55. Desire

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"I wonder if you know just what you got yourself into," the brunet grinned, settled his glass on the ground, leaning forward and supporting himself with his hands as he kissed Misha's lips softly.

"Come, let's go inside," Misha smiled and offered his hand to Joni to help him stand up, together they walked back to the house. "Now, you can just sit and relax while I will make dinner." He smiled and kissed Joni's cheek, glancing at his bare chest quickly.

"Can't I help?" Joni asked, leaning closer, arms wrapping around him.

"I want to spoil you this evening," Misha whispered huskily, his hand reaching to caress Joni's cheek.

"I thought you considered me spoiled enough..." Joni whispered in return, brushing lips against Misha's looking up into his eyes.

"No... I think... I think I would like to be the one to indulge, pamper or spoil you," Misha's hand moved to Joni's hair, the brunette still didn't have his shirt on and he craved to touch him more thoroughly.

"Then indulge me with the pleasure of cooking with you," Joni asked, a soft smile gracing his full lips. Even the tone of his voice sounded sexy and suggestive to Misha's ears. "And first pamper me with a proper kiss." It could not be denied; Misha leaned forward catching Joni's lips in a slow gentle kiss.

"This evening I won't deny any of your wishes," Misha promised and Joni grinned at this.

"You don't know what you got yourself into..." The younger man snickered and stole another kiss.

"I am not afraid," Misha smiled. "Now, you can dress your shirt back on and then come into the kitchen with me." Joni slowly let go, cocking his eyebrow.

"So, no naked cooking, huh?" He joked and smiled at the slightly shocked expression that formed on the blond's face. "I guess it could be dangerous...You know, getting skin burns and all." Joni grinned and turned towards the stairs, almost snickering on the way. Misha did want him!

Misha took a deep breath before entering the kitchen, this was going to be a HARD evening, Joni's behavior certainly was confusing, but surely he could not be over what Chris had done. Or could he? Misha hoped that he could, but still, he knew it was dangerous to venture that path just yet.

Joni returned with a whole new outfit, looking sexy as ever, only the very light bruises on his arms and cheek could remind what had happened three weeks earlier. "What are we cooking?" The younger man asked walking closer to him.

"Beef, garlic potatoes, and fresh salad," Misha replied. "There's not much to do anymore, the potatoes are in the oven, the beef needs to be cooked and the salad needs to be cut."

"I can do the cutting," Joni offered. "Can I have a drink?"

"Sure, what would you like?"

"Wine please," Misha poured both of them a glass and then got the salad ingredients out from the cool closet. "We can do this together," Joni whispered while starting to cut the cucumber into pieces. "You can help me to cut even pieces," he added and glanced at Misha over his shoulder. "Show me," he smiled, managing to look almost innocent as he held the knife and the cucumber over the chopping board.

"Show you? Just cut whatever size you'd like..." Misha chuckled confused.

"I might hurt myself," Joni said tilting his head and Misha gulped as he got the idea. Hesitantly he walked closer, standing behind the shorter man who smiled and looked up. Misha brought his hand closer to Joni's which held the knife, his other reaching on top of the one holding the cucumber, he studied Joni's face carefully to see if such closeness would bring signs of discomfort, and he saw none.

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