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Tessa' Point of View...

I am currently in my room packing my bags for a 5 day trip to Texas...yes a business trip. After my eventful first week of joining at Scott Business Group, I totally forgot that Hardin mentioned to me about the Texas business trip on the day I joined. On Friday, his secretary, Coley called me in Hardin' Office to inform me that I will be going with Hardin to Texas and the trip will be for 5 days, but we come back on Sunday. Well I am excited because this is my first time that I am going to Texas and the fact that I will get a Saturday to explore Texas just increases my excitement. But, the fact that makes me more nervous is that I will be spending 6 days with Hardin in Texas, just me and him. I am confident that I won't let Hardin come close to me again and that this time I will be faithful to Matthew. I cannot repeat my misjudgement of character for Hardin and there is no way I will repeat the mistakes that I did.

The fact that makes me more nervous is that after our eventful night and morning at his Seattle Penthouse, Hardin has completely avoided me or I can say we carefully avoided eachother. I avoided Hardin out of guilt that I was feeling towards Matthew and well, I don't know why he has been avoiding me. But, I don't care, I will focus on work from Monday to Friday and I will focus on fun part on Saturday. I just have to stay focus and in case Hardin tries anything, I will draw the line for him, for us. I am in love with Matthew and it's not changing any time soon, I love him and someday we will get married. I never saw any future with Hardin, I never see any future with Hardin and I will never have any future with Hardin. Matthew is always a "YES" for me and Hardin is always a "NO" for me.

I take a deep breath and complete my packing. I double check everything again, just in case. Laptop ✔️, Business outfits ✔️, Casual outfits ✔️, Party outfit ✔️, Mobile charger ✔️, Earphones ✔️, Makeup kit ✔️, everything check. I feel someone's eyes on my back and I turnaround to see Terra standing at my bedroom door and she is looking at me with anxious eyes. What's going on.

"Terr..are you ok?". I quickly put the zipper of my bag and gestures Terr to come and sit with me. She enters my bedroom and sits by my side. She takes my hands in hers and rubs my knuckles. " Casey told me everything about what happened between you and Hardin, and now you are going with Hardin for a week on this business trip. Please tell me you are ok." She looks at me with worried expressions, I smile and give her a hug. "Terr..I am ok. I have no problem. It's a business trip and I made it clear to Hardin that we together have no future and I know deep in my heart that I love Matthew. I love him and I see a future with Matthew and not with Hardin." She gives me her sad smile and hugs me again. "You are amazing, You made a mistake and I hope you learn out of it. Matthew is an amazing guy and he loves you and I know he will keep you Happy." I nod and wipe my tears. Ohh God, Casey will kill me for ruining my makeup.

Terr smiles and leaves my bedroom. I again double check everything and then take my luggage and leave my bedroom as well. I see Terr waiting for me already and Casey is sitting in the back seat. Dad and Mom are also standing closer to the car and once I step out, Dad takes my luggage and puts it inside the car. Mom comes and gives me a warm and tight hug.

"Mom.. Suffocating here.." she laughs and steps aside. "I will miss you, can't your business trip end little early". I laugh back. "Mom, it's a business trip and I will be gone for a week. You won't even realise when I will be back". Dad comes and puts his arms around mom's shoulders. "Rose honey, she is going on her first business trip, I am so proud of our baby." I laugh and leave it to our dad to act overdramatic. "Tessa, come on , we are getting late". I hear Casey from inside. I give mom and dad another hug and we drive away.

I have received a message from Coley that I will go along with Hardin and the official car will wait for me at the company gate. We will go together to the airport and from there we will on-board the flight and we will reach Texas by mid afternoon. Today, we won't have any meetings, so, we will just settle down in our rooms and I can just focus on case files and on my presentations. Tomorrow we will start our official business trip and we will have meetings all day. I am just checking the schedule that Coley emailed me last night. Just knowing that I will share a car ride to airport with Hardin and then a 2hour flight with him, is making me nervous. I am excited as this is a great opportunity for me and this is my first time visiting Texas but, the fact that me and Hardin didn't saw eachother even once after our dreadful Seattle trip is just increasing my nerves.

I look at Casey and she smiles, giving me a soft confirmation that everything will be ok and everything will workout. We reach office and Terr quickly help me recheck everything again. She gives me a hug and drives away. Casey also leave for her floor, she has an important presentation today, I wish her goodluck and she nods.."It will be ok Tess, it's just a business trip ok, don't read too much in to it." I nod and she leaves. From distance I can see a black Porsche coming and I believe that's Hardin.

Hardin' Point of View...

Morning..7:00 Am..

I complete my shower with Coley. She overstayed her visit and we ended up having amazing weekend sex. I have this rule that before any official business trip, I avoid having sex, so, me and Coley just showered together, she did groped me couple of times while we showered but I stopped her before our little moments becomes anything more. Coley hates this rule of mine of no sex, well, I have some rules of my own and I never change them for anyone.

We walk out to my bedroom in towels and she sits on my bed while I change. I drop my towel on floor and tease Coley, knowing very well what it will do to her, watching me walk naked in my bedroom with no Shame, well it's not like she never seen me before naked. As expected, she watches me like I am piece of meat ready and served for dinner. I bring out my underwear and wear them quickly, not tempting Coley too much, I know if I will tempt her, we might end up having sex and knowing we are currently in my bedroom, I don't have energy to take her to the guest room just for a quick session of meaningless sex.

"Why you are taking Tessa with you and why you are not taking me with you." Coley' questions catches me off-guard, here we go again, I don't know why she feels this way towards Tessa. Coley has never been the jealous type but when it comes to Tessa, she shows no restrictions to make her jealousy visible to everyone. I shake my head and continue to get dressed. I have already cleared it with her that there is nothing between me and Tessa and even if anything will happen between us, it will only go to extent of us having sex with no strings attached, which again will never happen since it's Tessa we are talking about, she will never agree for sex without any commitment expectations.

I look at Coley and she is looking at me like she is waiting for my response, to console her and make her aware again that nothing will ever happen between me and Tessa. I don't give her any response and once I am done dresing up, I go and bents down and gives Coley a kiss and take her hand with me and we walk out from our bedroom. I quickly finish my breakfast and head out towards my car. My luggage is already settled in my car, there is enough space to adjust Tessa' luggage. I don't wait for Coley, she can see herself out. I quickly get inside the car and drive towards office, hoping to see Tessa.

Morning..8:30 Am..

I drive up to office and from distance I can see my Tessa..I mentally slap myself. She is not your Tessa. She belongs to that Matthew guy. I am nervous to see Tessa again after our dreadful morning in Seattle. I haven't seen her since I dropped her back at her parent's house in Washington. As mentioned, I busied myself with meetings, just to avoid her at all costs. But, now, finally the day has arrived when I will be going with Tessa to Texas, "Tessa to Texas"..it do rhymes well, I smile mentally. I am nervous but I am excited to see her again. I do hope that after this trip she will be able to see me in a different way and in a different light.

My car stops in front of the main gate, where Tessa has been waiting for me,my driver quickly gets down and helps Tessa with her luggage and then everything stops, the moment she enters the car, again Blue meets Green..

"Hello Hardin, it's good to see you again"..

----------Authors note-------------

So, finally the most awaited Texas trip begins. What you guys think will happen in Texas. Why Hardin believe Tessa will be able to see him in a different way. Inbox me your suggestions about what you wanna read in the updates surrounding Texas trip. I would love to include your suggestions.

I am sorry for my single updates, but work at office is too much these days and I am writing these updates post My shift. Still thank you for your love and support and I cannot believe this story is approaching 1k reads.

Stay safe everyone.

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