6. And now I want you

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Misha's lips suddenly felt bone dry. He licked them as he swallowed the lump in his throat, gesturing carelessly in the direction of his bedroom.

"You know the way." Misha's voice came out gruff as he gave Joni the invitation, waiting to see what he would do. Would he accept it or reject it?

Joni watched him without moving, save for his heart which was beating with nervous excitement in his chest. Misha was finally looking at him in the way Joni had hoped for so long! This made him feel the desire he had thought to bury, rise and slowly overtake the whole of his being.

He considered his options. He could reject Misha, laugh, and say, 'In your dreams,' to get back at him for all those times Misha had ignored him, those times he had acted so arrogant around him and made him feel like a kid. But now. There was simply no denying his consuming crush on the older boy. He couldn't deny his curiosity to see where the night would take them. So he nodded, smiled a little, and moved past him to the direction of his room.

Joni pushed the door open and stepped into the darkness. Without switching on the light, he walked further in and looked towards the large window. The curtains were cast aside and the snow outside produced small visible light in.

As Misha followed him. He discovered that he was shamelessly ogling him, his butt, and his back, which... Ivo was right about, he had a cute butt. Joni stood in his room with his back still turned against him, gazing outside. Misha closed the door and blindly found the light switch on the wall, making the room alight.

At the sound of the door closing, Joni turned around.

"So ... we're here," Misha spoke and from a small distance, Joni looked at him, at the closed door behind them. He could still hear the noise from the party, people's laughter, but it was fading to his ears. They were alone.

"Here we are," Joni repeated, almost with a whisper. This felt new and exciting, something he shouldn't be doing, yet he couldn't find a clear enough reason to walk away. He felt curious about what would happen, of what could happen.

"And now you want me to...?" He let the question linger between them.

Misha suddenly felt hungry, hungrier than ever, and somehow he knew that the boy standing before him was the only one who could satisfy that hunger.

"Now I want you."

(Censored. Please read the full story here for free: inkitt.com/Kolgrim)

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