3.The BBD

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It was Tuesday afternoon and after school, Joni made his way to Dima's house with him, though feeling slightly reluctant to do so. He had no wish to see Misha again, not after everything. Maybe it was his pride that had gotten a hit, and it wasn't easy for him to come to terms with it.

Dima had no idea of what had happened and Joni preferred to keep it so. He had been hoping, praying almost, that Misha would not be home when he arrived, but he was sorely disappointed when walking into the kitchen and seeing him there, eating.

Joni didn't say anything. He didn't look at him, pretending to find something interesting on the walls.

"Hey, how was your day?" He heard Dima ask his older brother while opening the fridge in search of some snacks. Joni sat down on the farthest seat possible from Misha, taking the first magazine he saw. He flipped through the pages, ignoring the fact that he could not understand a word written as it was in Russian.

Misha glanced at his brother; he had arrived home earlier today because one of the lectures had been called off due to the teacher's sudden illness. He felt tensed in the presence of the brat and could only hope that Ivo would leave him alone, without making remarks of him supposedly wanting the kid!

"It was ok," he muttered, continuing eating.

"Juice, milk, or water?" Dima asked next.

"Water is fine, thanks," Joni answered, not looking up from the magazine, satisfied with looking at the pictures.

"So where will you meet that guy?" Dima asked once sitting down with some sandwiches he made for them both.

"Huh?" For a moment Joni felt lost.

"The one you're going on a date with, silly," his friend grinned. Joni smiled; they had just talked about him before coming inside. How could he have forgotten?

"Hm, we're probably going to the movies. Get something to eat, something like that," Joni shrugged. In truth, he wasn't that interested in the guy who he had met through modeling and who worked as an assistant at the settings between his studies. The guy, three years older than him, had asked him out quite a few times, and on Monday, Joni had finally agreed. He supposed it was better to date someone who wasn't such a dick to him as Dima's brother.

"I hope it's not some old pervert again," Misha blurted out before he could stop himself, and then he needed to somehow cover this gigantic slip-up. "I'm not going to save your ass every time you get in trouble," he added calmly. Joni could have killed him, that bastard! In front of Dima!

"Old pervert? Again?" Dima questioned, just like Joni had guessed he would. "Something I don't know about?"

"It's nothing," Joni hurried to say. "I just... had a bit of a situation, that's all. Your brother happened to be there." And for the first time since his arrival did Joni look at Misha more closely.

"And no, it's not," he hissed. "I do not need you saving me, thank you very much."

"That's great to hear," Misha snorted and got up, deciding not to continue with the topic.

"I'm gonna watch some tv now. If you need my help, I'll be in the living room," he said and left the room.

Joni could see the puzzled expression on Dima's face, the questions that burned his mind. So he tried his best to calm down and act normal. The last thing he needed was Dima to start asking questions on what was going on between him and Misha. He quickly changed the subject to Eva, which worked well enough. Dima loved every opportunity to talk about her and easily swallowed the bait of distraction fed to him.

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