In loving memory of Mark Scott: A Son, Husband and Father...

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Hardin'Point of View..

I stand in my room, in front of mirror, I am getting ready for the funeral ceremony of my father..Mark Scott. Today is the day, I say my farewell to my father, a loving husband and a loving father, I laugh mentally. That's what written on his tombstone, I laugh at the bitter irony. For the outside world, he was a loving husband and a loving father, but, for my mother he was never the husband she once dreamed off, for me he was an ignorant and self-centred father, who only cared about his business and nothing else. He never cared about my mother and he never cared about me. I hear sound of my bedroom door getting opened. I hear the sound of someone's heels making her way towards me. I feel someone's touch on my shoulder and I don't have to turn to know who is standing next to me, I can see her reflection in the mirror. It's Coley. My dear secretary, my bestfriend in bed. Coley stayed with me the night I came back from Texas, as expected she also heard the famous news. CEO of Scott Business Group has passed way..that was the front news in every news channel, in every news paper the story about my father's misfate was printed in bold letters, everyone were narrating the dreadful incident in their own manner, the car accident that helped my father sleep in a forever slumber.

Coley helped me with my pain. She only have one medicine to all my problems, Sex. She stayed the night and as expected helped me with my pain through a passionate night of sex. I mourn my father's death by feeling the warm Walls of Coley' pussy, I mourned the death of a loving husband and a loving father by burrying myself as deep as possible in to Coley, she understood that I wanted her and she helped me with my pain. I started my day, the day when I will be saying my final farewell to my father by taking Coley in my morning shower, for me, I only had one medicine to my pain and sorrow and that was sex and Coley helped me in every single way possible.

I can still feel her breath on my neck and her hands on my shoulder. "Guests have started arriving, your mother is asking for you", I nod and gesture her that I need just 5 more minutes. She nods back and leaves my bedroom. I don't know why I am nervous, I should be celebrating today. The man who gave nothing but pain to me and to my mother has finally left us for good, but, every time I try to remember the bad memories, my mind starts playing tricks with me. I never remembered the good memories that I had with my father but today my mind has decided to let me remember the good memories I had with my dad. For once I did not received nightmares about my father, for once I actually received dreams of times when we used to be a happy family.

23 years ago...

Mark Scott Point of View...

Today is my son's 5th birthday. I cannot believe how fast time flies. It feels like just yesterday he was born and I hold him in my arms for the first time. That was one of the best days of my life.

Finally my business has started earning profits and for once, I will be able to celebrate our son's birthday in a grand manner. Lilly deserves this and most importantly Hardin deserves this. I will be able to buy his favourite toys and all the games that his friends have. I always used to see a sad Hardin returning from his school, everytime I used to hear Lilly consoling our Little boy about the toys and games he wanted but we couldn't afford, my heart used to break, but , not now, I will give him all the toys and games he wishes to have. I will fulfill all the demands my son will ever have from me. I will give my wife the life she should have. I will give my family everything they deserve to have.

I can feel Lilly's left hand on my shoulder, she is holding a sleeping Hardin with her right hand. He looks so peaceful. I bent down and kiss my son's forehead. He smiles in his sleep, he can now understand my touch. I love him so much.

"Honey, don't you think you have bought more then enough toys for a 5 year old. We won't have enough space to keep all his toys." I shake my head and smile at her thoughtfulness. Lilly has been my rock, through my struggles. I love her so much. She means the world to me. "Love, I still have two more toys left for Hardin. Remember one of his friends has that Hot wheels car set, I want to buy that car set for him. Also, one of his friends has that swimming bath tub, Hardin  always wanted one, I want to buy one for Hardin, he will be so happy." She laughs and shakes her head. Her laugh is like a beautiful music to my ears, I can hear her laugh the entire day, I will do anything to just hear laugh all day.

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