Time to say Goodbye..

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Tessa Point of View..

I woke up, in the arms of the man who has my heart and with whom I envisioned my future. Last night was the perfect night, something I wished and craved for so long. I graduated yesterday and spent the day with my family and night with the love of my life. Yesterday was perfect and today is the day when I must say goodbye to this apartment, to the UCLA campus to this town, to this city, my final goodbye.

I quickly leave the bed without disturbing Matthew, who is still sleeping like an angel, my angel. I give him a quick kiss on his parted lips, he looks cute and on his forehead. The moment I put down my legs, I am striked by coldness, I totally forgot that I was naked. I had to wear something while I go out, who knows maybe Casey did came back last night and knowing her , she might have some unwanted company. I do not want to walk in to some stranger naked. I quickly wear Matthew's discarded shirt from the floor and go to hall to make some coffee. Matthew loves Coffee in morning, so, after last night, I want to make his favourite breakfast.

The moment I entered kitchen, I totally forgot about the dinner I cooked last night, it's all out in the open. I forgot to put them in the refrigerator atleast. Well no one can blame me. I was distracted by my hot boyfriend. So, the idea of making fresh breakfast goes in to vain, I have to microwave the food from last night and Matthew has to eat it. I mean, I did cooked Prime Rib, which is his favourite.

I quickly prepare some coffee and I was about to turn, when I am collided with a strong, muscular body frame.

"Good Morning Love". He kisses me on my bare shoulder after removing his shirt slightly from my shoulder length.

"Good Morning. I was about to bring coffee for you in bed, why did you woke up, it's still 7 Am" . I give him a quick kiss on his lips, I love his morning breath.

"No, you don't have to. But, maybe you can join me in shower". He winks at me and as much as tempting his offer was, I can't , I am still little sore from last night. Apprently, Matthew decided to give another round of Head during midnight. Also, today is the day, me and Casey has to leave the apartment and leave for Washington. We have tons of packing left and Matthew has to drive back as well. He certainly doesn't want to be late. Driving 1,145 miles is not an easy task.

" Honey, I would love to join you in shower, but, unfortunately, I am still little sore from last night and remember you have to drive back too. Also, I need to finish my packing and have to check Casey' packing as well, considering how careless she can be. Plus, once I will be in Washington, we will have your new apartment to Christian all by ourselves".

" I love the way you think Ms. Young". He slaps my ass, and finishes his coffee quickly and goes to take his shower. In the mean while, I quickly check my messages, my emails , any voicemails and any missed calls if I have any. All checked, now it's time to Microwave the dishes from last night. I quickly, microwave all the dishes and serves the morning breakfast table. I know it's bit too much considering its breakfast.

"I smell something yummy". Matthew is back , all dressed up. He looks fresh, hot and amazing as usual. I give him a quick kiss and serve us food. He quickly finishes all the items considering we starved eachother last night, because we were sexually charged and too lazy to leave bed.

I kiss Matthew goodbye and wish him save drive all the way to Washington. He promises me to call after reaching home. After checking all the boxes in my room, I go and check the boxes in Casey' room. Talking about Casey, it's already 9 Am and there are no signs of her. I quickly dial her number and after couple of rings, a guy answers her phone. I should have known that.

"Hello". A strong male voice echoes the line. I was about to ask him about Casey, but in the background I can hear shower and Casey singing. OMG..she is currently showering with a guy. Just imagining my best friend with a guy, in a shower, makes me blushing like a tomato.

"Hmm..I am Tessa. I am Casey best friend"..The girl you had sex with last night..The girl who is showering with you...I could have said that, but it's inappropriate.

"Oh..Casey. Its Ken. We are showering ryt now, I will ask Casey to call you back". She is showering with Ken, but I know he has a girlfriend. I cannot believe Ken is cheating on his girlfriend with my bestfriend. He has obviously disconnected the line. I decided to not judge, it's Casey' life, let her make her own mistakes and learn from them.

20 minutes later, I get a call from my bestfriend. " Tess..I am sorry. I know we are moving out today back to Washington and I am sorry I am late. Don't worry , I am on my way. Ken is dropping me". There were so many things, I can tell her ryt now, but as mentioned, let her make her fare share of mistakes, who am I to judge.

" Take your time darling..I have completed the packing in my room as well as yours. I am just waiting the phonecall from the movers and packers and once they arrive, we will upload all the boxes with them and then you and I will travel back to Washington with Terra..Mom and Dad already left last night. They called this morning, they have reached safely".

"That's great. I am in the elevator, coming up. See yaaaa.." . Unbelievable, she almost reached and still didn't disconnected the call, but that's my bestfriend.

The apartment door opens and I see my bestfriend walking inside with her famous smile and with her famous walk of shame because she knows she has been caught.

"I thought I knew everything about you..but clearly I didn't , since, I found out you were showwering with Ken this morning". I welcome my bestfriend with open arms.

" I am sorry...I promise you there is nothing to tell. He broke up yesterday with his girlfriend and I crashed at his place. One beer let to another, and next thing I remembered was me naked, jumping like a frog on his dick. We had about 3 more rounds of Sex and then slept together exhausted. Since, we already had sex last night, so, we decided to have shower together and some more sex and here I am now".

As mentioned, I will not judge her. Just knowing she did not let Ken cheat on his girlfriend with her, gives me some satisfaction. I knew she had a thing for Ken, but never approached him because he was dating another girl from campus.

As usual, she turns the tables. "How was your night by the way". I am again blushing with a mere mention of last night activities. I don't know why I always blush at the subject of intimacy with Matthew. We have been dating for so long, Casey of all people has walked in on us while we were pleasuring eachother, still, I blush like a teenage girl, who has been caught by her mother for stealing candies.

"It was amazing. He was great. We were great. Please don't ask me details, because you know, I won't be able to do so". I answer Casey' question in the best way possible.

I quickly call Terra and check up on her and after that I call the movers and packers. Finally the time has arrived, when we must say farewell to the apartment and to the place that was our home for 6 years. I will miss our Apartment, I will miss our UCLA campus, but as it's said , life goes on and we make beautiful memories at every step. These 6 years were, are and will always be close to my heart.

After checking all of our rooms, that we are not missing anything, me and Casey finally walk out of the apartment. I quickly turn and look back at the empty apartment that hold so many precious memories of ours.

After quickly uploading all our boxes in the truck, Me and Casey hop on with Terra and leaves LA and finally starts our journey back to Washington.

I pool down my windows..and bid my farewell to LA.

"Goodbye LA.."

----------Authors note-------------

Journey at UCLA is over, a new journey in Washington begins. The real story will begin now. So, stay tuned.

Let me know your suggestions and keep showing your support. Thank you everyone, be safe.

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