The Bite

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It was half past five in the morning when (y/n) finally arrived back at America's apartment. The floor boards creaked as he walked across them.

"(y/n)? That you Niño?" Americas exhausted voice came as she exited her room.

"Yeah" the boy replied simply as he sat down on the couch.

"Where've you been?" America asked with a yawn as she sat down next to the boy.

"Doing stuff" the boy replied before noticing the worried look that had just appeared on America's face. "What's that for?"

"Is that blood?" America asked as she looked at a stain on (y/n)'s shirt. She then noticed the boy wasn't wounded at all. "You said you wouldn't bite anyone! That's why I brought you to Reed, so you wouldn't need to!"

"The bitch got what she deserved" (y/n) replied with a snarl.

"It doesn't matter if they deserve it" America said angrily as she glared at the boy. "You can't just go around biting people!"

"You don't get to control everything I do America!" (Y/n) bared his fangs. "That bitch caused me enough pain, she's lucky I just bit her"

"Who did you bite?" America asked quickly. "Who was it?"

"Spider-girl" (y/n) replied calmly.

"Anya? What the hell has she done to you?!" America asked as she hit the boy in the chest angrily.

"Ow! You have super strength, stop it!" (Y/n) growled as he grabbed the girls arms. "Anya arrested my mother. And as a result of that she was killed by taskmaster. Anya's lucky I didn't kill her"

"Yeah because turning her into a freak like you is any better!" America yelled as she hit the boy again. "Get out"

"What?" (Y/n) asked quickly. He wasn't sure he heard her right.

"Get out! I'm not having you here if you're gonna bite people"

"B-but the sun's coming out" (y/n) argued as America kept glaring.

"Then put on some sunscreen" America retorted angrily. "I don't want you here"

"I-I'll stop biting. I promise" (y/n) said as he tried to come up with ways to get her to let him stay.

Americas eyes seemed to soften. "How do I know you'd even keep that promise?"

"B-because I love you, I already said that. I'm not going to make my chances of ever being with you any worse than they already are" the boy sighed as he looked down. America looked down at the boy and put her arms around him.

"Alright" America agreed with a soft smile. "This is your last chance though"

"Thank you" (y/n) whispered as he hugged her back.

"Don't make me regret this"


"What happened to her?" Peter Parker had just arrived at the medical wing of the avengers compound. Anya had been taken here by Tigra after what had happened. Peter was now standing at the foot of her medical bed.

"Your son" Peter turned to look at the captain.

"What did he do to her?" Peter asked almost afraid to ask

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"What did he do to her?" Peter asked almost afraid to ask. The girl didn't look to bad but if she was here then it was probably serious.

Bucky walked over to the girls side and pointed to two marks on the girls neck. Peters eyes widened, he knew what those bites meant. "We're going to need a plan to bring him in. I'm sorry"

Word count: 575

(Didn't have time for a decent length chapter. Sorry)

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