Chapter 46 - Admission.

Start from the beginning

"You're making good progress all by yourself." Jacob nodded as he cracked a small smile. "Is this boat for all of us."

"No." Rayan said as he shook his head, and placed another piece of treebark on the boat. "It's for me and it's for me only."

"Wow, Ray." Jacob sighed. "You don't want to help anyone else on this island? We're a family."

"No. Chresanto was the only family I had here." Rayan said as he shook his head. "A family doesn't accuse and believe me of being a rapist. Sorry."

"That's kind of what I wanted to come over here to talk to you about." Jacob sighed as he say next to Rayan, and looked him in his face. "I just wanted to say that I apologize for believing something that horrendous. It's not right, and I should've asked for proof first."

"Is that it? Because your apology isn't accepted." Rayan laughed as he continued building onto the boat. "You had 6 months to do that, but instead you believe the word of someone that you knew for 4 and a half years, over someone that you've known since childhood. Think about that."

"I know that you're upset, Rayan.....but I truly do apologize for what I accused you of." Jacob said as he stood up and prepared to walk over to the part of the beach where he always slept. "Just know that whenever you forgive me, i'll be waiting. You still have a friend in me."

"I'll let you know." Rayan nodded as he continued building his boat.

It'd reached the end of day 1,245, and 1,246 was underway. Adrianne had put the girls to sleep after she coated them with sand, then she prepared to go pick up some fruit for the girls like she always did at night, so that they wouldn't have to wait until the middle of the day to eat. She wanted their fruit to be nice, fresh, and clean so that they could get their daily vitamins and nutrition.

While Adrianne was picking fruits in front of the hut, the father wrapped his arm around her neck and covered her mouth as he dragged her inside. Adrianne knew what was goin on the instant it happened, so she started kicking and trying to holler again. The man grabbed her up, and placed her on the bed as he held the knife to her throat once again. Adrianne looked up at the man, and tears were pouring down her face.

"Just leave me alone.." Adrianne sobbed as she looked up at him. "Why do you keep doing this to me?"

"Because I love it when you obey my orders." The father smiled as he unzipped his pants. "Now lay back and be a good girl while I do all of the work for y-"


Suddenly, blood was spurting out onto Adrianne's shirt as she jumped back, and looked down at herself. She looked up, and seen a large butcher knife that was pierced through the mans stomach. She looked beside herself, and seen Rayan holding a shotgun to the twin boys. She looked behind the man, and seen Jacob holding the knife into his back. Jacob looked evily up at the man, as the father sat stiff with his eyes bulged, shaking a little in the process.

"Can you speak?" Jacob asked him as if he was having a regular conversation, shifting his head a little in front of him.

The man was still sitting still, when he shook his head no. The knife was too large in his stomach.

"Alright. I'm gonna ask you a few questions, and I want you to answer them as honest as possible." Jacob said as he kneeled behind the man on the bed, and leaned his head over his shoulder. "I know whether or not you're lying, so if I find out that you are, i'm gonna snatch this knife right out of your stomach. Do you understand me?"

The man coughed and gagged a little, before finally finding the strength to nod his head yes.

"Stop! You're killing him!" Jaden shouted and screamed in fear as he began to cry.

"I'm not going to kill him if he answers everything correctly, okay?" Jacob said.

"Okay..." Jaden and Caden weeped.

"Did you kill Cici?" Jacob asked as he looked at him.

The man nodded his head yes as a tear rolled down his face in pain.

"Did you abuse my daughter Gia?" Jacob asked. "She's the younger one."

The man nodded his head yes.

"Did you hold my oldest daughter Lilyana at gunpoint?" Jacob asked.

The man nodded his head yes.

"Did you just try to rape my girlfriend Adrianne?" Jacob asked. "And have you tried to do it before?"

The man started to tear up as he nodded his head yes.

"Last question, and then you're free to go." Jacob whispered. "Did you kill Chresanto? Chresanto August? My friend?"

The man locked up, and didn't nod his head at all. After a few more seconds, the man made a final nod.

That was all that Jacob needed to know.

Jacob's innocent face quickly turned to a look of rage as he jabbed the knife further into his back, causing the man to make a loud grunting and groaning noise. Jacob kept his eyes on the man as he twisted, and contorted the knife all into his back, cutting and slicing up some of his insides. Jacob pushed the knife in as far as he could, then snatched it out of his back as blood came out of the old mans mouth. The old man froze for a while, then fell over onto the floor. Jacob then placed the knife back into his stomach, placed his foot on the handle, and shoved it deeper inside of him. His twin boys wailed out loud and watched in agony as they witnessed their father get brutally murdered.

Jacob, had been waiting for this moment since the first day he arrived on the island.

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