Chapter 37

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"I'm gonna get you!" I yell crawling forward towards the babies who quickly started to scramble away screaming. "No!" I'm pretty sure Marie yells as I stand to chase them as they entered the kitchen.

I run right past Minnie who seemed to be recording us. Scooping them both up I get a messy kiss on the cheek from Zack. "Awww thank you" I coo. "Mwah! Mwah!" He yells touching his cheek. I turn to look at the two people taking me in. "Can I kiss him back?" I ask and both quickly nod. "Of course sweetie!" Brendon chuckles as Minnie raises her phone again. Not secretive at all.

"Mwah!" I say kissing his cheek. He giggles resting his fluffy blonde hair on me. As the girl nexts to me grabs my chin. "Hmm?" I ask and she pats her own cheek with sad eyes.

"Do I get a kiss first?" I ask and she opens her mouth a gurgling noise leaving her mouth. "Kiss?" I ask again and she sits up more in my arms kissing my cheek immediately crying out and tapping her own cheek.

I chuckle and kiss her cheek before looking forward to see Minnie still recording us. "Look at mom" I say it without thinking as the twins turn to smile at her.

Her eyes widen as she stared at me with teary eyes. "Mom?" She asked Brendon coming over to wrap her in a one armed hug. "It just kind of slipped out- I understand if you don't want me calling you that" I explain both twins no longer looking at their mom and resting on me. Marie had her hand in her mouth and was slowly copying her brothers sleepy actions.

"No- it doesn't bother me- say it more! If you want of course. I'd love to- I'm fine. Mom. That's me... if you want of course!" She starts to fumble with words and I set her sleepy childern down. Zack flops to his butt and Marie hugs my leg closing her eyes.

"I'd like that- you being mom" this conversation is so awkward. "Really?" She asked and I nodded. "Me- Brendon! I..." he trails off trying to join the conversation in some way but failing.

"I wouldn't mind calling you dad- if you're okay with it" I tell him making his smile widen. The two cheerful people come over with tears in their eyes hugging me tightly as their babies squealed and soon yawned again going back to being tired.

"You're a wonderful boy- we love you" Brendon whispers and Minnie kisses my head. Tears welled in my eyes at their words and an overwhelming sense of emotion hit me.

"It's okay- it's okay" Brendon is soon calming me as I sobbed into his chest. I didn't want to but I just snapped again. At least I wasn't shutting down. I was just emoting too much.

"You're doing great let it out" he whispers rubbing my back. "I'm sorry" I apologize not being able to control my crying. I wanted to stop, but the tears wouldn't stop. I wasn't even sad. I was happy!

He held me for a few minutes until finally I stopped. The twins were hugging my legs tightly as Minnie tried to coax them off of me. Once I regain somewhat control again I lifted them up again getting hugs and more kisses.

The moment was added to as Minnie and Brendon, or I guess mom and dad... they hugged me as well.

A knock from the door interrupts the memory and Brendon goes over to the door opening it carefully. "Hello Lloyd!" He smiles as the beautiful boy walks in. Minnie wipes my tears and takes her children before looking back over at me.

"Hello Brendon. Hello Minnie. I was wondering if I could take Dean with me- just in town. I wanted to talk to him about something. Nothing bad" he assures them as I stare at him curiously.

"Well that's up to him" Brendon looks over at me and I nod making sure my eyes were dried. I fix the orange and black beanie on my head and walk to the door hurrying to put my shoes on.

Fearless ✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя