The Final Blow...💔

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Tessa's Point of View...

It's been 20 minutes since Coley left. She has given me a letter, stating that the letter is important for me to read. I know she had a past with Hardin and I knew her for a long time, Hardin confided her with his secrets and with his important matters, something he never did with me.

I squeeze the letter in my palm and turn around to take a seat on the couch. The last time I read a letter written by someone who knew Hardin before me, I was hit with the biggest secret of his life. The Secret that in a way ended everything between me and Hardin. Now, that today I was hoping to rebuild the trust and faith in our relationship, I am given another letter, by a person who used to sleep with my husband way before I came into Hardin's life.

I am not sure if I can read this letter. Maybe I should see Hardin and read the letter in his presence, that will give him a chance to explain himself if anything wrong comes up from this letter. Maybe. Or maybe I should just read this letter, see Hardin, ask him about whatever Coley has written, and confide him, once again.

I have two ways to go and either way, all I see is a dead-end for my relationship with Hardin. I love him.
I want to trust him, give him another chance and give us another chance to have our happily ever after.

I am too confused and stunned to make up my mind, to make a decision. I see Casey entering the living room, her hair all messy, just by her look, you can say she has been sleeping all day. She did tell me, that her projects at work are keeping her up all night.

"Hey, Tess. You ok?"

I look at my best friend with a shocked and confused stare. Just by looking at my face, Casey could tell that I am not ok. She jumps the last couple of stairs from the staircase and comes running for me.

"What's wrong Tess. You look like you have seen a ghost."

I look at Casey and back to the letter, I was holding for the past half hour.

"Coley came. She mentioned that she is leaving Washington for good."

"Well, that's good, Tess. I never liked her anyway. She used to give me bitch vibes and she used to sleep with Hardin. You should be happy that the bitch is leaving,"

I laugh hearing my best friend. Casey has this habit where if she hates someone, she hates them with everything she got to offer.

"Yeah, I must be. But, she gave me this letter and an envelope. She told me that I must read this letter and see the proofs. I don't know Casey. I am scared. The last time I read a letter, it shook my entire life. I don't know if I can do this."

Casey smiles and wraps her arms around me.

"I know this for sure. If anyone can do this, it's you. You can do anything, Tess. You are the strongest person I know in my life. The last time you read a letter, you fought for your husband's freedom. You didn't give up, you fought like a warrior. Read the letter. I will be in my room if you need a shoulder to cry on."

I slap away Casey playfully. Leave it to her for making every situation a joke.

"Hey...I was not joking, I was serious,"

We both laugh. But I know I cannot hide this feeling in my gut that whatever the letter contains, it's not good. Casey leaves me alone to read the letter in privacy. But, she is correct. If anything wrong comes up with the letter, I will have two of my sisters to rely on.

I open the letter. With trembling hands and shaking fingers, I unfold the letter and begin to read.

Hey Tessa,

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