69. Talking

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Later after dinner Joni and Misha went upstairs into Joni's room. "Would you like to watch a movie?" Joni asked closing the door after him and Misha nodded absentmindedly, hands in his pockets and gazing out. Joni frowned; Misha had seemed oddly quiet the whole evening. "What would you like to watch?" He asked and the older man shrugged.

"Anything is fine..." Misha replied and took a seat down on the bed seeming to be lost in his thoughts.

"Mary Poppins?" Joni suggested just to see if Misha listened and the blond nodded.

"Yeah," he replied, resting his chin on his arms. Joni rolled his eyes.

"You seriously think I would want to watch that?"

"What?" Misha asked and brought his gaze up to him.

"Okay, what's wrong with you?" Joni asked.

"Nothing, just choose the film. I feel a little thirsty, I'll get us some soda, okay?" Misha smiled and got up, not waiting for an answer as the blond left the room. Joni looked after him feeling confused, something was up with Misha and he didn't know what.

For a moment Joni considered actually getting some silly cartoon or children's DVD from his sister's room just to see if Misha would comment on his peculiar choice. In the end, he however chose not to and decided on watching Rat Race, a comedy that was sure to make him laugh.

He set everything ready and waited, just as he thought Misha was taking too long with the soda and was about to go and see what was taking him, Misha's cell phone started to ring over the table where he had left it.

Feeling curious, Joni decided to just take a glance at who the caller was; Rauno. Sounded like some old man's name, could it be someone from Misha's work? He wondered and decided to leave it. The caller seemed persistent however and after letting it ring for several times, he called again. The ringtone was also different from Misha's usual; this tone was so annoying that Joni finally decided to answer.

"Misha's phone, Joni speaking."

"Oh... Hi... eh... Is Misha there?" The confused yet oddly youthful voice asked.

"No, not at the moment, he should be back soon though, is it something urgent?" Joni asked and sat on his bed.

"Well...er..." There was a long pause and Joni heard some whispers and music from the background. He waited for a proper answer and rolled his eyes, was this guy some idiot?


"Who are you again?" The voice asked.

"Misha's boyfriend," and again there were whispers in the background, he distantly heard his name being mentioned to someone and also; Misha's new boyfriend followed by another long pause.

"Just tell him to call back to me!" The other snapped and hung up. Joni blinked and put the cell phone away, Misha had idiotic friends obviously. He took a magazine and laid down on his bed to read and wait for Misha's return.

Misha entered the room with two glasses of coke after talking to Asko. The man had told him about the meeting with Chris and how unstable and obsessed he considered Joni's ex to be. They both agreed that something needed to be done and that proceeding to locate Joni's cousin was the best alternative for now.

Joni lay on his bed over his stomach and glanced at him from over his shoulder.

"Some guy called Rauno called and asked you to call back. I only answered because the ringtone was so annoying and he kept calling repeatedly." Misha cursed silently, walked closer, and set the glasses on the table. "Rauno, it sounds like some old guy's name, but his voice sounded young," Joni continued, lifting a questioning brow before slowly sitting up. "He also didn't seem too happy when I said I'm your boyfriend. Who is he?"

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