"Shouldn't you go deal with-" Gwen was also cut off by an explosion. "It's like the Fourth of July out there" she strained to look outside.

"Fuck that. I'm done being a hero" (y/n) shook his head.

"You? Done being a hero?" Gwen asked with wide eyes. "Why?" There was another explosion, it was closer this time.

"That therapist you wanted me to go to. She made me accept everything and now I don't feel like I have to be a hero. I never wanted to be one and I don't plan on continuing"

"So what're you going to do now?" Gwen asked, she wasn't sure how to feel about all this. Another explosion and (y/n) spotted iron man fly past the window.

"I don't know. Maybe I'll retire, that'd be nice" the boy nodded. "Or maybe I'll go back to being a thief. I always enjoyed that"

"As long as you don't get caught this time" Gwen replied with a nervous tone of voice. She had known about the boy having been a thief for a while now so she always figured that one day he may want to go back to it. There was another explosion and the sound of screams. "Okay these sounds are getting concerning. You sure you won't go help out?"

"Not a chance" (y/n) shook his head stubbornly. "I'm staying here with you, I'm not letting you get hurt while I'm not with you again"

"So that's what it is" Gwen nodded. "I'll be fine, nothing will happen if you leave me alone for an hour or two. You haven't left me since I woke up, you don't need to be here the entire time"

"I disagree" (y/n) shook his head. "I'm staying here and that's final"

"Fine" Gwen nodded. "But you can't be with me at all times. I have school to go to"

(Y/n) shook his head again. "I'm not going to be with you at all time, just while you're here. Then I go and decide whether or not I go back to thievery, and if so I'm gonna need a new suit"

Word count: 965

(Alright back to our roots! Now the question is what do we do about the suit?

(Alright back to our roots! Now the question is what do we do about the suit?

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Back to the classics?

Back to the classics?

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This one I found randomly on google?

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This one I found randomly on google?

Or this one I randomly found on google?)

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Or this one I randomly found on google?)

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