New Beginnings

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Tessa Point of View:

After working so hard for the past 6 years, finally the day has arrived when I will be graduating UCLA with a master's degree in Business law.

I still remember the day , I got my acceptance letter from UCLA for my combine 6 year law Program. I never believed that I will get a full ride scholarship at one of the best universities of law at LA. It was a dream come true. For someone who lived her entire life at Washington, it was refreshing to move out from Washington and to live for 6 years in Los Angeles.

My parents wanted me to live in Washington only with them or atleast to an hour or max to max 2 hour distance. They never expected me to move 1,145 miles away from them. They gave me numerous options like Washington University, Gonzaga University, Seattle University, etc, but I had my mind made up. I always have been very Career oriented and strong headed personality and my parents knew it's useless for them to try convince me.

The hardest part was to move away from Matthew who is my boy friend, the love of my life. We started dating eachother in our Senior year and we knew we are meant for eachother. Our friends even use to tease us that we will have our kids before we graduate. When I look back to those teasings, I find it amusing considering I am still a virgin and Matthew and I still have to get intimate with eachother. We obviously have done other things like he loves my blowjobs and he loves to give me head, but we never had sex. We are still waiting. For the outside world, Matthew is the handsome, good looking and confident jock and therefore when we started dating eachother, people thought we already had sex with eachother, but in reality it was Matthew idea to wait till Marriage. I mean, I am only 24 and so is he , but considering we have been dating eachother for so long, we will get married someday and once we do, we will obviously plan to have a family of our own. A boy and a girl, Matthew loves the idea to have a son and a daughter with me and over the years, I have completely fallen for the same idea. We will see, someday it will happen.

Getting in to UCLA was a tough Decision.

Not because I never thought about, it was my dream college, I always dreamt about getting in to UCLA, but the fact that I was so close to my family, to my mom and dad and to my elder sister, Terra, that the decision was really difficult

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Not because I never thought about, it was my dream college, I always dreamt about getting in to UCLA, but the fact that I was so close to my family, to my mom and dad and to my elder sister, Terra, that the decision was really difficult. I almost gave up UCLA and was ready to settle down for one of the law Colleges in Washington, but it was my elder sister who encouraged me to never give away my dream and convinced mom and dad to support me in my decision.

I love my parents and they are the best parents any child will imagine to have. They are very supportive but the only decision in which they were not whole heartedly supportive was me going to UCLA for 6 years. But, with my sister's help, We were able to convince them.

I cannot believe finally the day has arrived. The day when I will graduate with my Combine degree in Business Law. As an icing on cake, I have received an opportunity to work for one of the leading Business Firms in Washington- The Scott Business Group. They are in to different divisions of business and I will be joining their Law Advisory Team as a legal consultant. It's a win-win situation for me. I get to live with my parents again after 6 years , I get to work with such a reputed organization and I am only 24, to start your career with such an organisation is a dream come true. Imagine the amount of opportunities I will receive post this experience.

I lived off campus with my best friend and childhood friend- Casey Robbin. She is amazing. We became friends when we were like 5 years old and till today we are best friends. We have no secrets between eachother, she knows everything about me and I know everything about her. It's rare to find a friendship like ours. Sadly Casey lost her parents at an young age and ever since then , she lived mostly with us in Washington and we both got in to UCLA together, wanting to have a future in law. She also got an opportunity to work in the Scott Business Group  but since she studied in a different division of law , she most probably will work in a different division but I am more then happy that both of us will work together. She did her law in Environmental Laws so most probably she will work in the Environment Department of Scott Group, yes, Environment Department, I already mentioned Scott Business Group works in so many different divisions.

I am currently again standing in front of mirror , looking at my dress that I got for my graduation after party.

"You know you look beautiful, so, did Matthew replied back. Will he be attending the graduation ceremony and graduation after party".

I look back at Casey and sighed deeply.

"Yes, he will attend , he gave his confirmation last night. He is just so busy these days, helping his dad with their business and getting an understanding of how to handle their business. I don't want to make him feel guilty for not attending my graduation ceremony,so, that's why, I was not pushing him. You know that Casey!!"

"Yes, yes, I know!! I know you are an understanding girlfriend. So, should I ask Ken if I can crash at his place?".

I look at her confusedly. "Why??"

" know why. I mean Matthew is coming, he was busy in the past 4-5 weeks, he will get to see his girlfriend after 7 months. With that dress on your body, I can bet he won't be able to keep his hands away from you. So, as your best friend, I will leave our apartment for the lovebirds. Maybe you can act as his private stress buster...😉😉".

I throw the cushion from couch straight at her. She doged obviously.

"You know, Casey, we never had sex. We are waiting to get married".

"Yes, but it's not like the two of you are saints!! I still remember the day, I saw his ass and my bestfriend on her knees".

"Please don't say it again. It's humiliating enough that you saw my boyfriend naked and me naked and that to together. To know, you always try to remember that moment, it gives me chills down my spine".

"Please, you know Matthew is all yours. I will never do that to you. Plus, unlike you, who is waiting to loose her virginity after marriage, I only want to get laid and enjoy my life. I am only 24, I don't want to  talk about marriage or about getting settled".

When it came to relationships, me and Casey have very different outlooks. I believe in sacrecy of Marriage whereas she does not believe in relationships, in love. Unlike me, she openly talks about sex and about getting laid. She had a crush over Matthew, Matthew was everyone crush back in school days, so, I cannot blame her. But, I know , I have nothing to worry about. She is my best friend and will never do anything to hurt me.

For the hundredth time, I check myself out again in the mirror. I am nervous as the dress is beautiful but very different. Honestly, I am also excited to see Matthew after so long. Obviously we will not have sex but we can still do other stuff. I cannot wait to see him today and as mentioned by Casey to spend the night with Matthew. He has been working a lot lately and I am proud of him, I do hope I can help him in some way.

I am also happy to see my parents and my elder sister again. I haven't seen my parents since the last time I visited them back home. Same does not goes for my elder sis as she used to visit me quite often. Me, Terra and and Casey we used to have girls night and enjoy a lot everytime , she used to visit me here in UCLA.

I am excited to graduate and start this new phase of my life with my family, with Casey and with Matthew!!

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