Chapter 41

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"Mom!" I yell for her the word seeming so foreign to me. I liked it though. I enjoyed saying it. "What's up sweetie?" You can hear the smile in her voice as she calls back.

"Can Marie and Zack watch Scooby Doo?" I ask poking my head out the door. "Yes of course" she replies not looking up from her computer. I go back into my room where the two kids sat patiently.

Zack had his hand in his mouth looking around as Marie focused on me again smiling wide. I go to the tv and press the show I had been hesitate on. I started it and then it dawned on me that I should get permission.

"Want to get on the bed?" I ask moving towards it. "Yuh!" "Uh!" The both of them answer. Marie stands and waddles over. I smile throwing her up and then lightly toss her on the bed. She squeals and giggles which triggers her brother to run over arms raised.

Lifting him up I copy my actions throwing him on the bed. He squeals and soon both are laughing and kicking. I smile and join them before focusing on Scooby Doo.

My phone rings not even ten minutes in and I move the kids who were laying over my legs. Grabbing it to find Jules contact. I answer not realizing it was a face time, I'm met with her and then the others.

"What's going on?" I ask looking between them all. "Wait a second I've gotta call Lloyd" Jules mutters typing something in. "Dean we're all packing together on face time" Ivana answers me and I nod setting the phone down against something before going back to sit with my s- the kids.

"Why?" Marie asked pointing towards the phone that was on my nightstand. I could see them and they could see us, but it made it so I could still be with the twins. Zack crawled into my lap with only his diaper and a shirt. All while clinging to my own shirt as he stared off.

"Those are my friends remember?" I reply to her and she nods sitting in my lap to watch the show. "Awww Dean they're so cuteee!" Taylor whispers her eyes practically on the screen.

I smile and nod opening my mouth to say something. "Okay I'm calling Lloyd!" Jules tells us as we patiently wait for him to answer. In the show Shaggy got scared by one of the ghosts and Zack fell to his back laughing. He grabbed his feet and continued to laugh as I smiled and rubbed his tummy.

Soon after Lloyd's face pops up and there he is a sleepy face his hair a mess. He drops his head back into his pillow and you can see his bare back. I smirk seeing the visible scratch marks.

"Lloyd! Are you still sleeping!?" Ivana starts to lecture and he quickly looks up wiping his eyes. "No! No... I just napped- ya know" he mumbles wiping his mouth this time.

"I'm going to beat you- you'll screw up your sleep schedule for school!" She continues with her lecture as the rest of us try to cover our laughs.

"Ivana it's Saturday- we leave Monday- I won't be going to school for almost three weeks" he grumbles sitting up completely. He showed off his spectacular body and how he was only in boxers.

My eyes traced the work of art as I bit my lip imagining what that body could do to me. "Lloyd for fucks sake the kids!" Taylor shouts and I realize they were with me still.

I looked at them to find them still zoned in on the tv. "Shit!" He curses flopping down onto his stomach before slowly sliding off of the bed. I hug the two kids who had moved to my lap kissing their heads.

"Kwssy?" Marie asks and I nod leaning over. She grabs my chin kissing my cheek. Flipping back down I stare at Zack who watches me with big teary eyes.

"What buddy?" I ask and he whines reaching for me. "Words?" I chuckle and he nods pursing his lips. "Kwss!" He giggles and I nod getting a kiss on the cheek from him as well.

"Awwwwww let's takes them on vacation with us!" Jules gushes as I look back over to them. "Lloyd!" Leo starts to shout his name. There's no answer so he continues to repeat "Lloyd" over and over again spinning in his swivel chair.

"What!?" The athletic boy hops back into camera view pulling his pajama pants the rest of the way up. He had a shirt on now and it was so sad. He covered up such beautiful art.

"Hope you are okay with kids" Leo smirks as I smile playing with Marie's hair. "Shut it" Lloyd groans an answer sitting down to look at the screen.

"Okay guys packing!" Ivana claps trying to get us on topic. "I'm so excited!" Taylor cheers raising her fist in the air. Our prepared friend pulls out a list clearing her throat as we all go quiet to listen.

"First- of course... does everybody have a suitcase?" Ivana asks as they all stand to go grab theirs. "Well duh" Jules giggles and I look to the children in front of me.

"I gotta get up now" I tell them slipping away while pulling them off of my lap. "I'll be back I gotta ask if I have a suitcase" I tell them getting looks. "Guys I've been in this house for barely 4 months" I remind them. "Ohhhh yeah" one of them answers and I go for the door.

"D! D!- bait!" Both start to yell for me going to the side of the bed. "I'll be right back" I whisper keeping them on the bed. "Keep my friends occupied" I point to the phone and Marie quickly crawls over before sitting in front of the camera.

"I!" She yells which is followed by Zack hurrying over to copy. I leave the room listening to the cooing from the kids and the teens as I search for Minnie. When I found her still at the counter working on her computer I stand in front waiting for her to be done.

"Yes?" She asked kindly pushing her glasses up. "Do you have a suitcase I can use?" I say simply and she nods pressing a few things on her computer. "Of course- follow me" she hums standing and starting her walk to their room. I follow behind happy.

I liked living here. Since I can't really fear this relative of mine I honestly kept forgetting about it besides whenever I see the patrol car outside as it goes by.

Opening her door she goes to their closet opening it and pointing to the suitcases stuffed up and on top. "You can use that one till we get you your own- if you can get to it" she chuckles and I nod reaching for it.

I manage to get it off pretty easily and pull it down onto the floor. "Need anything else?" I nodded and she waited for me to say something. Letting go of the suitcase I just hugged her.

I pulled her into a tight hug and she quickly hugged me back her hand rubbing my shoulder. "Thank you" I murmur. She just squeezes me tighter. "Of course"

Taking a deep breath I pick up the suitcase and carry it to my room before laying it out on the floor. "What are you two doing?" I ask going over to the camera where both were giggling. Leo had taken it upon himself to duck down and pop out every few seconds setting the twins off every time.

"Okay guys- I've got the suitcase what's next?" I steal everyone's attention patiently waiting. "D!" They had realized I was here and both hurriedly  waddled to the edge of the bed.

I grabbed Marie as she tipped getting sighs of relief from Taylor and Jules.  "Jeez that scared me" Lloyd admits wiping his tired eyes once again. I give the camera a look knowing that two of them knew my secret.

Gently throwing Marie back down she laughs and hurried over to her brother laying over him as the two go back to watching Scooby Doo. "Okay let's start with pants. We'll be there a week so I say 7-8.... I'm sure we can bring quarters for the washers if you just want to reuse clothes" Ivana explains holding up her checklist.

"Tell me when you're done and I'll put a tick mark- cross it off when I have... six!" She explains as we all stand to start grabbing clothes. "Dean!!!" Taylor squeals and I turn right back around to see her holding a black skirt.

"What?" I ask as everybody came back to see what she wanted. "You should wear this! Just for a little. I think it would look so good on you- we already decided you have amazing legs!" She cheers as I shrugged and turned around.

"Okay- as long as it looks good on me"

"Taylor you better fucking bring that skirt"

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