12| Dead struck on the quidditch field, almost.

Start from the beginning

"No the amour thing" he asked. So I wasn't tripping.

"Everyone saw that?"

"No just me, I was the closest to you" he says.

"I don't know, It just happened" I say as confused as him. But he stares at me weirdly.

"What?" I asked.

"Your hair" he says, I look at the mirror and once again the front of my hair was platinum blonde, but this time it I saw it form. I watched confused as my hair turned from black to white.

"This just happens too?" he asks.

"Kinda, this was the third time, I dyed black a few days ago." I say as riddle furrows his eyebrows to think.

"Oh no, do I have a brain tumor?" I asked.

"No" I says "You have a continuous streak of hair turning white, Being able to read thoughts and feelings and turn into gold amour?"

"Ok, what does that mean, I join a circus?"

"Maybe it has something to do with your family status?" he suggests.

"Impossible, my fathers a pureblood worthless scum bag and my mother was a mudblood"

"Do you ever wonder why your father why your pureblood worthless scum of father decides to marry a mudblood, let alone have a child."

"Ouch" I say sarcastically.

"All I'm saying is we're missing something, Maybe there's some history on you mother" he suggests.

"Has anything else happened lately" he asks and I tell him about the weird man I keep seeing.

"Whoever it is, he trying to communicate with you. The next it happens, we talk to him and find answers"

"Or I have a brain tumor" I joked. He rolled his eyes but with a smile and just looking at him my cheeks heat up. I shower at Riddles, luckily he had his own shower. He let me burrow one of his shirts and his boxers. I now hit me that he changed, drastically. He went from slamming me into wall to shining smiles. I couldn't help but wonder what we are. He comes out of his of his washroom and changes into grey sweat, that's it. He then plays the pixies and burn a blunt. He takes a seat next to me and passes the blunt. The highness was slowly getting to us. I couldn't help but admire this body, he was so perfect.

"Theo" I called.

"Hm?" he hummed as he closed his eyes listening to the soft music in the background.

"How did they happen?" I asked looking at his scars before looking into his eyes.

"Just my father's art work, let's just say he likes to be kinky" he jokes. I smile but I couldn't get the thought of how long the scar have been there.

"What about you, what's the story behind the tattoos?" he asked. For the first time I was comfortable talking about them, well not entirely.

"Um – there just there to cover up the marks that will never leave." I say "it's hard to even look at them" I mention looking away for minute.

"That bad huh?" he asked passing the blunt back to me.

"Did you ever sleep with Validi?" I spilt out. He tenses, for a second he looked angry.

"What made you think that?" he asked with a hint of roughness in his voice.

"Nothing, just something she told" I say.

"Which was?"

"She said you were a good fuck and I –"

"So you're jealous?" he cuts me off with a smirk. I rolled my eyes at him.

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