Chapter 22

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"Hey Darcy" one of the guys laugh and I give them an unenthusiastic wave. I haven't been able to actually mourn any of it yet. I was waiting for the wall of emotions to hit me for almost a week now.

I've missed almost the whole week of school and was pretty much screwed over. Haven't saw Jules. Ivana... Lloyd. Stupid. I was getting my hopes up. Wasn't I. I chuckle at myself like the idiot I am.

I checked my phone again to see if Minnie had answered. I nodded at her answer unable to put any energy in my answer.

'Of course just stay safe, text me when you want me to pick you'

She answered my request to stay after school. I was hoping I could parkour the stress away.


I answer not bothering to look at it when it buzzed again. I just moved to put my stuff back in my locker and slammed it shut. Walking down the hall for the door I'm pulled by the wrist and stopped.

Turning around unbothered I find Lloyd. "What's going on with you?" He asked looking me over. "You have football go to that" I answer turning the other way. "We have a game tonight I don't have to be here till 6" he explains as I look him over.

He's probably just horny. I guess maybe it'll snap me out of it. "Want to go somewhere?" I ask moving his arm to wrap around my back. "Uh... I mean... I heard you rejected Jules... I'm sorry you had to go through that" he mumbles and I shrug.

"Why... it's your friend you should be mad at me" I answer looking him over. "I won't be mad at you, you did nothing wrong it's not your fault you don't like her" he chuckles and I nod.

He wasn't mad at me? That's nice. I smile at the fact before looking up at him. "Is Jules upset?" I ask anyways hoping it didn't lock me up again. "She's over it- just feels stupid, she was pretty devastated the first few hours but she's more worried about you" he explains and I swear I could feel my heart beating. They were worried about me?

"Why are you crying?" He asked and I quickly wipe my eyes with my hand. "Sorry I always do that when I snap back" I groan wiping the not needed tears. "Snap back? What do you mean?" He asked and I shrug.

"Nothing important" I mumble trying to get the held back tears to stop. "Doll face you're so confusing" he sighs grabbing my hands. Leaning forward he kisses under my eyes before going to wipe my tears himself.

When they finally stop I was about cringing at myself. This is gross and disgusting. "Are you okay- you haven't been at school all week then I heard something happen with a sub... and as soon as I see you again- you go from like no emotions to crying... I'm kinda worried not going to lie" he gives me a nervous smile as I shrug.

"All good" I pat his shoulder. "Lover boy worrying for me is cute though" I mumble kissing him lightly. He smiles into the kiss grabbing my hips. "I'm not going to the game today... so I should give you your prize now" I whisper taking the hand I had originally wrapped around my waist. Moving it down to my ass.

"Oh... okay- yeah" he stutters out and I smile waiting. "Where too?" I ask and he looks up to think. "Mom van?" Lloyd suggests. "Sure" I nod waiting for him to lead the way.

He takes my hand and I stare at it as always liking the way it looked. He opens the door and I climb in followed by him. "Are you sure you're okay... I'm worried. Like I don't know but it's not normal just suddenly crying- and like you're usually so nice but I heard you were pretty blunt with Jules it's just confusing-" I cut him off smashing my lips against his.

I don't feel like telling him my whole life story and if he finds out he's going to want to talk about it and then I might go back to the no smiles. Which is sad because I really wanted to smile at the twins. I like the twins. I know I think it a lot, but they make me happy.

I wish I had real siblings like them. I'll probably miss them if they get rid of me. I think I'll miss Minnie and Brendon too. Let me tell you when they picked me up Monday after the substitute teacher ordeal happened... Minnie was terrifying. she's usually so bubbly and sweet but she was cussing up a storm yelling and screaming as I sat there with my eyes glued to the floor.

I wanted to be happy and cry about how she was standing up for me but I couldn't I was frozen. I distract myself and move my hands to Lloyd's body.

He looks at me worried but doesn't stop me this time. I felt stupid though. Was I using him? Was I pushing myself onto him? Does he not like me anymore? Should I just leave? I wish I knew what to do. Stupid.

"Okay fine I'll tell you something!" I groan sitting back. He immediately pipes ups and stops pouting. "I have something wrong with me that's causes me to be different- that's the summary you're getting no more" I huff sitting back and crossing my arms.

He gives me a sympathetic look but nods making his way over. "Thanks for telling me" he whispers sweetly kissing my neck. I smile hugging him to me.

Without much thought I go on my knees pushing him down. Stripping my shirt I hurry to get his off too. I just wanted an excuse to look at his body which excited me so much.

"Are you sure you don't want to talk?" He asked pulling me over him. His hand went to my neck kissing me passionately. "I'm sure- I want to forget about it... so please be my distraction" I whisper as he pulls away from me.

"What are we doll?" Lloyd asks grabbing my hip as I moved my hands up and down his defined chest. "What do you mean?" I ask not actually knowing how to answer.

"What are we? Friends with benefits? Or do you still like me? I don't want to just fuck whenever you want. I understand if you're just horny I'll help you whenever you need it but I like you... I want you to actually like me too" he whispers.

"Lloyd... I try to stay away from relationships. I do like you. I think I do. You're always in my head and you literally just snapped me out of something that usually takes me months to get out of it." I mumble playing with the hem of his pants.

I could feel him smiling at me. "That's all I needed to hear" he whispers attacking my neck. I grin playing with his hair my other hand still pulling at his pants. "Do you want them off?" He asked leaving my neck with a pop.

I felt the fresh bruise on my neck and nodded. He chuckles pulling his shoes off followed by his pants. I smile moving closer my lips on his as my hands fondled the tent in his boxers.

He groans a hand moving to my hair. My beanie is thrown to the side and he pulls my head back kissing my neck some more. "Your turn" he mutters letting me go.

I nod hurrying to strip my shoes and jeans. When I'm left in my boxers he looks me over with a smirk. Turning around I go onto my elbows.

"And what are you doing?" He asks fondling my ass. "Teasing the shit out of you" I whisper dropping my head as he squeezes a little to hard. He chuckles going to his knees hand on my hips.

"What are you-" he cuts off my question thrusting against me. I moan slapping a hand over my mouth. He quickly thrusts against me and the pleasure of imagining his cock in me continues to make me moan.

"Lloyd please just fuck me..." I cry out. I was so turned on and I wanted him so bad. The fabric the only thing keeping his dick from abusing my hole.

"Sorry doll face... I'm teasing the shit out of you" he chuckles slapping my ass. I jolt forward with a moan and he chuckles pulling me back against him.

"You asshole" I grunt. His hands move and he stops, moving away. I turn around and give him a confused look. "Why did you stop?" I mumble crawling onto his lap. I hum grinding onto his hard cock.

"If I kept going like that it'll be hard not to fuck you" he groans. I smile moving forward to bite his lip. "Why don't you just fuck me then" I moan wanting him so bad.

"I'm not going to have sex with you for the first time in a car. Doll... I wanna make love to you"

"You what!?"

Fearless ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz