80. A toast for a better year -ending chapter-

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This time, the moving felt easier. He didn't feel like he was giving up on anything. He was simply going to stay with Misha, Ivo, and Jami, and all he needed to take with him were clothes, books, and personal hygiene equipment.

Though his father had wondered why things couldn't continue the way they were, with him living at home and dating Misha, in the end, he seemed to understand. Misha had gotten on Asko's good side and Joni thought they had probably bonded during their plotting against Chris. It didn't stop Asko from giving Misha 'The talk' before his move.

So basically it was just; You better treat my son well, and Misha assured him that of course, he would and then they drank a shot of brandy together, patting each other on the back. Joni wondered when his dad would stop treating him like a girl, why wasn't he offered a glass of brandy with them? Not that he liked that drink, but that wasn't the point! Misha had said that it was because he had already been sleeping at that point, but Joni still considered it a poor point, they could have woken him up! Misha then reminded him that he wouldn't have wanted to take the risk of waking him and then possibly getting his head bitten off.

When they started packing Joni's car on a Sunday morning, Misha was amazed at the quantity of his luggage that mainly, according to Joni, contained clothes. Even though the blond had made room for Joni's clothes in his wardrobe, he knew just by looking at the five full bags that they would never fit. Luckily there was Dima's room which, with their younger brother's blessing, Joni intended to use as his study room.

Joni also had his laptop and his high school books, pens, and calculator, everything one needed for studying. The whole Sunday went by arranging things, well, almost entirely arranging, it was easy to get sidetracked when Joni was involved. Misha tried to help with sorting out Joni's clothes, but it soon became clear that he was only in the way, apparently placing the clothes in the wrong order.

The brunet tried to explain to him about his order; there were casual clothes, school clothes, party clothes, and formal clothes, and they needed to have their shelves while Joni explained all this to him, Misha pretended to listen while finding something more interesting in his boyfriend's bags; his underwear. Deciding to be helpful, Misha started arranging the boxers on his bed, even folding them neatly.

"Do these have a designed purpose, too?" He asked with a grin. "I mean, casual and formal, party and... sex?" Misha couldn't help teasing the other man, after all, he even seemed to have underwear enough to last for at least a month or longer without having to do laundry. Joni glared at him, he was blushing slightly, though unsure why. He walked over to Misha and snatched a pair of tight black boxers from his hands.

"You just don't understand," he huffed and yelped when Misha pulled him over onto his lap.

"Don't I?" The blond whispered in his ear, gently kissing the earlobe while his hands hugged Joni's waist. Joni still held the boxers that had a red dragon on the side. "I haven't seen those on you yet," the older man whispered.

"Oh, there are lots you haven't seen," Joni grinned and pecked his lips softly, trying to get up to continue arranging, but Misha didn't let him. Joni snickered and Misha quickly pulled him onto the bed on his back, swinging the pile of underwear down onto the floor and out of the way.

"Hey!" Joni protested but released another snigger when Misha leaned closer to kiss him.

"Hey," the blond whispered in a husky voice. "Hey, roommate," he grinned and leaned in for another kiss. Joni relaxed underneath him and dropped the piece of underwear from his hand onto the floor with the rest bringing his hand up to Misha's hair, and the kiss continued gently. Misha's hand slowly moved the hem of his shirt upwards, breaking the kiss and gazing into his eyes and Joni could read the lust behind the blue orbs. "They are still packing Jami's stuff... They won't be back for a few hours..." Misha whispered and Joni grinned.

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