13. He's not a child anymore

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Joni woke to the sound of snoring somewhere close and glanced beside him; Ivo.

It was a good thing that he hadn't fallen off the bed, Joni noted to himself, that's how close to the edge he had been lying. He sighed, turned on his back, and brought his hand to his forehead. His head was aching, he had drunk at least one drink too many.

Slowly he turned his face to look at the man beside him, what on earth was he doing? He wondered to himself, glad that at least they hadn't had sex; it would only make things more complicated. But if he continued dating Ivo, then sooner or later it would become an issue, wouldn't it?

Joni sat up slowly, the questions and the confusion did nothing to help his poor head. But Misha had been there, at the club, and he had seen them, and now... if Misha were to see him there, he would of course think that he and Ivo had... Joni couldn't help but grin. It would surely piss him off, wouldn't it?

When he got up, he also became aware of his sore muscles. It must have been all that damned dancing and alcohol put together. He carefully picked up his clothes from the floor, not wanting to wake Ivo, and quietly tiptoed out of the room, into the bathroom where he got dressed.

He felt tired, the exhaustion making his body feel heavy and combined with the sore muscles and the headache, he really didn't feel all that well.

He lazily made his way to the kitchen, where he saw Misha. Now, normally seeing him would have made Joni smirk, but this time the tiredness got the better of him and made him yawn.

"Morning," he muttered, "hey um, any painkillers? My head is killing me and, uh, all my muscles feel sore." He complained sleepily, knowing full well how Misha most likely would take his words, and it wasn't that he'd guess that the reason for his muscle soreness was hours of dancing, but a reason entirely different...

Startled by what or who he saw, Misha accidentally touched the hot pan, scalding his hand.

"Ah, shit!" He ran towards the sink, opened the cold water, and shoved his burning hand under the cold current, cursing in his head. Why the hell was the brat there?!

Joni felt somewhat amused, well amused to the point that made him feel less ill. Misha deserved that, he thought to himself, while taking a few more steps closer.

"Are you alright?" He asked in an irritatingly sweet tone, his lips twisting slightly.

"Perfectly alright," Misha hissed at the brat who was pretending to care! "No need to worry your ass," he added, noticing the fake smile; Joni was laughing his ass off, the little snake!

"I was just asking, no need to get angry." 

Misha glared at him nastily, now the little brat was faking all innocent... Innocent his ass!

"Ivo is still sleeping, I didn't want to wake him, so I-" Joni started to explain, making Misha's insides boil even more. "Anyway, my head is really hurting, so?"

Misha simply pointed at the cabinet where the medicines were. "Help yourself," he muttered, looking at his thumb which was now sore and red, he'd have to put some ointment on and if he avoided a nasty blister, it would be a miracle! And it was entirely the brat's fault!

Joni took the medicine with some juice he found in the fridge. "You know, they say that when you burn yourself, you should at least keep the area in cold water for twenty minutes, so it won't spread in deeper skin layers," he told Misha while carefully sipping the juice.

"So the breakfast is doomed," Misha responded acidly. "Go and wake ... Dima," he looked straight at Joni. "He can finish cooking alright," Misha definitely didn't need IVO to walk into the kitchen as well.

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