time. "I go by Dean" the kid nods embarrassed and I continue to crutch my way pass them.

When I got to my locker I clumsily managed to open it almost dropping my crutches which were the only things holding me up since my legs were still fucked up. No casts though just braces. "Doll face" Lloyd coos from behind me and I look back at him.

"Hmm?" I ask tired and craving the need to sit down already. My armpits hurt from these stupid crutches. "What do you need in your bag and what do you need taken out?" He moves to get things for me.

"I need everything but my notebook taken out" I mumble. He works at taking everything out. "Do you have specific spots for stuff?" He asked squatting down at my locker. "No" I mumble hanging my head.

"Now what do you need?" He waits for my response as I think. "The big book- green folder" I huff and he hurries to grab it putting it all in my bag. "Anything else?" He asked getting a no from me.

Lloyd closes my locker and looks me over for a second. "Is your bag too heavy?" He asked going to take it off of me. "Lloyd it's fine" I assure him but he doesn't listen taking it.

I mumble to myself getting a kiss on the temple from him. He starts to walk and I roll my eyes. "Lover boy" I call watching him turn to look at me. "Are you okay? Did I forget something?" He asked hurrying back over.

"You missed my lips" I chuckle raising my head. He smiles and gives me a quick peck before fixing my beanie. "Let's get you to lunch" he hums and I nod giving him a peck before starting our long and slow trek to the cafeteria.

He opens the cafeteria door for me and I go to my usual seat next to Jules who gives me a sympathetic look. Lloyd sits next to me on the other side and takes my crutches leaning them against the end of the table.

"How are you feeling?" Jules speaks up first. "Tired, my armpits fucking hurt from the crutches... and sore?" I answer looking at her. "How about you?" I ask surprising her. "I'm good better now that I know you're okay" she admits.

"Glad you're all good though" Leo adds and I nod. "You're literally a miracle" Taylor chuckles as I give her a halfassed smile. More like a curse.

I rub a hand over my rib feeling the brace and the feeling of not breathing. Damn it was fucking tight. Nobody ever let me fall off a building again- that shit sucks.

"Okay lunch time" Ivana cuts us off putting a bag on the table. I put my head down hoping to relax and maybe loosen up this brace... it fucking hurt.  "I made egg rolls with my nana, so each of you get three" she explains handing Leo his bag first. He smiles at her and she smiles back before reaching into her bag and handing one to Taylor then Jules. She grabs three more putting one next to her and then handing one to me and Lloyd.

"For me?" I ask confused. She nodded reaching over to open Leo's bag for him. "I could have done it" he grumbles getting an eye roll from her. "You didn't though, now eat" she tells him and he nods digging into his food.

"Thanks Ivana" I thank her hoping this meant the bitch would be less of a bitch now. "Yeah, I just thought you would like some lunch" she grumbles and I nod opening the bag.

"You're making a mess idiot" Ivana grumbles quietly taking a napkin and wiping Leo's face off. His pale face goes flushed when she grabbed his chin and wiped the mess off with a napkin.

"Ivana I'm not a child" he mumbles shyly. "Just a baby" she chuckles as I watch them enjoying this little romance in front of me. The others were to busy with their food as I ignored mine to watch.

"Ivana" he whispers his face turning into a pout. She smiles at him and let's go of his chin going back to her food. Leaving Leo to stare at her desperately. I chuckle to myself and go to my food so wanting those two to date. He definitely calls her mommy. I can sense it.

I take a bite of my food and smile at how good it actually was. This was nice. I felt like part of the group. A hand goes to my leg and I look over at Lloyd who was smiling cutely at me.

"You're so cute" I huff looking at him. "Am not" he grumbles. I shrug with a smile going back to my food. His hand rubs over my thigh and I put a free hand on his rubbing my thumb over it.

This may be stupid but I think I was in love with him. Yeah stupid. I don't do love. Why the fuck did I think that. Oh my god I'm going to laugh if I don't stop being stupid. Chuckling I continue with my food. Occasionally watching the hopeless flirts in front of me.

They asked me about my experience in the hospital and I told them everything. I told them about my doctor and his family and Jules immediately freaked out.

"Dude they have their names in the hall of fame- they were the gay soccer players. Took the team to states and won! Luis I believe still plays soccer!" She freaks out over it. "How do you know this?" Taylor laughed at her.

"I was looking over the hall of fame pictures with Leo and we were deciding which ones were cute and hot. I remember Luis being fucking adorable so I had to read his thing" she laughs as we all tease her and the need to check out men.

"Hey Darcy" some guy chuckles walking by with his group of friends. The people around my table look at me for a reaction, but I shrug it off.  "I go by Dean" I say loud enough for them to hear which causes one to stop and look back at me.

"Did mommy want a girl? Is that why you got stuck with such a crappy name?" He mocks as I felt a tinge of sadness hit my heart. I feel myself shutting down and quickly move my hand to squish Lloyd's again.

"Precisely" I answer getting shocked looks from the people around me and the group of boys staring at me. One seemed to feel bad, so he ran off.

"Couldn't come up with anything better than Darcy?" He chuckles and I shrug. "It's not a bad name. I'd be fine with it if it wasn't a constant reminder that I'm not what they wanted" I joke the guy talking to me moving back realizing he wasn't getting anywhere with me.

"Darcy-" I wait for his next insult, but it never comes. Lloyd leaves my hand slamming his against the table. "Trenton if you don't shut the fuck up I'm going to make you. It is Dean and you will use Dean!" He yells silencing the lunch room.

"Yeah- okay. Sorry" he grumbles starting to turn away. "Don't say sorry to me, say it to him" he adds with a threatening voice which made him very attractive at the moment. Trenton grunted before staring at me. "I'm sorry Dean" he apologizes and Lloyd sits back down.

"Yeah it's whatever" I wave him off with my good hand. Trenton turns and walks away as the lunch room goes back to chattering loudly. "Did you really mean that Dean- the whole thing with your name?" Leo asked as my eyes flicker to his hand disappearing under the table. Ivana's disappears as well and I can tell they're holding hands.

"Yup" I mumble taking another bite of my food. "Oh... I'm sorry" he apologizes. "It's all good I don't care anymore" I grumble. He nods looking down.

"I'm sorry Dean" Jules hugs me from the side and I shrug again letting the group go back to talking amongst themselves. Turning to Lloyd he was still glaring at where Trenton had gone to sit.

I move a little to whisper in his ear. "I'm just going to pretend to whisper some shit so I can kiss your cheek- thank you" I thank him before giving him the kiss.

He chuckles and nods looking over at me. "You're lucky we are out here in front of people or I would be asking for some more payment" he whispers his eyes flickering up to his friends.

"You guys okay?" Taylor asked and we both looked over and nodded.

"Was just thanking him for sticking up for me"

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