Chapter 53

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"Okay that's it!" I sit slamming my hands on the table. The group jumps looking at me. "What?" Ivana asked looking up. "I haven't seen any of you guys eat at lunch since I came back- I brought food" I explain grabbing my bag.

Both Taylor and Leo had just set their crutches down as Ivana tried to get comfortable with the cast on her arm.

"I'm just not hungry" Taylor admits making me roll my eyes. "And I don't care- do you think Lloyd wants us starving ourselves?!" I ask making them go quiet.

I pulled out the bag and open it up revealing a bunch of bagged sandwiches . "I didn't exactly know what you guys would all like so I made three turkey and three ham" I shrug pointing at which is which.

"We aren't leaving until everyone eats one" I continue getting sniffles from Jules. Each of them timidly take a sandwich and I do as well looking at the extra one... did I forget. God I'm such an idiot.

I hurry to put the bag away leaving the sandwich in the ziplock bag. It was hurting me just looking at it. I really made him one. I'm actually an idiot.

Ivana's eyes were on me the whole time. She watched as I stared at a fucking sandwich with so much sadness. She looks back at her own food and just starts crying. I sighed and put my hand on her shoulder trying to make her feel better.

"A month- he's had him a whole month... what if he's dead! Why hasn't he tried to contact you. I'm so scared- I can't do it" Ivana just breaks down into her hands as Jules puts a hand over her mouth. She continues to chew on her sandwich trying not to cry as I stare at her broken. I'm so sorry.

The ringer on my phone goes off and I quickly turn it on to see who texted me. Could it be... my eyes widened at the random number.

'Why did you change your number?'

'Do you know how hard it was to find your new one!?'

He begins to yell at me over text as my hands  begin to shake in absolute fury. "Dean?" Leo asked looking up from Ivana who he was trying to calm.

'I had no choice! They made me do it!'

I quickly answer wanting Lloyd back.

"Dean!" "Dean are you okay!?" Leo asks again standing as Taylor grabs my face and begins to wipe tears.

'Such a disappointment letting them boss you around! I had to keep this boy for a month! A month! This is your fault!'

I could hear the disappointment and the sudden memories that had been locked up. The pain and torture I went through. I wasn't good enough for either of them.

Hell I don't even know where my mother is. Is she in jail? Is she still out!? Where is she?

'Please bring him back! Please! Take me! You can train me! I'm not scared of anything I don't care!'

I hurry to text him trying to call him but he ignores it. "Dean who's texting you!? Did they find him!" Leo asks standing over the table as the girls started to cry.

'I'm here. Back exit. Don't tell anyone. I saw the officer in the front. Small red car since I had to trash my truck for you'

He explains and I drop my phone so quickly. "I love you guys. You gave me lots of fun memories." I tell them hugging Taylor tightly.

"Dean what's going on?" She asked tears in her eyes as I hugged the rest of my friends. Actual friends.

I still didn't answer them and ran out of the cafeteria looking back to see as Ivana lunged for my phone. As soon as the cafeteria doors closed I bolted for the back door ignoring all pain I felt from my injuries.

Throwing the door open I searched for a small red car. Smiling when I found it. I didn't hesitate to open the door and climb in. As soon as I'm mostly in he's zooming off and I have to hurry to shut the door almost getting thrown out.

I turn to look at the man buckling up so he doesn't accidentally kill me before letting go of Lloyd. That would suck.

He was tall. Blakc hair like mine but his was straight. He looks like he hasn't brushed it in forever though. His skin was sickly pale and his face was sinister. Wearing a smirk of amusement.

A black beard had started to grow. As he sped off I watched in the mirror. The door I had  previously came out of burst open again. The three that weren't on crutches were pointing and shouting. They were trying.

"Why are you doing this? I'm genuinely curious? I know for a fact I'm not good enough for you, so why keep trying?" I ask turning to look at him some more.

He runs a stop sign and I could hear the sirens in the background. I'm guessing my friends told them. Poor Minnie and Brendon.

"Damn it!" He shouts hitting the steering wheel. "You obviously weren't secretive enough!" He yells ignoring my question from earlier. Instead I'm smacked across the face. I just huff rolling my eyes.

He smiles at this before taking a sharp turn. "I see you're not scared?" He asks and I nod. "I don't get scared my brain has blocked that part out" I grit my teeth pissed off.

"Thanks to me" he bites his lip excited. "Yeah fuck you. You screwed me ever!" I shout now really pissed off.

My hair is grabbed and he yanks my head down as I yell trying to pry his hands off. "You watch your fucking attitude or I'll kill your boyfriend in front of you!" He threatens me. I scoff and sit back up.

"Don't do anything to him" I threaten him back getting a smirk. "What would you do? I'll kill him and then it'll just be us. You can't stop me" He asks with a laugh and I rack my brain for anything. "I'll kill myself- let's see you get your fearless warrior without an actual son" I mock watching his face go red.

"I'm going to beat you until you're inch from death- if you ruin this for me. All I've thought of in my years at prison is fulfilling my goal. So you will do nothing of the sort!" He shouts speeding up.

The sirens were long gone and I knew they weren't going to find us. "So I'm only here so you can fulfill some dream" I laugh at his pathetic reason for quite literally stalking me. He was finally free from prison and if he was found he'd go right back in. Fucking idiot.

"You don't understand! You'd never understand. You're stupid. You're nothing. I hope you remember that the rest of your pathetic life! I will get my warrior son!" He starts to go on a rant.

I couldn't help but laugh. He's actually mental. How could they ever release him? Did they not do a psych evaluation? "How's Lloyd?" I ask hoping he was okay.

"He's annoying. Breathing but I think I got him to shut up. He really didn't want me to get you- he was willing to do some messed up things for you" he laughs taking his eyes off the road long enough to swipe a mailbox.

I bite my lip to hold in my laugh and he doesn't hold it back cackling. How has he not been caught. "How are you going to take him back?" I ask the important question.

"Who said anything about taking him back?" He laughs as I glare. "That was the deal! I come you let him go" he continues to just smirk at my stupidity.

"You are obviously close to this Lloyd- he will be part of your training. You disobey me... you screw up. Lloyd and you will suffer. If I notice more progress in your work ethics when I beat Lloyd then I'll save you some bruises and go after him" he explains his plan seeming to be proud of himself.

"You will not do any of the sort- I will fight back with all the strength and power I have before you touch Lloyd again" I explain not taking my eyes off the road.

"Still a fighter. I see we won't need much training- I saw your flips and stuff you seem strong Darcy. We just need to work on your fighting. I have down lots of practicing while I was locked away. You will be perfect" he assures me as I look over to him in disgust.

"I'm literally threatening to kill you. Do you understand me. You will not touch Lloyd again!" I try to get that through his thick skull making him grin.

"I will do what I want and you will listen to me whether you like it or not"

I open my mouth to say something, but instead I'm met with his fist. Just like that everything stops.

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