57. The date (part 1)

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Ivo & Jami

"You are worse than any woman I know," Sonja sighed and sipped a glass of wine while watching him. Jami, who now checked his appearance from the mirror for what must have been at least the tenth time, snorted at her comment.

"You just don't understand; this man is divine! And it's very important that I look okay," he said, brushing his hands over his clothes, giving a critical eye to his reflection.

"Honey, you don't look okay, you look perfect, okay? Just relax, the clothes are fine, your hair is fine, everything is fine." Sonja smiled and stood up approaching him. "You will have a wonderful evening I'm sure," she said, stopping next to him. Jami turned to her.

"So this is fine? Or was the previous outfit better?" He asked, eyeing her expectantly. Sonja laughed.

"Jami! They were all looking good on you!" She answered grinning and Jami frowned, turning back to face the mirror.

"I still have one more outfit to choose from, perhaps I should..."

"No!" Sonja almost shrieked. "No more trying on clothes, keep those, you look sexy in those, okay?"

"Okay, if you are sure?" Jami asked and his friend nodded grinning.

"I am. Now, take a glass of wine and try to relax." She said and walked to the kitchen to get him the said glass. "What is it about this guy anyway? I've never seen you like this before."

Jami took a seat down on the couch and thanked her when receiving the glass of wine from her. "He's just so... mmm... "

"Mmm?" She giggled.

"Yeah, you'd understand if you would see him," Jami nodded.

"I thought you once said that you would never sleep with another Russian again, after that one guy... Remember, how you went on and on how they just fuck you and leave you cold, act all macho and... straight?" Sonja took a seat down next to him looking at him carefully. Jami waved his hand.

"It was ages ago. Besides, you can't judge a whole nation because of one person. I did have the right to be upset though that guy was a jerk! I mean honestly, he just got his fun out of it and didn't even bother to try and get me off, it was like; thank you, and goodbye! – Selfish prick." Jami fumed at the memory and took a sip of his glass. "Hm... I forgot what his name was though..."

Sonja chuckled. "You are such a slut," she teased.

"Hey! I object! And you are in no position to judge me."

"You are right, we are both sluts," Sonja nodded. "And his name was Pavel by the way."

"You keep a book of the men I've slept with? That's creepy by the way." Jami snorted. "And okay... I do remember his name, I've just tried my best to forget," he sighed then eyeing his wine glass. "And I'm not a slut, not anymore; it was when I was naïve and young, easily fooled... Wild days of the youth..." Jami sighed.

"Yeah, we're so fucking old now, huh?"

"Nah... Just... " Jami shrugged and glanced at her. "I haven't had sex in ten months," he whispered. "What if I have forgotten how?"

"Sex is like driving a bicycle..." Sonja answered without much thought and sipped her wine before almost choking on it. "Wait, what? ten months?! How the hell did that happen?"

"It's been my own choice," Jami answered and rolled his eyes at his friend. "Ever since what's his face..." He muttered and took another sip.

"Karri," Sonja said the name, and Jami sighed.

"Yeah... I'm just tired and I want a relationship, a proper relationship... I'm a little worried though, Ivo is bi and... I dunno it would be just my luck to later find out that he like... has a wife and family in Russia... Something like that... And I'm so sick of married men."

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